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Patriot Express News Letter Edition #29

Fellow Patriots,

Good morning!!! Happy Saturday everyone. Hope you are all well as we meet again. So much news and so little time and space to share it.

Wow, what a drastic weather change here in North Bama. Seventy to thirty five degrees in 24 hours. I love it. I'm hoping to get Ms. Lucy out on the firing range this morning. If you have never tried it, you may want to do so. It is a different feeling trying to operate a firearm and get the slide back with cold stiff hands and fingers. It is also more difficult for many to conduct magazine reloads. Just saying...

Thank you for stopping by and sharing your time to check out the Patriot Express News Letter. Your time is never taken for granted so we are blessed that you share it with us. Thanks for your emails and shared information. I enjoy hearing from you and communicating thoughts through the week. I was a bit slow responding back this week so please accept my apology.

This coming week another new guest contributor will provide her opening article for your

reading pleasure. Please welcome Gypsy Trailblazer to our Patriot family. She will provide articles on Preparedness that focuses a lot on animals. As her time permits she will also provide short weekly "Tidbits" of information.

With that said... the world awaits us...let's get moving....

(Reader advisory - This site, the author/owner and the contents of this site are for reading pleasure only. Hopefully you will find something of interest along the way. We are NOT responsible for your feelings, happy or sad. As always, avoid fear porn, take what you want, throw away the rest and apply to your own preparedness as you see fit. Keep one foot grounded always. Earthly speaking, the only thing we know for certain is how prepared we are. Hope to see you on the other side.)

Thoughts for the Week -

One of my personal steps in preparedness is observing, reading, monitoring, discussing, and often filing information away for possible compilation with multiple articles on the topic. A lesson I learned years ago was to take the topic and read the points and then decide the value of the story. This is where I started labeling some information as fear porn. Sometimes the topic has merit but the fear mongering by the author detracted from the point of the article. I also watch for a specific topic to gain strength from the alt-right media and then maybe or maybe not gain strength from the national media. The specific topic I want to point out, and I have included it in past news-letters, is the topic of a Civil War II (CW II). This week I have located 21 different articles on the topic and I'm sure many more exist. I haven't decide if some are joining in the drum beating off of other sites, or if these are actually sites believing the probability of it happening. But, when mainstream starts talking the same topic, doing polling, and continually beating the fear drum my alert meter changes from green to amber. Have you noticed the number of mainstream media outlets now selling survival foods? Have you ever heard the saying, true or not, "if they say it enough and continue to repeat it, it must be true"? Think about that. I like to remind myself of the famous quote by Sun Tzu - " If you know your enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles." Just saying...


Anyone else watching the federal numbers? As in debt? Growth...or lack of growth? What is being shipped and not shipped internationally? And, the amount of money the feds are pumping in to the banking system nightly the past month or more? The banks are having a major liquidity problem and reports vary but the federal government is pumping between $75 billion to $120 billion dollars per night. Why at night and where is the money going? Don't get confused, this is not the plunge team pumping money in to the stock market. This is in banking. I want to watch and see if the numbers increase next week after the 3rd quarter economic report was released yesterday at 1.9 percent growth in the quarter. Now this is better than a negative rate, however it is concerning from the perspective of how many Americans are living off credit cards, the number of Americans who are delinquent on credit card payments, and the amount of money being pumped in to the banks for lending. Lastly, the Feds just lowered the interest rates for the 3rd time in 2019. Yes, things could be much worse. I'm just saying keep your eyes and ears open to what is below the surface.


Do you ever watch and wonder "what if" that was me? My family? My home or neighborhood? What would "I" do? It's like being an armchair quarterback, except not with sports and with disasters. It seems every year we watch parts of California burn up. But, it could be anyplace. Remember how I suggest to focus on the effect and not the cause? As bad as the California are, what effect would they have on you if you lived in the area? Being evacuated? Maybe losing your home and resources? Having health and breathing problems? Being able to financially evacuate and start over? What if you are at work and your family is at home when the immediate evacuation order is announced, do you have a Family Communication Plan in place? The evacuation is implemented, utilities and cell towers are down and you have no clue where your family is now located. A Family Communication Plan will identify the location your family will rally at in the event of an evacuation or Bug Out event. Are you prepared?


