Home Preparedness Checklist
To help you get started or finished, print out this list and check off everything you already have. Then, use a highlighter marker and highlight everything you believe is a basic necessity for your family. Shop for basic things first checking off as you go. Use another color, and highlight what you would like to have on hand beyond your basic list, get those things next.
Last of all, get everything else. Consider the volume of what you prepare based upon the length of time you are projecting for possible disruptions to normal services & products. Prepare don't panic. Move forward in faith. Remember chance favors the prepared mind!
A big thanks to a fellow Patriot out of Huntsville, AL. Thanks for sharing this fantastic product.
Cash (Small bills you can pay in exact change)
___ Small Bills (1's, 5's, 10's, 20's)
___ Coins (pennies, nickels, dimes, quarters)
--- Silver coins (for purchase and bartering if the current monetary system fails)
___ Great Northern
___ Kidney beans
___ Lentils
___ Navy
___ Pinto
___ Red beans
Seeds for Sprouting: (essential for vitamins)
___ Alfalfa, mung, radish, sprouting peas, lentils, etc.
Rice and Grains:
___ Barley
___ Boxed cereals (6 month shelf life)
___ Corn (popcorn and field corn)
___ Flour (Wheat, white and other varieties, 9-12 month shelf life)
___ Instant hot cereals (oatmeal, cream of wheat, malt-o-meal, etc.)
___ Oatmeal (1 year shelf life in original container)
___ Rice (brown, white, or combination)
___ Bay leaves (Bay Leaves are great for keeping bugs out of flour and
cereal so you might want to get an extra large bottle!)
Cooking Agents
___ Cooking Oil (extra virgin olive oil stores best)
___ Baking powder
___ Baking soda
___ Shortening (like Crisco)
___ Yeast (in a pinch you can use sourdough)
___ Salt (Iodized)
___ Rock salt
___ Sea salt
___ Sugar (Sweeteners)
___ Brown sugar
___ Corn syrup
___ Powdered sugar
___ White sugar
___ Macaroni
___ Shells
___ Spaghetti (with jars of heat-up sauce)
Dairy Products:
___ Powdered Milk & Buttermilk
___ Milk (canned evaporated)
___ Parmesan cheese
___ Powdered butter/margarine is available (like Butter Busters)
___ Cheese powder (Stuff in the boxes of prepared Macaroni and Cheese.)
___ Powdered eggs
Dehydrated or Canned Food:
___ Meat
___ Chicken
___ Beef in a can
___ Beef jerky
___ Corned beef & Corned Roast Beef
___ Chili con carne
___ Salmon
___ Turkey
___ Tuna
___ Canned chicken/beef stock or gravy
___ Beets
___ Broccoli
___ Cabbage
___ Carrots
___ Celery
___ Creamed or whole kernel corn
___ Green beans
___ Instant mashed potatoes (Idaho's in a can will store indefinitely)
___ Canned mushrooms
___ Peas
___ Soup and stew blends
___ Spinach
___ Cream of Mushroom, broccoli, etc.
___ Soup starter
___ Variety of canned soups (Chicken Noodle, Tomato, Vegetable, etc.)
___ Apples
___ Applesauce
___ Apricots
___ Bananas
___ Canned and bottled fruit juices
___ Flavored apples
___ Fruit cocktail
___ Lemon juice (bottled does not have to be refrigerated)
___ Oranges
___ Peaches
___ Pears
___ Prunes (medicinal, you may need it after many canned goods)
___ Raisins
Spices and Flavorings
___ Baking cocoa
___ Basil
___ Bouillon (beef and chicken)
___ Canned tomatoes
___ Chili powder
___ Cumin or Comino
___ Cinnamon
___ Garlic (powder, minced, salt)
___ Green peppers
___ Onions (powder, flakes, salt)
___ Oregano
___ Pepper
___ Tomato paste, powder, sauce
___ Ketchup
___ Mustard
___ Mayonnaise (small jars require no refrigeration, 6 month shelf life
from date of purchase, use it all once opened)
___ Peanut butter & Jelly
___ Pickles
___ Salad dressing Mix (Italian, Ranch - Good Seasons type)
___ Salad dressing bottled
___ Salsa
___ Soy sauce
___ Equal or Sweet N'Low
___ Honey
___ Maple or pancake syrup
___ Molasses
___ Teriyaki sauce
___ Barbecue Sauce
___ Vinegar (plain and flavored)
___ Worchester sauce
Food Odds and Ends
___ Coffee (vacuum sealed, already ground in case no electricity)
___ Creamer for coffee (1.5 year shelf life)
___ Gatorade (important for anyone dehydrated, replaces electrolytes)
___ Hot Chocolate
___ Individual Coffee bags
___ Instant coffee
___ Non-carbonated drink mix (Tang, Kool-aid, helpful to keep kids
___ Sodas (Soda goes flat in three months)
___ Small boxes of juice for kids
___ Tea
___ Wine in Boxes with Mylar bags or bottled
Quick and Easy to Prepare Instant Foods
(Any dry pre-packaged good you heat up or add water, boil, and eat.)
