Fellow Patriots,
Welcome to the Patriot Express Newsletter (PENL) Edition #76. Thanks for stopping by to spend time checking out the newsletter. Ms. Lucy and I appreciate you stopping by each week to spend part of your day with us.
It has been a great week here in North Alabama with Ms. Lucy. A few days to feel normal. Is that possible? We had a great week and a chance to spend time with our Patriot friends here where Hope for Survival all started. It was very nice to see like minded friends where our relationship met and developed as they each started preparing years ago. We got to hear great individual stories of preparedness growth, plans, and concerns about the welfare of our great nation. We appreciate these folks, like all other Patriots, who support our mission with HFS to be prepared and help others get prepared. Several of our Thursday evening HFS Zoom friends showed up to spend time with us and it was awesome. Thanks to all our Huntsville Patriot family. May you be protected and blessed in this journey ahead. Just remember, “when the tide is high its time to pull the boat oars out of the water and turn the motor on. Know what I’m saying?
At HFS, we are very excited and happy to announce we just went back to the printer for a 4th printing of our book, Hope for Survival. We give a big thanks to our Patriot brother down south who purchased 17 copies for some upcoming preparedness classes he is conducting near Atlanta soon. He is helping spread the word of preparedness and self-reliance. Thanks, brother.
If you are a guest or newcomer to the HFS journey, please check out this link for additional information offered through HFS. https://www.hopeforsurvival.com/post/guest-and-newcomers-information-page I have removed the weekly newcomer information and guest guide and the link takes you to an article I just posted for all this information to welcome and help you take advantage of all the HFS information and material provided. I have added this feature to allow PENL regular readers less script to wake through weekly and it shortens the overall PENL product several pages of text.
HFS Road Rally - Ms. Lucy, Festus, and I will be in Waynesville, NC on October 3rd, 2020 at 1 pm, to rally up with fellow Patriots and HFS supporters. Many of these fine Patriot brothers and sisters are HFS Thursday evening Zoom participants who not only taught classes to the group, but also learned Preparedness over the past 23 weeks. They have developed bonds and friendships together. As we close out summer, it is nice to have this opportunity break bread and spend some time together. Patriots are traveling from five different states for this rally. We are blessed. If you would like to participate and take part in this rally please email me at preparedness101@protonmail.com We would love to see you during this stop in Waynesville, NC. The location will be provided through email contact. The location is not being disclosed for OPSEC reasons.
Thursday Zoom Rallies – HFS continues the Thursday HFS Zoom Virtual rallies weekly. We completed week 24 with a great Zoom meeting. We also covered news from the week, some preparedness topics and answered questions on the topics. Once the short briefs are completed, we have our weekly “Chatter that Matters” session with the attendees.
If you have interest in attending a Thursday evening “Hope for Survival” Zoom virtual training event please email me at preparedness101@protonmail.com to get on the distribution list for attendance information. This is a great group and platform to learn and build friendships. The virtual conference room access information will not be posted in open on the website for OPSEC reasons.
Moving along …
We must make this brief public announcement to protect the innocent.
Ding, Ding, Ding...."Attention HFS readers..... Opinions shared in this newsletter are just that, opinions, and nothing more. Read at your own risk. The owner and author of this site are not responsible for hurt feelings or thin-skinned readers. I do my best to show restraint and respect to the best extent possible. I take as many precautions as possible and try to remain as nonpolitical as possible, however, there are times when I just can't help but point certain things out. Sometimes we must pull up our spenders and suck it up. Just saying. Stay the course, read what you want, and avoid the rest. Avoid fear porn as much as possible and the day will be okay.) When all else fails… Keep the faith and always have Hope."
Let’s move along and get to the news...
Thoughts for the week –
I think it's about time to announce and promote my membership in the A.A.R.P...Angry, Armed, Ready, Patriot. (Borrowed from Doug Hagmann) How about you? Where do yo stand?
