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Patriot Express Newsletter Edition #118

Greetings and welcome to the Patriot Express Newsletter Edition #118. Thanks for stopping by to share your time with the Hope for Survival family. We don't spend a lot of time on politics because our mission is preparing individuals and families to achieve a preparedness level to be self-reliant. Besides, nothing I say about Washington D.C. really matters does it? I would rather invest my time and energy in you and the Patriots around you.

We had a great luncheon in Waynesville, NC last Friday with about 25 HFS Patriots gathering to break bread and bond together. It is always such an honor to be a part of these rallies and spend time with God fearing Constitutionalist. Thanks to everyone who attended.

Thursday Zoom Rallies – HFS Thursday Zoom Rally #60 This Zoom rally covered building the Family Communication Plan, the ongoing culture war in South Africa, and discussion on some executive orders and how they could impact your life. We ended the zoom rally with the weekly chatter that matters session. HFS welcomed several new Patriots to the group. Thanks for your support and attending this weekly event.

Hope for Survival YouTube - If you haven't already subscribed to the page, please consider doing so. This informs you when HFS post a new video. Spend some time going through the videos. You will find many helpful videos on canning, food preparedness, security and defense in depth, firearm safety discussions with Festus and Jager, another with Dewey Weaver from American Pride Firearms, as well as many other podcast. Thanks for your consideration. Share the link with family and friends. Thanks to everyone who subscribed in the past week.

HFS Mobile Schedule:

July 15/16 - Cannon Memorial Baptist Church, Central S.C. - Rescheduled to January 2022

July 25 - Preparedness Training - Black Mountain, NC

August 27/28 - Monticello, KY

Communications: You can now follow HFS social media on the following outlets:

Facebook – Hope for Survival

YouTube Channel – Hope for Survival

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Connect and give me a shout. Share with family and friends.

Moving along …

If you are a guest or newcomer to the HFS journey, please check out this link for additional information offered through HFS.

We must make this brief public announcement to protect the innocent.

Ding, Ding, Ding....Attention HFS readers..... Opinions shared in this newsletter are just that, opinions, and nothing more. Read at your own risk. The owner and author of this site is not responsible for hurt feelings or thin-skinned readers. I do my best to show restraint and respect to the best extent possible. I take as many precautions as possible and try to remain as nonpolitical as possible, however, there are times when I just can't help but point certain things out. Occasionally I use words only Patriots recognize and understand. It's not personal against any non-Patriot. It's just the truth. Sometimes we must pull up our spenders and suck it up. Just saying. Stay the course, read what you want, and avoid the rest. Avoid fear porn as much as possible and the day will be okay. When all else fails… Keep the faith and always have Hope.

Let’s move along and get to some thoughts...

Thoughts for the week

Over the past week or two several Patriots mentioned not being sure how to accomplish the Family Communication Plan. This plan is different from a Tactical Communication Plan. The Family Communication Plan is a plan that will be initiated when initial events kick off that requires a family, team, group, tribe or node to start their pre-planned steps to bring people together at a pre-determined location or rally point. This could be at a central home location or a pre-determined rally point. Regardless of location, steps must be in place to ensure everyone arrives to the pre-determined location as planned. You do not want your team members roaming about a region on routes that are not known to the plan or team. If someone has problems, gets lost, or is kidnapped and the team has no clue to their location.

When the plan is practiced regularly problems can be identified pre-event and resolved then vs when the incident is taking place. It could be to late at this point. If communication capabilities are lost and you have no method to communicate you want to have pre-determined routes and when possible, landmarks marked by the person in transit to allow anyone searching for the person to know the last location the person can be tracked. Marking a tree, a sign, a pole or post, in the vicinity so the searching party can locate it. In some cases a search team may not be possible initially.

Remember, not all disasters or events are SHTF type events. Natural disasters could occur while planning for a SHTF type event. Depending on the region you live, you could endure a major fire, ice storm, hurricane, flooding, snow storm and other type events.

