Good morning!
Welcome to the Patriot Express Newsletter (PENL) Edition #63. Thanks for your time and for being here. We respect the time you invest with Hope for Survival and the Patriot Express Newsletter Fellow. In our world today it seems available time is critical and lacks in availability. We take that to heart when putting the newsletter together and the information we include in each edition.
The foundation of Hope for Survival is my book, by the same title. A reader and supporter to my book recently described it to another preparer as the “Bible of Preparedness.” I was extremely humbled by the statement and compliment. Through follow on support to “Preparers,” those who have read my book and then attend training or request support, it is fairly evident who has read the book and then follow the preparedness model I have offered in the book. If you would like to get a copy of Hope for Survival – How Food, Water, Shelter, and Security, Could Save Your Life, please follow this link.
I would like to welcome the newest 15 members to HFS and those who purchased a copy of Hope for Survival. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to reach out and ask. Enjoy and thanks for your support. A big thanks to everyone for your emails, attendance to the Thursday evening and Saturday Preparedness class via the Zoom virtual platform. Thanks for your time to write and communicate with me at HFS. I appreciate your efforts much and the opportunity to chat on whatever topic you present for discussion. It is my goal to always provide beneficial training and information to help each person individually. Additionally, it is my goal to graduate individuals to a team mindset in preparedness and to function and perform together in a preparedness atmosphere.
Hope for Survival Mission – To help individuals and families get prepared.
Hope for Survival Goal – To help as many people as possible become self-reliant.
This edition has a lot of very good information relating to events we are witnessing in our nation today. Information and Disinformation; what to believe and not believe; campaigns against our current president; like him or not, and some history behind what we see today and what we could expect tomorrow.
Current numbers are Global: Infected – 6,595,485 Dead – 388,412. National: Infected – 1,902,101 Dead – 109,146. It appears the second wave is here as numbers are climbing in many states.
Recommended Books:
Saving the Constitution by Dr. Richard Proctor PhD
Primitive Technology – A Survivalist’s Guide to Building Tools, Shelters, and More in the Wild by John Plant
Mini Farming – Self-Sufficiency on ¼ Acre by Brett L. Markham
Hope for Survival Podcast - We currently have 18 short training type Podcast on the Hope for Survival YouTube Channel covering numerous topics of interest to help in your preparedness planning. You can find Podcast on Canning Chicken, Risk Management, Gun safety, home and personal defense, preparedness training, driving security, interviews with like-minded individuals and other topics. Bring a friend or family member and check out the HFS YouTube page. If you like what you watched, hit like and consider subscribing so you are notified when I post something new.
You can visit the Hope for Survival YouTube page at
Thursday Zoom Rallies – HFS continues the Thursday HFS Zoom Virtual rallies weekly. We completed week 12 with a special guest speaker, Marine Corp and Iraqi Veteran spoke to the group on Leadership – Survival. A big thanks from HFS to Sir Chris for his time and knowledge on leadership. Please check out the Christopher Scott Podcast/Show and also his book, Common Sense. The book can be purchased from his website. Ms. Judy also presented an outstanding brief on Essential Oils. Great information.
Please consider supporting Chris and the other like-minded Podcast programs. These awesome Patriots, often make minimal to zero income for their time and simply continue forward daily because of their love for country. We see what is happening in our media and many conservative voices on the internet are being shadow banned or deleted without any notification and for no reason. We are being silenced. This is why I have tried very hard to stay non-political because getting preparedness information to help you become self-reliant is more important to me than spewing negative political news.
The Thursday Zoom group has been one of the most positive outcomes to date for HFS. It is very satisfying to see friendships being built and information and skills being taught and learned. We have a monthly guest speak from the outside and weekly group training topics presented by regular attendees to the group. To date, topics presented includes Medicinal Plants, Essential Oils, The top three animals to include in your preparedness plans for protein and Leadership and Survival. We will continue the Thursday Zoom Meetings after a short break for the 4th of July holiday. I also provide one or two Preparedness topics in addition to the guest presentations. Other information on Preparedness is provided and discussed after the guest speaker presentations. Currently the plan will invite future guest speakers to cover topics such as; planting and raising fruit trees, the Sheriff and the role of the Sheriff in your community, the truth about EMP’s and other topics. You can be a part of this group by emailing me your request to participate.
If you have interest in attending a Thursday evening “Hope for Survival” Zoom virtual training event please email me at to get on the distribution list for attendance information. The virtual conference room information will not be posted in open on the website for OPSEC reasons.