I will be on the road most of next week providing preparedness support to fellow Patriots, but I do not foresee any issues keeping the website operational and all normal postings and Zoom meetings should occur without issues. If something comes up to cause cancellation or delays, I will let you know.
The clock is ticking and we are watching the calendar move forward to the US National election for the next President of the United States. Sides are divided and voices for each side are growing louder and louder. What will tomorrow bring? How will this impact you and your family? Not just who wins the election but the days weeks, and months following the election. Taxes. Supreme Court seats opening up and the court decisions looming on critical topics important to us. Debt. Will someone finally speak loudly of the looming debt before us? Do you realize each citizen breathing air in America currently owes roughly $100,000 in debt? How about the status and future of our education system? Our history is being erased before our eyes. Morality? How far over the cliff will we go as a nation before our morals bring us down? Churches are emptying and the strength and impact of the church on society is dwindling to silence. Parental consent and control of their children has been depleted to minimal ability to voice right and wrong to their children.
Everyone has feelings that must be heard, except the working class, tax paying, moral citizens of this nation are being silenced. If you speak your adult opinion you are labeled a racist and may then face your own battle within the system. If you think we are out of control today, imagine how minimal our efforts and voices will be in the near future. If you haven’t determined where your final line will be, you may wish to do so soon.
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Ahhh, one of my favorite topics. NOT. What could that be? Q. Yea, I know. Some may believe I've been hard on the Q followers and I'm very anti-Q. The truth is, that is partially right. Not because I know something millions failed to see. I'm not anti-Q, I just used past training and 40 yeas of experience when I use proven applications to information gathering. Wilson, what on earth am I talking about. Oh no, Bravo Echo is chasing flying squirrels again. Well, not really. Hear me out.
In past months during conversations about Q I posed the question to Q followers as well as Festus and a few others. What if. Yes, the old what if question. If an adversary knows the vast number of supporters to the enemy and they also know how well armed and eager these supporters are, why not use reverse psychological operations against them? Tell them what they want to hear to keep them at bay. Right? One of the biggest request of the devout Trump followers has been "lock her up" and "punish the deep state." We heard about the thousands of indictments and how many of these desired criminals are already being held at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. Of course all of this information has been flowing from the Q character who know one knows. Millions of followers of Q remain in front of their computer waiting for the next Q clue. It's coming soon. They scoot closer to the edge of their seat. Not realizing they have celebrated three birthdays since Q message No 1. Now three years later and the edge of the seat is worn down and they have eaten most of their food.....and failed to see the big picture...and failed to prepare to any ramifications such as Q being right and thousands of VIP candidates being arrested, tried and put to death. It hasn't happened. I have believed from day 1 it's not going to happen. In a quick risk assessment of the impact to our nation if all these VIPs got arrested and imprisoned would be devastating. Risk vs impact.
My belief has been and remains that Q is a plant by the deep state intelligence apparatus to keep the Trump supporters at bay. They are feeding them information they have assessed and using algorithms from monitored social media, right wing and alternative news sites and comments by the Q followers to create this three and a half year conspiracy that the President and Department of Justice is going to bring down the deep state. M
Ms. Lucy and I recently made a trip to SAMs club to grab some additional food stock for our food plan. As I always do, I was observing the shelves and amount of available stock. Ms. Lucy pointed out to me that on a recent trip to another major grocery chain they had signs up and limited the purchase of popcorn to two boxes per customer. How about that. A luxury food item being limited. She also mentioned the number of empty shelves in this store. While at SAMS Club I noticed the minimal availability to 50 lb bags of rice. The shelf contained five bags. On down the aisle to dried brown beans, they only had 12 lb bags and I found eight bags available. This was on a Saturday, early afternoon, and the shelves had minimal stock available. Coincidence?