Here are some steps to consider when accomplishing your plan:

• Things to identify before starting your plan. Remember, plan for natural, manmade, and technological disasters

• Persons the plan will apply (family, friends and/or neighbors)

• Out of town contact (this is your central point who everyone will contact to say they are okay)

• Meeting place: Neighborhood and Regional

• Home Security System Information: Company Name and Number, Code

• Key numbers: Family, out of town contact, locations family members may be

• If a member of the plan attends school, where is the school evacuation location

• Other important numbers/Info

• Police #

• Fire #

• Poison Control #

• Doctor(s) #

• Pediatrician #

• Dentist #

• Hospital #

• Pharmacy #

• Veterinarian #

• Kennel #

• Electric Company #

• Water Company #

• Gas Company #

Plan Basics

• With whom will you need to communicate?

• What method will you use to communicate with them?

• When will you communicate with them? How often?

• Who? Your immediate family and those in your group.

• What methods will you use to communicate? Use tools which you have had regular practice with such as phone, text, CB radio, ham radio, land-marks, a human runner, hand and arm signals, satellite phone, GMRS ….

• Communication plans are for all phases of your plans and must adjust accordingly.

• When will you communicate? Consider a schedule.

• Example: Set up a schedule for those who are mobile to attempt to keep contact with those who are at home once every hour. Determine in advance when the attempts are to take place, such as at half past every hour. If you have multiple teams mobile, consider a different time within the hour for each team.

The P.A.C.E Plan

P = Primary – Represents the first communication plan to use. Should be the method that is most likely to succeed on the first attempt as well as the easiest for all to use.

A = Alternate – If the primary means of communication isn’t working, this is your backup plan. Ideally, it will be almost as good as your primary method in terms of both ease of use and likelihood of success.

C = Contingency – If both the primary and alternate methods aren’t working, you’ll implement Plan C.

E = Emergency – If all else fails, this is what you’ll do. This is the last resort when all bets are off and you’re desperately trying to get in touch with someone.

• Go through the P.A.C.E process for each family or group member and determine the means of communication available under your circumstance. Bottom line is to determine who is in charge and how you will reach out to each person.

Actual P.A.C.E. Plan

• Example – A family of four, dad (Bob), mom (Susan), daughter (Sally) and son (Ted) build a communication plan using the PACE format. Here is how it would look.

Contact – Dad (Age 55)

• P = Text Message

• A = Phone Call

• C = Email to Gmail Account

• E = Depending on the circumstances, either drive to work place for face-to-face or leave a note at his car to communicate. Remember, this is the emergency component of your plan.

Contact – Mom (Age 53)

• P = Phone Call

• A = Email

• C = Text

• E = Depending on circumstances, visit work location for face-to-face

Contact – Daughter (Age 17)

• P = Text

• A = Phone Call

• C = Email

• E = Identified neighbor (Pre-identified neighbor who family has entrusted in their plan or pre-identified location in home or property to direct person to find hidden instruction on what to do.}

Contact – Son (Age 15)

• P = Text

• A = Email

• C = Phone Call

• E = Identified neighbor (Pre-identified neighbor who family entrusted in their plan or pre-identified location in home or property to direct person to find hidden instructions on what to do.}

Crisis Communication Plan Hub

• A crisis communication hub should be included within your Communication Plan to be contacted immediately after a disaster. The hub person will serve as a backup to your attempts to contact family member’s directions.

• The goal has everything to do with rallying the troops and to ensure everyone in your immediate family and group is safe and secure. Bottom line - you will have to identify a “trusted agent” outside your family who doesn’t live in your local area.

• The person should be reliable and familiar with several forms of communication such as texting, email, cell phones, and possibly ham and CB radio. They should be internet savvy with strong search skills from an internet provider. Aunt Cricket may not be a good candidate if she is always calling with internet problems and also claimed her grand prize from the Kenyan lottery.