I don't have a date yet but sometime in November and December I will be taking part in a joint interview on WTKI AM 1450 AM and 105.3 FM radio show here in Huntsville to discuss Preparedness in today's environment. I will be interviewed along with one of our Patriot brothers here in the Huntsville area. Normally I would have declined for OPSEC reasons but I do believe spreading the word on Preparedness is part of the learning, sharing, communicating, training, and team building process. Each interview will be about one hour and it will probably be at 7 AM CST on a Saturday. If you have any desire to listen in on the Preparedness discussion you can use this link, on your internet provider. I'm not sure yet if there is a podcast type set up where you can go listen at a later time. I realize many of you will be getting ready for lunch at 7 AM (wink) so if you want some preparedness discussion with your samich and chips, tune in.


Imagine, you live in a country where you are being investigated for a crime that you did or didn't commit. Every witness says you are guilty and did do what you are being investigated for. You are not allowed to call witnesses to refute or argue the point. You are guilty as charged and the recommendation is you be removed. Sounds crazy huh. Sounds like some of the third world nations I used to spend time working and witnessing these crazy things like I described. Imagine, this is now happening in America. It's not about the person being accused. It's about due process. We are protected. So we thought. I don't know about you, but for me, watching this Washington fiasco is a sad week in my lifetime. The fact that any elected official, regardless of political party, would subvert the law of the land...the U.S. Constitution, in this way for political party gain, concerns me. Like a former military brother used to say "a nation's strength and stability is only as strong as the gum holding it together."

Next .....

Heads Up to anyone located in or passing through Connecticut - The state now has firearm sniffing dogs..... .

Okay, let's move ahead...

Preparedness News -

1. From Bethany Hayes - - Ho-Ho-Ho it's that time of year once again. Yes, Santa is not far behind but winter will be here first. Are you ready? If you prepare in general, preparing for winter should not take much effort. Just don't forget to convert your clothing from summer to winter.

2. From Arsenio Toldeo - Natural News - - You are two weeks in to your SHTF situation and your door bell rings. You go to the door and find five family members looking hungry, cold and tired. You had no warning they would show up since they live 60 miles away in another town. You've heard rumors of disease outbreaks happening. But, this is family. What is your plan? Can you turn them away or will you break and let them in your home?

3. From Bob Rodgers - Preppers Will - - Knowing and understanding your offensive and defensive weaponry, ranges, and what they will not only do for you, but what they will do against you, is critical.

4. From Ann Armbrecht - Numen Blog - - Excellent and very informative if you are wanting to learn more on herbs.

5. From Survival Life - - Quiet, cheap, doesn't waste ammo and one can snare multiple animals at once.

6. From Michael Snyder - The Economic Collapse - - This article reconfirms previous post on Hope For Survival regarding the global issue with pork supplies which could drive a protein shortage. To make matters worse we still face an ongoing African Swine Fever outbreak killing millions of pigs globally.

7. From Simon Black - Sovereign Man - For some reason the link is down so you can get the intent of the article at this link - - You will have to scroll down about 1/10 of the page for the actual article. Sorry. The discussion is on Chile and the ongoing civil strife that is ongoing. Here is another article on the same topic by Patrick J. Buchanan discussing Chile and Democracy. If you aren't up to speed on Chile you may want to check it out. Once the most stable country in Latin America, Chile now facing civil strife, death and a growing anger towards Democracy. Just a reminder to anyone wondering...we are not a Democracy. We are a Republic. The point to take from the two articles is not the battle between the right and left, but notice how quick a calm society can erupt to chaos. Don't get trapped in it.

8. From Dave Workman - Conservative Firing Line - - Over the weeks I have talked about the 2nd Amendment, taxes, and states and cities moving left in the battle to take away your rights to own or possess firearms. In an early posting of the Patriot Express Newsletter I noted the thought of officials going after gun parts and ammo. Most cities in America are cash strapped and looking for any way to find additional funding to pay for their "free" programs. The question is, what took them so long to start heavily taxing firearm purchases, ammo and parts? I'm surprised this hasn't already taken a foot hold nationally.

9. From Frank and Fern - - Bottom line, if you have no food , you die.

10. From Bayou Renaissance Man - - This should not come as a surprise but for those who post pictures of weaponry on the internet, take note of this article.

Other worthy news from the week ...