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It was great to have the opportunity to rally up with a contributor to HFS articles in the past. Time and schedules permitted a quick lunch with Gypsy Trailblazer during my Huntsville visit. We both have been extremely busy and time has not allowed the opportunity to cross paths. If you can imagine, Gypsy is a Italian New Yorker by birth and now converted Southerner who is in to preparedness. Listening to her stories about approaching life in New York City with a preparedness mindset is like reading chapters from a good book. Thanks for sharing a meal with Uncle Prof, Ms. Gypsy. It's always good to see you and hearing your thoughts on the world we live in today. Another great analysist of the world we live in. Be blessed, my Patriot sister.
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During last Thursday evenings Zoom rally #23, the question came up about spices and recipes for adding flavor to beans and rice. No matter if you use rice and beans, beans and rice, straight up rice or straight up beans, the taste is the same. So why not plan to spice it up? Right? There’s numerous websites you can visit to buy spices and I put a spice chart in last Saturday’s PENL Edition #75. You can check it out.
Ms. Lucy visited a chain store named Big Lot and came home with two large bags of spices to add to our food plan resources. She purchased roughly 17 containers of different spices and spent under $20. Good deal. Now we have a lot of different spices to upgrade our food recipes and spent minimal to do so. A few spread out trips to Big Lot to collect spices at a minimal price is perfect. A preparer can add valuable quality resources to their plans without breaking the bank. Plan accordingly Patriots.
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One of the things I really enjoy doing, aside from the weekly routine of my day job, writing the newsletter for the website, website management, answering emails, text, and phone calls, putting together the Thursday evening Zoom with slides, and setting up road trips to support other HFS Preparers, is meeting fellow Patriot brothers and sisters around the southeastern US of A.
On Thursday evening Ms. Lucy and I met with some of our Huntsville fellow Patriots and one of the attendees is also a HFS follower and participant in the Thursday evening Zoom rallies. She is 87 years young and suffered a stroke not long ago. She currently does Yoga regularly and is a bundle of joy to talk with. She is positive and uplifting to be around. Her attitude and outlook on life is a breath of fresh air. No, she is not able to do all the things many of us preparers are doing, however, she is putting forth the effort to store food and some other measures. Listening and watching this young lady is a true testament to humanity and a person who moves forward no matter what obstacles are placed before her. I’m blessed and honored to have spent time with this young Patriot Sister and American. Never give up. Thanks for sharing your time talking with me, ma’am.
Also attending our HFS Huntsville Rally was a true Patriot brother and friend who had a horrific accident less than six months ago. He was flat on his back with a broken ankle, leg, hip, and back. Even while in severe pain and flat on his back, he was communicating with me via phone about preparedness and the state of our nation. While many would throw in the towel, this brother told me "my body is temporary broken, not my mind." Now, a few months later our brother drove up in his truck and blessed us with his presence at the Huntsville rally. He is 82. Bless you, brother. You are a inspiration to all of us.
Currently that I am aware of, we have four Patriot HFS supporters over the age of 80. These fine Patriots offer the best free wisdom one can find. I believe they are absolute treasures to our society. This is proof age is not a reason to not prepare, nor a deterrent to prepare. The biggest reasoning I encounter is laziness. Both physical and mental laziness. Just saying.
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I wanted to take a minute to recognize a Patriot brother down near Atlanta. He has been a HFS supporter from day 1. In his localized efforts to spread the knowledge and skills in preparedness he participates in an annual event where he goes to local churches to teach different aspects of preparedness. Food planning, marksmanship, water purification and other measures. Even though he works a full time job and spends countless hours building his own preparedness plans with his Patriot wife and family, he finds time to help and support those around him. Great job, brother. Prayers and blessings to you and your group. Keep it up and hopefully those around you will move towards self-reliance. To the readers of PENL, I would encourage you to do the same or else reach out and ask and someone will step up to provide support.
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Many Patriots are wondering what is ahead of us and what happens next. The honest answer is no one really knows for certain. Most projections and forecast rest with much analysis by folks studying blog lines, inside sources, government, and state movements of resources and so forth. Mike Adams at Natural News has provided what he believes to be a fairly solid forecast of predicted actions to come. You can check it out at this link. https://www.naturalnews.com/2020-09-20-timeline-of-events-sep-20-to-jan-20.html I would also encourage you to save the link to the Natural News site in your daily/weekly sites for review randomly. A big thanks to our Huntsville Patriot sister for forwarding this article my way. I’m a regular who visits Natural News often, but I had not visited yet to find this article. Thank you. Remember, no matter how negative the news may be, stay focused on your five mile radius, maintain hope and faith. Remember, be a leader within your family and on any given day you may be called upon to lead or be the leader of your community.