• Consider a candidate where a major disaster likely wouldn’t strike.

Four Phases of Emergency Communication

Personal Communication – when you are communicating with a person that is visible in front of you. Does not include Skype or other types of live chat.

• If you need to communicate with someone in person, you have to set up a time and place for them to be.

One time event – You have a time and place set up in advance.

Periodic Event – Requires same information as “One Time Event” but is set up as reoccurring.

Conditional Event – Not time based. Based around circumstances. Birth of a child. Next rain storm. Conditions are based on the specifics of the event.

Impersonal Communication – Communicating with someone who is at a different place. Like, leaving a note on your spouse pillow. Or, leaving instructions for a second person to come to a place at a given date and time.

Telecommunication – Using any form of electromagnetic spectrum such as cell phones, ham radios, CB Radios, and as simple as flashing a flashlight or the head lights of a vehicle.

Coded Communication – Using a preset text or symbols understood between the sender and receiver.

NOTE: Develop a few code words and have the coded words in your plan from the start.

• The “If-All-Else-Fails” communication plan. You should set up a plan in case all hell breaks loose, and your other plans completely fall apart, or something happens that your communication plan didn’t consider.

• You need a fallback plan.

• Imagine the worst-case TEOTWAWKI scenario; cell phone usage goes out, traffic is jammed everywhere, roadblocks are set up, whatever. You need ways to communicate. You need several contingency plans. This should all be covered in your overall emergency, bug-out or SHTF plan but there should be an emergency communications element to it.

• Brainstorm different scenarios where typical communication is gone and you can’t travel to where you wanted to according to your plan, and your family/friends are spread out to unknown locations. What will you do? Set up a system to get hold of everyone. In this case you need to use several methods because you don’t know what the situation is for anyone else until you establish communications.

Family Emergency Plan (Sample)

Make sure your family plan has a plan in case of an emergency. Fill out index cards and give one to each member of your family to make sure they know who to call and where to meet in case of an emergency.

Card 1- Family Emergency Plan (Make as many cards as required for your family members)

• Emergency Contact Name:

• Out-of-Town Contact Name:

• Telephone:

• Neighborhood Meeting Place:

• Telephone:

• Other Important Information:

• Call 911 for Emergencies (If applicable)

Card 2- Family Emergency Plan (Make as many cards as required for your family members)

• Emergency Contact Name:

• Out-of-Town Contact Name:

• Telephone:

• Neighborhood Meeting Place:

• Telephone:

• Other Important Information:

• Call 911 for Emergencies (If applicable)

Card 3- Family Emergency Plan (Make as many cards as required for your family members)

• Emergency Contact Name:

• Out-of-Town Contact Name:

• Telephone:

• Neighborhood Meeting Place:

• Telephone:

• Other Important Information:

• Call 911 for Emergencies (If applicable)

Plan(s) Name = Bama/Festus

Route A = Plan Choo-Choo (Chattanooga)/Route B = See you at the “Cross” (Crossville, TN)

A + 10 = A = First Day of travel if on foot/10 ='s miles to travel/(Each letter denotes a day or

E + 50 = E would denote 5 days/ 50 would denote distance traveled

J + 100 =

O + 150 =

T + 200 =

X + 250 =

Z + 270 =

Blondie – The Tide is High (Departing)

Wilson Picket – Midnight Hour (Hour of Departure)

TDN – “One” (How many in package) P.A.C.E.

1 = Text Message

2 = Cell Phone

3 = Email

4 = Landmark (Failsafe – Leave mark at each stopping point)

You can use Google Earth to map your trip and indicate pre-planned stopping points.


You can use a simple overhead map of the area.

Your map may be less complicated than the maps above since most groups and families are within a shorter range of travel. The methodology remains the same.

Think about this, if your spouse or loved one is fifteen miles from home and the world changes while you are apart, wouldn't you want to have a plan in place in the event you lose contact and need to search for them?