Additional training: I have sent out emails letting HFS readers know about doing preparedness classes. We have completed three classes to date, Risk Analysis and Management, Family Communication Planning, Preparedness 101 and this week’s class will be Preparedness 102. This is a new class not yet presented. Where Preparedness 101 is about you, Preparedness 102 is about team. The class description is:
Preparedness 102 is instructor led and prepares attendees to understand key roles in community team building, survival, and stability. This is a mid-level course that prepares students for the Preparedness 103 course. This course continues from individual skills taught in Preparedness 101 and now prepares attendees the processes they would use in team building and preparing a community for a possible collapse while maintaining some level of stability during a collapse and post-collapse.
June 6 - 0900 EST - Risk Analysis and Management (90 Minutes) - Completed
June 13 - 0900 EST - Family Communication Planning (90 Minutes)
June 20 - 0900 EST - Preparedness 101 (3 Hours)
June 27 - 0900 EST - Preparedness 102 (90 Minutes)
July 4-11 – No classes – Summer Break
July 18 – 0900 EST – Security-in-depth (90 Minutes)
If you have any desire to take any of these classes please drop me an email to get the Zoom room reserved. If you wish to donate for the training feel free to do so by hitting the donate button. Or, you can purchase my book as well. All proceeds above cost to print goes to charity. Or you can gain entry with a smile. Pretty easy huh? Most importantly, you can attend for free with no donation or book purchase. Really.
Moving along …
We must make this brief public announcement to protect the innocent.
NOTE: Opinions shared in this newsletter are just that, opinions and nothing more. Read at your own risk. The owner and authors of this site are not responsible for hurt feelings or thin-skinned readers. We do our best to show restraint and respect to the best extent possible. We take as many precautions as possible and try to remain as nonpolitical as possible, however, there are times when I just can't help but point certain things out. Just saying. Stay the course, read what you want, and avoid the rest. Avoid fear porn as much as possible and the day will be okay.) When all else fails…
Thoughts for the week –
It was a great week here at my location. Busy as always but moving ahead with current obligations and plans for some future HFS progression. My pal Festus visited our home Saturday and Sunday so my brain was mush by the time he departed. All good stuff. We have heavy thought-provoking discussions on life, faith, and preparedness. We work well together and balance conclusions with more questions. Sometimes our mental progress is like riding a submerged treadmill and never getting out...but never giving up. Ha.
One of our discussions pertained to pumping water from a water source and pulling it to the home or storage unit near the home. After determining the elevation (if applicable) and distance, what size pump would be required based on elevation and distance, and would there be a friction issue, and powering the pump using solar devices. We also discussed the same concept for pumping water from a well once power is not available. A generator is fine but requires fuel and makes noise. How much difference would it be using solar and a pump to pull water directly from a well vs from a lake or stream.
After a long day, we grilled some steak and shrimp and enjoyed dinner on the back deck amongst the trees and Wilson. I don’t know if Wilson wanted the steak or shrimp. It was good to have Festus down from the mountain for a while. We just don’t get the same quality time we used to have back in the day.
Next …
I wanted to give you a quick update on my little pallet garden. So far, we have had kale, lettuce, tomatoes, squash, green bell peppers, and soon we will have cucumbers. I noticed the broccoli head is showing now also. Anyone living in about any condition (Urban, Suburban, or rural) can reproduce the same setup I am using. My project isn’t about a large or average size garden. The number of faces you are feeding may need to determine the level of vegetables you need to plan to produce. The point is not to give you fresh vegetables daily. The purpose, like with protein, is to give you supplemental protein and nutrition to supplement your dehydrated and freeze-dried meals.
Our fruit trees and blueberry bushes are years four on the trees and three on the berries. The fruit trees stood maybe five feet tall at purchase and now the pear trees are 25-30 ft tall. The apple trees are not as tall but producing lots of apples this season. The peach tree remains the learning curve and is very finnicky. I still continue learning how to read the leaves and trunk to determine what is needed. One thing I did use this season that showed promise is NEEM oil which was sprayed on the trunk, limbs and leaves in the spring and early summer. The leaves are much healthier and green this summer. The biggest obstacle on the blueberry bushes is combatting birds. The mockingbird specifically. I have the bushes caged in but the birds try to manipulate the wiring daily. . Since Festus is a great blueberry bush master, I have thought of asking him to stand out by the berry patch and let Wilson manage the situation to see if the birds will go away.. Whatcha think?.
Next ….
I do believe it is time we all need to conduct a serious gut check internally. We must ask ourselves what do we stand for? What is important to us? And, to what extent are we going to remain in the rear and do nothing or step out to protect and defend our beliefs and those around us. The game is moving at a very fast pace and momentum is increasing. Our history was wiped out in our text books to our children, now the monuments and statues. Good or bad, it is our history. I’m already hearing calls from the left to begin removing all religious symbols and statues if it is Jesus as a white man. Did you hear me? The next radical call will be for the removal of white men period. Sounds crazy huh?