___ Biscuit mix (just add water kind)
___ Cake mix
___ Cans of nuts (peanuts, cashews, etc.)
___ Crackers & cookies (limited shelf life)
___ Pancake mix
___ Waffle mix
___ Canned Ravioli
___ Spagettio's
___ Dinty Moore Beef Stew
___ Chicken n Dumplings
___ Freeze dried or no-cook foods
___ Instant Soups (like Top Ramen or Cup o' soup... you just add water)
___ Macaroni and Cheese
___ Lipton Noodles and Sauce
___ Spaghetti sauce
___ Rice a Roni
Psychological Foods or Comfort Foods
___ Brownie mixes
___ Cake mixes
___ Chocolate chips or bars (solid chocolate = Indefinite shelf life)
___ Chocolate Milk Mix (Nestles Quick)
___ Crackers/ cookies (short shelf life, buy in December.)
___ Dream Whip
___ Hard candies
___ Jell-O
___ Jelly
___ Popcorn
___ Powdered drinks (with added vitamin C like Tang)
___ Puddings
Baby Food and Formula (Health professionals encourage breast-feeding!
However, if a woman is under stress from a crisis, it is very
possible for her not to have an adequate milk supply.
Supplementation may be necessary!)
___ Powdered formula (Pediatrician stated canned formula wouldn't last
as long and was more expensive. Have some bottles of sterile water
on hand to mix with the formula.)
___ Pureed fruits and vegetables in a jar
___ Hand grinder to puree table food
___ Drinking water 1 gallon per person per day.
___ Distilled or sterilized water for infant formula
___ Water for cleaning and Bathing
___ Water filter or purification treatment
___ Adult formula Multi-vitamins and mineral
___ Children's liquid or chewable vitamins
___ Mineral supplements (like calcium)
___ Vitamin Supplement (like C, E etc.)
___ Liquid dietary supplement (like Ensure)
Non Prescription Medications (check the shelf life of medications)
___ Acetaminophen (Tylenol)
___ Activated charcoal (use if indicated for certain poisons)
___ Aleve (Naproxen Sodium Fever/Pain reducer)
___ Antacid (Zantac 75)
___ Anti-diarrhea medication (Kaopectate; Pepto-Bismol, Imodium AD)
___ Aspirin
___ Antihistamine (Benadryl)
___ Cold, Flu and Cough Remedies (Nyquil/Dayquil)
___ Cough drops
___ Chloraseptic (for sore throats)
___ Get Better Bear (throat lozenges lolly pop for kids)
___ Hay fever/Sinus
___ Hydrocortisone creme (Cortaid)
___ Ibuprofen (Motrin, Advil)
___ Laxatives for constipation (Ex-lax)
___ Antibiotic Ointment or Cream (Neosporin)
___ Syrup of Ipecac (use to induce vomiting)
___ Yeast infection medicine
___ Band-Aids (lots of sizes)
___ Children's Tylenol or Motrin (liquid or chewable)
___ Diaper rash cream
___ Digital thermometer for young babies
___ Ear viewer and instructions
___ Immunizations
___ Pedialyte (electrolyte fluid for babies)
___ Specific medicines for your child
Alternative and Natural Health (Note: Although herbal remedies are non-
prescription, they can still be dangerous if used improperly. Please read all labels for directions and keep out of the reach of children.)