Ensure you have a primary and alternate plan minimal. If you are in transit and must travel through high crime areas or have a need to cross water in December, what is your plan to avoid the water? Does your spouse or team leader know the plan and where to look for you?

I hope this gives you a good starting point to develop your Family Communication Plan to bring peace to your mind while you are apart from one another. If your Emergency Plan includes ten people and eight of the team mates are spread out, how will your plan work out if they never make it to your house? Now what? Your plan requires ten and you have two. Now what?


I was talking to my buddy Wilson this week and he shared how he had been on vacation recently checking out some bug out property over in Clayton, GA. He really liked the area and stated he is considering moving his nest that way. He then asked me what was going on with the world. He pointed out how over 45 churches in Canada had been attacked and destroyed without Canadian Government protection. He also pointed out the ongoing threats against Christians in Tanzania. We then discussed the cultural war in South Africa and then transition to domestic issue in America.

Wilson asked me what else was on my mind and I shared a critical observation from my point of view. I was sharing how over the past several years during preparedness discussions, training, listening to podcast and other preparedness platforms, I kept reading and hearing how "they better not fire up the Patriots or else." On another platform I read "if they keep on pushing they will get what they deserve." This went on for months. No, several years. Today I hear "if they show up in my neighborhood or on my porch with a needle to give me the jab they will get a response they really do not want." I asked Wilson if these Patriots are trying to get motivated to react or simply convince their mind of something.

Wilson wanted to know why I believed the same people who stood back and watched the crazy responses and reactions take place the past few years would do anything different when the Feds shows up on the porch of American citizens to give the jab. Wilson also reminded me of the 500 plus American Patriots being held in a federal jail in solitary confinement without due process and yet no effort is being made to defend and protect our Constitution. With a rattling laugh as the nuts vibrated in his jaws, Wilson stated he had yet witnessed any Patriots journey from their nest any further than the two miles Wilson's buddies sometimes journey from their nest.

I ended the discussion by stating I do believe most of these Patriots are great Americans and Patriots no doubt. I wonder if the issue we are witnessing is a lack of leadership and knowing what to do, because its all new to many. Maybe.

Okay, lets move along to the news…

Preparedness News

1. From Mediavine - Old World Garden Farms - The Best Way To Tie Up Tomato Plants - And The Best Material To Use! ( - Very good article on managing tomatoes. Have you ever visited your garden to find your tomato plant laying over on the ground? How did you fix it?

2. From Linda Loosli - Food Storage Moms - Family Documents: What You Need - Food Storage Moms - Have you prepared your family football bag? Your emergency files to protect your family in every manner of life. I cover this in my first book. In the world we live today, imagine an event tomorrow that wipes your identification

3. From Rich M. - Ask A Prepper - If You Have A Generator, Do This Immediately - Ask a Prepper - Good information for generator owners. Check it out.

4. From Linda Loosli - Food Storage Moms - Orange Peels: 15 Ways to Use Them - Food Storage Moms - This could come in handy if you have access to fresh oranges. If the SHTF and you aren't in Florida or California, well, we can always dream, right? Or, we could start stocking up the orange peel now can't we?

5. From Prep Daily - Prep School Daily: What to Do with Flour Gone Bad - Have you ever given this much thought? I have not. But, after reading this article my perspective on aged flour has changed.

6.. From Next Step Survival - Building YOUR Realistic Preparedness Action Plan - Next Step Survival - No 1!!! The No 1 deficiency I continue finding in family preparedness planning is plans. Any kind of plans. What is your plan for food? Security? Communications? Bugging Out? Alternative plans for back up water and power? How about evacuating your home? Want me to continue?