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I try to stay as non-political as possible on the website (eye role) because I believe preparedness is about the individual and their family, regardless of political affiliation, race, or socio-economic category. Yea, I know, sometimes I slip up a time or two and say what I really feel or think. I try though. Most of the time. Usually while I'm asleep. In my transiting hours I often drive through Eastern TN in to Western, VA. If you have never passed through this region you should make it a point to do so. Ms. Lucy and I love the Abingdon, VA area and for several years we try and visit during October to take in the autumn colors and environment. Hot apple cider and a bowl of potato soup at one of our favorite eateries. The streets are often decorated with pumpkins and hay bails with lots of other welcoming features. We almost always take in a play at world famous Barter Theater. The town offers many festivals through the season. If you go drive the countryside off of I-81 you will find rolling hills and beautiful country sides. Funny story, many years ago during the days of Ms. Lucy and I dating, we would take an afternoon and drive over to Abingdon for lunch and a play. This would almost always be in October. I love to think, sometimes out loud, when I drive through the countryside areas. I didn't realize till later that Ms. Lucy was close to throwing me out of the car because I would also comment to her "I wonder what the cows are thinking about standing in the field alone?" Not once, or twice, but many times, and she finally told me "who cares what the cows are thinking." I knew then I had a keeper.
I was through this area a few weeks ago and I didn't notice the cows in the fields. What I did notice was an overwhelming number of Trump "Make America Great Again" billboards and signs all over the place. Eastern TN and Western VA is no doubt Trump country. Farmers and hard working tax paying Americans wanting to keep America great. Bibbed overalls, suspenders, muddy boots, and dirty pick up trucks. A region where a hand shake is a man's word and commitment to the other. Family and values proved the true cement to holding the family together. I've always found this region of several, across America, to be one of my favorite places to visit and admire the culture. It is the people who makes America great, right?
So to make this story complete, I wanted to share a large roadside sign near Bristol, TN/VA just west of Abingdon, VA. It is much larger than depicted in the picture. If someone put this sign up just a few counties east, it would have been torn down or removed immediately.
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Remember the Kenosha, WI shooting by the 17 year old boy? He is now being held on multiple counts involving a weapon and a two million dollar bond. This young man now faces charges, if convicted on all counts, will serve a life sentence plus over 100 years. You decide. Guilty or not guilty.
You could very easily be count in a situation like witnessed in the video. Do you have a plan to stay left of bang? Be a hard target and think outside the box.
Okay, lets move on to the news now.
Preparedness News –
1. From Preppers Survive - http://www.prepperssurvive.com/what-is-a-water-filter-gravity-bag/ - One of the most overlooked areas in preparedness is water and how to ensure water is potable under all situations. What happens when the city or township stops pumping water to your home? Do you have a plan? Do you have multiple methods of filtration? Do you understand how to determine if your water is safe? What resources do you have on hand to sanitize water for your family? Do you know what a water gravity bag is? Check out this link.
2. From Robert Richardson – Off-Grid Survival - https://offgridsurvival.com/hamradio-2/ - What is your plan to communicate with family? Your team? When your family and/or team is mobile away from your compound, neighborhood or rally point how will you communicate? Do you or any of your family or team members possess a Ham radio license?
3. From Bob Rodgers – Preppers Will - https://prepperswill.com/should-you-use-expired-medication-yay-or-nay/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=should-you-use-expired-medication-yay-or-nay – This article addresses a great question. Can you or should you use expired medications? I’m not a doctor or pharmacist. I have my own thoughts on my own research. Check this out to help you make your own determination.