I’m not taking a side for either race because we all bleed red. We should all love and support one another equally. If certain races and minds want to protest their history then go to Washington D.C. where most of our history was legislated and created through elected officials. Hate is in the air and again the minority (black and white) of the issue are being protected and creating a wrath of chaos and destruction across America. People are being beaten. Citizens dragged from their automobiles at traffic lights and beaten, stomped and left for dead. With the exception of the Blackface Governor from Virginia, citizens are losing jobs and careers because of something they may have been said 30 years ago. The elected officials of these communities are allowing it to take place. Does this bother anyone besides me?
If equality is the issue, then let’s also remove Roots and The Color Purple from video and cancel all rap music using racial discrimination against cops, women and people in general. Let’s ban all entertainment that uses discrimination against anyone person. All professional sports teams must have an equal break down of white, black, and other. All athletes will be paid equally because it’s discriminating to pay taller people more than shorter people. There will no longer be extra benefits in job hiring for the color of your skin or status. Qualification equals job hire. No elected politician can serve more than two terms. No Supreme Court Judge can serve more than ten years. We will no longer have Columbus Day, Presidents Day, Black History month, or Indian month. How about no EBT benefits for single families that add children to their family in a single parent home, black or white. Eliminate all colleges or universities promoted as all white or black. Selective hatred and discrimination against any person or race will be a federal crime. Those who use power and money to influence any race to hate and to commit violence or crimes against people or property should be prosecuted publicly and swift punishment shortly after the conviction. Shall we continue? There should be consequences to violent actions.
You see, there is no good in any of this. But it continues and I’m asking you, what will you stand for and when will you stand up for it? I have also asked myself, is God maybe allowing this to happen because He wants to see who is going to stand up for what? Have you noticed how many spineless politicians are hiding behind their millions and not saying a word while they represent the nation that is being destroyed? Aren't many of these politicians the ones who spent nearly a trillion tax payer dollars in Afghanistan to stop the Taliban from destroying monuments and historical resources back around 2002 and 2003? They cried from Washington D.C. how terrible this act was. Do you hear them crying now? Remember, we voted for these individuals. Voting has consequences. Just a thought.
A big thanks out to Ms. Kim Fletter who provided this documentary on Anarchy USA. This is one of the best prepared products I have viewed on the history of anarchy and how we got to where we are today in America. The film was produced in 1965 at the height of the Civil Rights movement in America. But, instead of being out of date, it provides lessons and insights as to how the enemies of freedom manipulate people into acts of self-destruction. After watching this video, hopefully you will have a better understanding to who is behind the current riots and protests in America. I encourage you to check this out.
Next ….
What is an Intellectual? An intellectual is a person who engages in and works by intellect including critical thinking and reading, research, writing, and human self-reflection about society.
Google Terms and Policies - Your content remains yours, which means that you retain any intellectual property rights that you have in your content. For example, you have intellectual property rights in the creative content you make, such as reviews you write. Or you may have the right to share someone else’s creative content if they’ve given you their permission.
We need your permission if your intellectual property rights restrict our use of your content. You provide Google with that permission through this license.
Are you still using Google? If so, smile because you freely granted Google permission to use every key stroke you input to your keyboard. You may want to switch internet browsers. Just a thought.
Next ….
You may remember in recent months me speaking about and posting articles on HFS by Mr. Matt Bracken. A former Navy Seal who now provides some of the best insight to what is going on in America today. Matt rarely grants interviews however he did so recently. The signal between Mr. Bracken and Interviewer is a bit rough at the start but gets better so be patient. This is another great mind providing his professional thoughts to America today. Another product worth your time to check out.
Some of you may remember shortly after President Trump took office there was some rumblings of our former four star generals establishing and leading an organization that directs misinformation campaigns globally against terrorist and foreign leaders. This is a private company.. I do believe several retired generals worked for this group. The platform being used was developed by a specific four star general and is being used against our current President and his supporters. Get that? A tax funded career military officer who is still liable under the Uniform Code of Military Justice is using a program developed while on active duty and now being used as a retired officer against an elected American President? Is this a crime?? Festus sent this link and document to me that suggests what I am sharing with you. Collecting and processing information is critical to your plans and location around the nation. It is getting harder and harder to know what is the truth.
Okay, my Patriot friends, the show must move on.