___ Echinacea with Goldenseal for colds
___ Cool Cayenne for upper respiratory
___ L-Lysine for Canker Sores
___ Aloe for Burns
___ Melatonin for insomnia
___ Zinc lozenges for sore throats
Medical Supplies
___ Ammonia
___ Cotton balls
___ Glucose
___ Hydrogen peroxide
___ Insect bite/sting topical medicine
___ Insect repellent
___ Iodine
___ Petroleum jelly
___ Rubbing Alcohol
___ Hormones
___ Hormone replacement medications
___ Yeast infection medication
___ Wild yam cream First Aid Kit
___ 2-inch sterile gauze pads (4-6)
___ 2-inch sterile roller bandages (3 rolls)
___ 3-inch sterile roller bandages (3 rolls)
___ 4-inch sterile gauze pads (4-6)
___ Aloe
___ Antiseptic (like Bactine)
___ Assorted sizes of safety pins
___ Anti-bacterial Cleansing agent/soap
___ Elastic wrap
___ Eye wash
___ Hypo-allergenic adhesive tape
___ Instant Ice/Heat Pack (get two)
___ Iodine swabs
___ Latex gloves (2 pair)
___ Moistened towelettes
___ Needle
___ Scissors
___ Splint
___ Sterile adhesive bandages in assorted sizes
___ Sunscreen
___ Thermometer
___ Tongue blades (2)
___ Trauma scissors
___ Triangular bandages (3)
___ Tube of petroleum jelly or other lubricant
___ Tweezers
Cooking Utensils
___ French press coffeepot (the kind you add hot water to, let it steep
and then press the grounds down)
___ Percolator Coffee Pot
___ Sterno or Buffet Fuel in a can(safe indoors, reaches boiling point)
___ Solar oven
___ Woodstove
___ Gas Grill & fuel
___ Camping stove
___ Pressure cooker
___ Kettle
___ Cast iron cookware
___ Skillet
___ Dutch oven
___ Bread pans
___ Waffle iron
___ Griddle
___ Wok
Kitchen Items
___ Plastic storage containers
___ Dishpan (to save dishwater for more loads)
___ Drying rack
___ Dishtowels
___ Tall kitchen Trash bags
___ Black Garbage bags House and Lawn
___ Baggies (zip lock) Small & Large & Sandwich size
___ Thick, freezer bags
___ Aluminum Foil (various sizes)
___ Plastic wrap
___ Paper Towels
___ Paper Plates (saves water and can be burned in barbecue grill )
___ Paper Napkins
___ Paper Cups
___ Rags
___ Water filters
___ Water purifiers
___ Iodine (pregnant women should not use iodine to purify water)
___ Manual Can opener (spend money here, a good grip counts, get two.)
___ Knife sharpener
___ Kitchen matches (in waterproof container)
___ Fire extinguisher
Household Cleansers
___ Bleach (4 pts to 1 pt water in a spray bottle will disinfect hard
___ Dishwashing Detergent (anti-bacterial)
___ Hand Soap (anti-bacterial)
___ Hand Soap (waterless)
___ Sponges
___ Steel wool pads (Brillo-type)
___ Rubber Gloves (spend the money, get the heavy duty kind!)
___ Dust cloths (small)
___ Furniture Polish
___ Window cleaner
___ Dust cloths (large)
___ Furniture Polish
___ Window cleaner
___ Disinfectant spray (Lysol)
___ Broom (indoor and outdoor)
___ Extra Mop heads
___ Air freshener
___ Toilet bowl cleaner
Laundry Room Supplies
___ Detergent (Liquid laundry soap)
___ Bleach
___ Drying rack
___ Clothes line
___ Clothes pins
___ Washtub
___ Buckets
Sewing kit
___ Needles
___ Thread
___ Scissors
___ Material
___ Buttons
___ Emergency toilet: 5-gal bucket, trash bags, toilet seat with lid.
___ Plunger
___ Drain Snake
___ Drain unclogger (like Drano)
___ Outdoor solar shower bag (get two, available at Wal-mart & K-mart)
___ Tub for bottom of Shower (catch water and reuse for laundry)
___ Bubble bath/ Liquid Body Cleanser
___ Bath bar soap
___ Razor and blades
___ Shampoo/conditioner
___ Shaving Cream
___ Tissues (get the kind with aloe, date roll over is in winter)
___ Toilet paper (twice what you think you'll need)
___ Moist towelettes or baby wipes
___ Air freshener
___ Maxi Pads
___ Tampons
___ Panty Liners
___ Menstrual Cup (The Keeper)
___ Washable pads
___ Hair care
___ Dental Care
___ Toothbrushes
___ Toothpaste
___ Mouthwash
___ Dental Floss
___ Denture Care Products & Adhesive (like Fixodent, excellent hold)
___ Cleanser Eye Care
___ Extra Contacts
___ Extra Glasses
___ Extra replacement screws
___ Saline solution
___ Petroleum Vaseline
___ Cotton Balls
___ Q tips
Make-up (Don't discount this as unimportant! It's important to feel good about how you look. It helps your self-esteem, which will help your family.)
___ Cleanser, Toner, Moisturizer
___ Foundation, Blush, Eyeliner, Eye shadow, Mascara
Personal Grooming
___ Hair brushes
___ Combs
___ Elastics and ribbons for little girls
___ Non-electric Curlers (like the little Velcro or foam kind)
___ Curling Iron (propane)
___ Hair cutting scissors
___ Hair Trimmer (Obtain battery operated one at local discount store)
___ Ear and Nose hair trimmer (battery operated)
___ Deodorant
___ Perfume
___ Hair spray
___ Hair color (Ladies, stock up on the Loreal now!)
___ Permanent Wave Solution (curlers and papers)
___ Hair relaxer
Clothes (Next two sizes of Clothes for growing kids remember, most of
our clothes are foreign made and shipped here.)
