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Writer's pictureButch Erskine

Hope for Survival - 2nd Annual March Madness Donation Drive - March 1-31, 2021 - 90%

Updated: Mar 26, 2021

Fellow Patriots,

UPDATE: We are currently at 90% of our goal for 2021. Thanks so much for those who donated already. Your kind generosity is much appreciated. If you have not donated and are considering doing so thank you very much. We have one week to go to hopefully reach our goal.

In case you missed the original post on the donation drive, see below.

It's that time of year once again.......

Hope for Survival is conducting the 2nd Annual Donation Drive to help offset operational cost. Funds raised during this donation drive helps cover the cost to keep the HFS website operational as well as it paying the fees for upgraded email, licensing fees for software, editing software, Zoom fee to use the room weekly and capabilities, website space rental and upgrade cost for extra storage space. As needed the funds also provides the resources to replace a worn out computer system. This is just a portion of the cost being covered to keep everything operational and available to support you daily. I want to send a big thank you to those who donated already. We are currently at 45% of our goal.

You may ask "why do an annual donation drive?" Historically, I have conferred with a few close friends for opinions on ways to go forward and offset some of the cost to continue HFS without impacting the flow of operations, or impacting the availability of information to ANYONE who wishes to visit the site and/or gain information, I have decided to do the annual 31 day donation drive (March 1-31, 2021) from those who can donate and would like to contribute to offset upcoming renewals and subscriptions that keeps the website functioning. As with many things, some folks can pay for a subscription and some can't which leaves them not having access to information they would like to use. The purpose of our HFS website is to be available to everyone. Regardless of your decision or ability to contribute, the HFS team thanks each of you for your friendship and support in all facets of Hope For Survival. For me, it's not just a website, it's a place where I get to meet and spend time with my Patriot sisters and brothers who are like minded.

The first year of operations cost roughly $4,000 and Ms. Lucy and I covered the cost. Last year we raised about $3,000 of the $4,000 goal which was a tremendous help. We are thankful for the donations provided. Our goal for 2021 is again $4,000 to help sustain everything through the 2021 calendar year.

As most of you may know, all proceeds from HFS book sales goes to charity to help feed those in need. Also, any and all proceeds I'm paid for conducting training classes and vulnerability assessments gets recycled back in to the HFS coffer to offset costs for me to continue conducting site visits to meet and support HFS preparers, and now groups. The funds pays for gas. food, and lodging when needed.

I can't give you exact figures on donated time because it's not something I track for myself or Festus. But, for myself, I donate about 150 hours per month, and about 2000 hours per year just keeping the website running, putting the PENL together weekly, putting Zoom together, and research time for all of these products. Some of the sites we use to get current information and news charges fees or else they operate on donations. HFS donates funds to support these sites. It wouldn't be right for me to use their site for information and not support them yet ask you all for donations to keep HFS operational. Festus also provides hours of his personal time as well to help support HFS with daily/weekly information that ends up with you through the PENL and weekly Zoom. Most importantly I must also mention the hours Ms. Lucy doesn't see me while I work HFS items almost daily. She has been understanding through the first two years. She calls herself a website widow.

To all the HFS followers and supporters, we are greatly appreciative for your continued time, support, and for helping spread the word of what we are trying to do to help others be better prepared. Thank you.

To make a donation, please go to the Donate tab at the top of the blog page or go to the main page and click the yellow Donate tab. Click on same and follow the steps to donate. Again, all donations will be used strictly for the operations of Hope For Survival. Anyone wishing to donate by check using snail mail can send me a private message and I will provide the mailing address.

Donation or not, each and everyone of you are awesome Patriots. Keep charging forward.

Thanks for your time and consideration,. Your support is greatly appreciated.

Many blessings to all,

Bravo Echo

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