Preparedness News –
1. Ron and Joanna Melchoire – The Self-Sufficient Backyard - – This is an outstanding product offering numerous suggestions for self-sustainment. Check out the video and documented information provided. Water, electricity, bio bug control, gardening, medicinal needs, chickens, composting, cooking, root cellars, pressurized heat for cooking, year-round greenhouse.…. This is a totally off-grid set up. Make sure you check out the links for books and the life time story of this family. Great read. Check it out.
2. From Stan Deyo – Dare to Prepare - and are websites you should save. I would also recommend you add Dare to Prepare book to your collection. This is an outstanding collection of Preparedness information. You should also consider listening to Stan’s podcast and guest visits to the Hagmann Report.
3. From Jim Cobb – Beans, Bullets, Bandages and You - - Excellent suggestions on alternative lighting. Remember, one is none, two is one, and three is better? So when the electricity is out and no services are available, then what? Flashlight? Your batteries are now gone and you can’t recharge them because you didn’t have a plan for your battery recharger to be powered. Now what? You light your kerosene powered lantern? You run out of kerosene. Now what? How about solar? At the end of the day under the worst circumstances, you have wood and the sun remaining, right? Maybe solar should be a part of your plans.
4. From Preppers Survive - - One of the biggest issues many will face in a bug out situation is how to transport enough water for all family members and pets, if on foot. Here’s some suggestions on how to carry a 72 hour supply.
5. From Bernie Carr – Apartment Prepper - - Anyone living within an area subject to riots and protests or an area you have to transit through impacted areas of violence should check this out.
Other News –
1. From Michael Snyder – Alt-Market - This is an area we give more attention. The medias focus is wondering some other direction and the American people are suffering. No one talks about the millions of citizens still unemployed with no income. Zero. Their American dream has melted in the summer sun and no one seems to care. Think about this. How should a person feel when they have lost everything and can’t feed their family, can’t get any financial assistance yet they worked up to the day Covid-19 sent them home, and then they find out they will pay higher taxes to off-set the $3 trillion dollar government bail out that didn’t provide the family any stimulus. To add fuel to the fire, I’m hearing rumblings that the tax payers will be bailing out all the damage caused by the “powder puffs” across America because most of the damage will not be covered by private insurance. Last time I checked the working-class citizen currently owes about $209,000 in taxes towards the debt. Don’t write a check yet because this number is growing daily.
2. From John Whitehead – The Rutherford Institute - - This a great read. JW lays out a great historical path of events taking place around America and makes some great points to what is happening. It is always time well spent taking in information from JW.
3. From Liberty Torch - - Another great question and opinion piece. I am often in chat on this topic. It also amazes me to the number of people still drinking the tainted water of the mainstream media line. Just like we can’t convince some horses to go to water, some people aren’t much different ya know. But we keep trying over and over. It is still important to try and educate those we are about and the horse we wish to keep alive. Here the author shares why fake news is so important. Maybe the horse also realizes it would be easier for me to bring a bucket of water to him vs having to be walked to the water to drink.
4. From Mike Adams – Natural News - - This link provides you access to several excellent interviews on Brighteon platform. Check out the segment with Sherriff Mack. He discusses Liberty vs Lockdowns and warns a second lockdown will be met with resistance from most Americans. There are several other links to access other speakers.
5. From Dr. Vincent Pry – The Hill - - Dr. Pry provides and update on the EMP and specifically the China threat from the EMP. Several folks ask question on EMP’s and how to protect against it. It is important to understand the EMP and Dr. Pry is one of the best to get information from on the topic. Thanks to Festus for sending this my way.
Drum roll........... That's all my Patriot brothers and sisters.
Thanks much for your time to read the PENL and hanging with us at Hope for Survival for a few minutes. We all have different desires in news and what we read at different points in our day. Hopefully HFS has provided information to stimulate your thinking and the realities around us. It is important for you to keep your feet and minds grounded as the world continues towards an unknown destination. Keep the faith and continue doing great things for yourself and others. Keep the emails flowing. Bring new friends and help spread the word on Preparedness. I appreciate you sharing the great things you are doing with your plans and progress forward. Keep charging ahead.
Prayers - Please keep our great nation, our elected leaders, military and first responders in your thoughts and prayers. We should also pray for the citizens and world leaders infected and making decisions to deal with the Covid-19 Coronavirus. Please pray for individuals losing their jobs and who didn't prepare in advance. We should pray for the families who lost their jobs and facilities burned during the riots. I pray for each and every one of our Patriots. May we all be protected from the growing evils surrounding and attacking our families daily. May we pray for all the blessings and things in life to be thankful about and continued hope for revival around the world. Amen. Thank you.
Keep charging and have a safe week. Always remember, we are blessed people.
Bravo Echo Out,