1. From Raymond Ibrahim - Tatestone Institute - - Cameroon, Nigeria, Indonesia, Egypt, Pakistan, Iran, Somali, Algeria, Turkey... This didn't start yesterday. This has been ongoing for years and is growing. Funny thing is, one place it didn't happen and you don't see the country on the list is in Syria under Assad. Wonder why that is? It was very clear to anyone in Syria, Christians are hands off. Just saying...

2. From Caitlin Johnstone - Medium - - I have to wonder what took so long. Let's see, maybe the first clue was the decontamination teams not wearing chemical suits while hosing down those exposed? Or, was it the pre-staged participants who stood around while others acted like their pants may have been on fire? There was lots of alternative media reporting the staged attacks got filmed prior the live news feeds reporting the chemical attacks live. If you haven't been following this story, this is a good read.

3. From Tyler Durden and Nauman Sadiq - Zero Hedge - - Psychological Operations is a wonder thing, if you are on the good guys side. One of the clues could have been why would we announce pulling out of the region and leave just a hand full of advisers to support the Kurds who guarded the oil fields in the region, yet here at home announce we would be sending a fairly large package of heavy armor back to the region? Back in my former life working in Special Operations we had a saying that probably remains, "Tip of the Spear....So Others May Live."

4. From Finian Cunningham - Strategic Culture Foundation - Link through - In the past the one with the truth was often destroyed or cut off from speaking truth to power. I do believe ears and eyes are opening up. Especially with internet access. One must be able to separate lies from truth and make their own decisions.

5. From Alain Destexhe - The Gatestone Institute - Have you been to France in the past ten years? Paris? What a beautiful city, especially at night. I visited Paris twice but after Ms. Lucy and I visited Paris in 2007, it has not been a location non my radar I want to visit again. At least not under the current movement and direction. Between my first visit in 1999 and 2007 the level of change was very noticeable. The architecture beauty remained, however a lot of graffiti sprayed over the historic monuments and stone work covering blocks of the city. No Go Zones had started to pop up in 2007 where French police did not and could not respond to calls because Shariah was being practiced and was the rule of law, enforced within (hardly). Pan out from France and see the same movements in England, German, Switzerland, .....

6. From Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - - If you have been reading the Patriot Express along the way, this will come as no surprise as I have been writing on this topic for weeks. The question is, if Turkey follows through and makes this purchase will NATO then expel or eliminate Turkey in the NATO club? I do believe the Turkey status in or out of NATO will hinge on which fighter jet ends up in Turkey, the US F-25 or the Russian SU-57. Time will tell.

7. From Whitney Webb - MintPress News - - Imagine, a knock at your door and a warrant is provided (maybe) to take in your spouse or teen child. The officer then briefs you that under a new US program that identifies potential active shooters before they shoot, a national disruption and early engagement program, the teen or spouse has been identified through a tip or internet activity deemed to be a possible problem. Ding, Ding, you are now in the system. Thank you, neighbor. Thank you friend for sending me that video I never opened or watched.

8. From Jim - Jim's Blog - - Excellent article. Very thought provoking that will leave one going hmmm.

9. From Brett Stevens - Amerika - - These articles keep getting deeper and deeper, huh?

10. From - - I don't think it can be spelled out any clearer than this article states it.

11. From Paul Craig Roberts - Paul Craig - - I often wonder to what depths the American people realize what is taking place behind the scenes ...or if they even care.

12. From John Whitehead - The Rutherford Institute - - "Fear Makes People Stupid" is so on target it needs no further description. The minority controls the majority. We are a society going through the motions with our eyes closed simply trying to survive while the minority moves our brains and actions like a chess board. The backbone of America, the middle class, is tired and worn down. It won't be long until the middle class earns a new title, the poor and unable. Yes, the minority rules the majority and we the people continue to allow it.

13. From Martin Armstrong - Armstrong Economics - - Weekly Global update from Martin.

Okay my Patriot friends, you have reached the end. Thanks for your time to check out the weekly newsletter. Stay safe this week. We are approaching the winter season before long and folks should be checking their vehicles for winter safety and care. I will be posting a series on winter preparedness shortly.

Don't forget to rotate your seasonal clothing in your Bug Out Bags.

Please keep our fellow brothers and sisters in your prayers. Several folks are battling health issues or dealing with a spouse or family member with major health issues. Prayers are powerful and I know these folks would appreciate them much. Thanks!!!

Keep charging and have a great weekend and week.


Bravo Echo Out

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