4. From R – Survival Blog - https://survivalblog.com/self-defense-never-know-r/ - What is your plan for when you are away from home and end up in the center of a demonstration? Or you are attacked when you leave a department store? Are you capable of defending yourself with the minimal amount of force necessary to take control of the situation?
5. From Jim Cobb – Beans, Bullets and Band-Aids - http://beansbulletsbandagesandyou.com/bullets/2020/09/11/be-hard-to-kill/ - Are you a qualified Gray Man? What am I talking about? Are you out of the box and capable of still blending in to your environment when required to do so? Are you a hard target?
Other News –
1. From Georgi Boorman – The Federalist - https://thefederalist.com/2020/09/22/mask-fanatics-have-officially-abandoned-science-to-control-your-life/ - Excellent article. Do you feel enslaved to the mask? Or to the dictators keeping you be the mask? Are you starting to feel like a pawn? Have you looked around and figured out who is behind the mask and who is not? If you will abide by the mask rules for this long, what else will you do under disguise of Covid-19?
2. From John Whitehead – The Rutherford Institute - https://www.rutherford.org/publications_resources/john_whiteheads_commentary/justice_sleeps_and_we_the_people_suffer_no_the_u.s._supreme_court_will_not_save_us - As I have been saying and asking; while we watch major issues unfold around America, we have witnessed no response by authorities. The police are stripped of their response abilities and many counties and states are asleep letting destructions occur. The Federal Government is at odds internally and both sides are taking party positions. The Supreme Court is now short one justice seat and solidifying the seat will not bring resolution to the problems we observe ongoing. I ask again, what or who will resolve the problems in front of us? With no resolution will it be left to the people to police and provide resolution? Are you prepared for possible consequences ahead of us?
3. From Mac Slavo – SHTF Plan - https://www.shtfplan.com/emergency-preparedness/only-9-of-americans-have-confidence-in-a-covid-19-vaccine - With so few being confident, does this equal the number of citizens lining up to take the vaccine? If less than 20% take the initial effort to vaccinate the nation, will there be a federal reaction? Time will tell.
4. From Brandon Smith – Alt-Market - https://www.alt-market.com/index.php/articles/4338-the-great-conservative-migration-and-what-it-means-for-the-future - The tidal wave of citizens fleeing liberal states, where will they land and what impact will this have in immediate and long term politics and funding of the states?
5. From Samuel Culper – Forward Observer - https://forwardobserver.com/why-the-u-s-dollar-is-at-risk-in-2021/ - Know one knows the real status of the dollar and the economy due to the escalating debt, expenditures, and what lies ahead. I would recommend you pay close attention and plan accordingly. You need to be in control of your finances and available funds vs the system controlling you.
Drum roll...........
That's all my Patriot brothers and sisters. Stay alert and strong.
Thanks much for your time to read the PENL and hanging with us at Hope for Survival. We all have different desires in news and what we read at different points in our day. Hopefully HFS has provided information to stimulate your thinking and the realities around us. It is important for you to keep your feet and minds grounded as the world continues towards an unknown destination.
Keep the faith and continue doing great things for yourself and others. Be a leader and set a positive example to others. Keep the emails flowing. Bring new friends and help spread the word on Preparedness. Visit the HFS YouTube page and check out the numerous preparedness videos. Subscribe and hit like. It’s a minimal price to pay for free information. I appreciate you sharing the great things you are doing with your plans and progress moving you forward. Keep charging ahead.
Prayers - Please keep our great nation, our elected leaders, military and first responders in your thoughts and prayers. Please pray for our leadership to find answers and guidance to the problems facing our great nation. I pray for each, and every one of our Patriots. May we all be protected from the growing evils surrounding and attacking our families daily. May we pray for all the blessings and things in life to be thankful about and continued hope for revival around the world. Amen.
Thank you.
Keep charging and have a safe week. Always remember, we are blessed people. Don’t allow the events around us create fear in your life. Build your own self-reliance and focus on hope.
Bravo Echo Out,