Butch Erskine

Jul 16, 20202 min

Thursday Zoom Rally - July 16, 2020 - 7 PM (1900) EST

Fellow Patriots,

We are now in week 14 of the Hope for Survival Virtual Zoom Preparedness rallies. As we continue to move through July, I continually reflect back over the past 14 weeks to the growth and bonding that has taken place between the Patriots attending. Learning, sharing, communicating and building. It is great seeing friendships develop. One comment made by an attendee is "I wish we could have a large piece of land where we all could be located to build preparedness plans together and work together in our mutual goals." These folks did not know one another fourteen weeks ago.

One of the areas we have focused on is team building and leadership. Someone has to be a leader in every home and community. To develop on leadership we have been conducting training briefs from attending members to help individuals gain confidence and learn to speak in front of others (virtually). If one can't speak before others and convince them of the information being shared, how will they ever lead a family or community during a crisis? Especially when times are tense and stress is increased.

This weeks Zoom will include a weekly news update, a few preparedness topics on water storage and boiling water. We then go in to the group "chitter chatter" time where all attendees participate together on topics of interest they table. This is a great time together.

If you would like to attend the HFS Zoom Virtual Rally, otherwise known as Zoom Aerobics, please shoot me an email and let me know you wish to attend. I will then send you the link, Username and Password for entry to the meeting.

Hope to see ya on Thursday.


Bravo Echo Out