Other News

1. From Steve McCann American Thinker - So Much Evidence that January 6, 2021 was a Calculated Set-Up - American Thinker - I continue to find so many articles on the Jan 6 set up of our Patriot brothers. So many opinions and shared thoughts yet so little action to date. Where are the Patriot politicians being paid to represent the people of this great nation? It doesn't matter if they are democrat or republican. They are elected to protect the rights of all citizens. They are not doing so. A citizen being held against their will without due process should be immediately released. They are being held in solitary confinement 23 hours per day.

2. From Paul Joseph Watson - Summit News - Democrat Groups Plan to ‘Fact Check’ Private SMS Messages – Summit News - Imagine living in a country where your personal message to your best friend to share thoughts from a discussion amongst friends the evening before and you hear the message notification "ding" sound. You think it is a response message from your friend but it is from a government watchdog doing a fact check without your permission. Oh, you already live in a country planning to do it. Welcome.

3. From Tho Bishop - The Mises Institute - As Inflation Rises, the Fed Is Losing the Narrative | Mises Institute - Have you ever been tasked to blow up balloons for a birthday party? What happens when you put to much air in the balloon? Something must give and I believe it will possibly happen in the next few months.

4. From John Whitehead - The Rutherford Institute - The Rutherford Institute :: The Right to Be Let Alone: What to Do When COVID Strike Force Teams Come Knocking | By John W. Whitehead & Nisha Whitehead | Another good read from JW. This is a hot topic right now. We discussed this question during last weeks zoom rally as well as during our luncheon in Waynesville, NC. You need to know where does your Sheriff stand on federal agents going door-to-door threatening citizens with the jab?

5. From Kelleigh Nelson - News with Views - Fear, Control and the Authoritarian Abuse of Power – News With Views - Another good read.

6. From Bob Unruh - WND - Defense lawyer injects reality into feds' Capitol-protest prosecution ( - I want to ask a simple question, where are all the Patriots who wanted to follow President Trump to conquer the mountain, yet have shown minimal movement towards voicing the rights of fellow Patriots being held in Washington Federal jails? This is a good read for anyone yet to realize what is taking place to the Jan 6 Patriots being held without due process of law. (Thanks Patriot Postflite for this submission)

Drum roll...........

That's all my Patriot brothers and sisters.

Thanks for your emails and messages. I enjoy hearing from you throughout the week and sharing your preparedness projects and accomplishments. We have Patriots doing amazing projects and taking steps in their preparedness planning. The number of folks canning large quantities of beans, beef, jams and squash, it is great to hear these stores. Another reported completing a back up water supply system with a home made cistern designed to bring water from a spring about 100 yards from the water source to the home. Many on the HFS Signal app are blowing up my brain with all the knowledge and information being shared on medicinal herbs. It is great to see so many Patriots taking care of personal preparedness. Great job to everyone. I do enjoy hearing from you and reading about what you have going on in your preparedness planning.

Prayers - Please keep our great nation, our elected leaders, military and first responders in your thoughts and prayers. We pray for good health and wisdom. Please pray for our leadership to find answers and guidance to the problems facing our great nation. May your faith remain strong and answers to the unknown provided. God is good and may our prayers blanket and protect you and your circumstances. I pray for each, and every one of our Patriots.

We pray thanks for the family custody decision to our Patriot family in the Carolinas. Things work out in God's timing. Please keep Ms. Lucy and myself in your prayers as we work our way through this Covid-19 monster together. Thank you.

May we pray for all the blessings and things in life to be thankful about and continued hope for revival around the world. We must continually pray for the unsaved, our family and friends who live each day without the protection for eternal life and salvation.

We have Patriots with personal prayer needs and/or family members with prayer needs as well. As we have prayer needs for answers to health and family matters we also have prayers of thanks for recent health answers and recoveries.

As Patriots we must stay strong and never give up. Our home, community and nation needs us now more than ever. Stay focused on your local community and things that will impact you around the nation. Don't allow the events around you to create fear in your life. Build your own self-reliance and focus on hope. Remember we are a blessed nation and we must continue to be great people today and make a better tomorrow. Keep charging."


Bravo Echo Out,

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