___ Pants/ Jeans
___ Shorts
___ T-shirts
___ Sweat shirts
___ Jackets/ Coats
___ Shoes
___ Socks
___ Underwear
Birth control
___ Birth Control Pills
___ Condoms
___ Lubricant
___ Diaphragm Foam
___ Information on natural family planning
___ Home pregnancy tests
___ Maternity clothes
___ Antacids (high calcium)
___ Prenatal vitamins
___ Childbirth
___ Midwife information/ home birth
___ Shower curtain
___ Information for husbands (if they have to deliver the baby)
___ Emergency home birth kit (list contents)
___ Nursing
___ Manual Breast pump
___ Bottles and nipples (disposable liners)
___ Sterilizing equipment
___ Breast pads (washable)
___ Nursing bras
Baby products
___ Disposable diapers in various sizes
___ Cloth Diapers
___ Safety Pins or clips
___ Rubber pants
___ Baby wipes
___ Trash bags for disposing dirty diapers
___ Layette
___ Receiving blankets
___ Light bulbs
___ Battery operated light
___ Smoke Alarm
___ Carbon monoxide detector (if using alternative heat)
___ Battery operated clock
Guest Room
___ Flashlight
___ Extra toothbrushes, soap, towels, etc.
___ Sheets
___ Pillows
___ Sleeping bags
___ Air Mattress
Family Room/Den
___ Bible
___ Decks of playing cards
___ Board games
___ Puzzles
___ Children's books
___ Arts and Crafts
___ Needlework
___ Needlepoint (Mesh, yarn, patterns)
___ Cross stitch (Floss, material and patterns)
___ Knitting (needles, yarn and patterns)
___ Musical Instruments
___ Piano
___ Acoustic guitar
___ Home-school supplies
___ Text books
___ Workbooks
___ Encyclopedia
___ Paper
___ Pens and pencils w erasers
___ Chalk & Chalkboard
___ Glue
___ Scissors
___ "How to" books
___ First Aid Manual
___ Physicians Desk Reference (guide to prescription drugs)
___ Medical information (i.e., Merck Manual)
___ Home "Fix it" Books
___ Garden
___ Cookbooks
___ Cooking with Food Storage
___ Bible
___ Biographies
___ Mysteries
___ Classics
___ Non hybrid seeds
___ Herbs
___ Vegetables
___ Flowers
___ Fruit trees
___ Flower Bulbs
___ Shovel
___ Watering can
___ Spade
___ Hoe
___ Fertilizer
___ Insecticide (natural, when possible)
___ Work gloves
___ Dog/Cat food (store in metal garbage cans to keep rodents out)
___ Kitty Litter
___ Pet supplies (vitamins, pet medications like heartworm pills, flea
and tick treatments, chew toys, shampoo, etc.)
Bug extermination
___ Ant, roach spider killer
___ Bee/Wasp killer
___ Fly traps
___ Plastic sheeting (for leaks)
___ Duct Tape
___ Nylon rope
___ Wrench
___ Hammer
___ Screwdrivers
___ Pliers
___ Ax or hatchet
___ Shovel
___ Saw
___ Non-electric mower
___ Non-electric hedge clippers
___ Grill
___ Propane tanks
___ Charcoal
___ Lighter fluid
___ Fireplace matches (the long kind)
Safety & Self-Defense:
___ Fire extinguishers
___ Battery operated carbon monoxide monitors
___ Battery operated smoke detectors
___ Solar powered motion detection floodlights
___ Home alarms, dog(s)
___ Gun & ammunition plus training to learn proper gun use
___ Bow, arrows and accessories
Power Source
___ Back up generator
___ Batteries (assorted sizes)
___ Gas Containers
___ Fuel (gasoline, propane, etc.)
___ CB radio
___ Short wave radio
___ Walkie talkies (2 mile range is the best to hope for)
Light Source
___ Light bulbs
___ Flashlights
___ Batteries
___ Battery recharger (Solar powered if available)
___ Candles
___ Matches
___ Light sticks
___ Oil Lamp
___ Oil, wicks
___ Complete family medical records
___ Immunization Records for small kids
___ Birth Certificate
___ Social Security Card (and history...)
___ Personal earnings statement from SSA (www.ssa.gov form SSA-7004)
___ Wills
___ Marriage license
___ Divorce papers
___ Church/Religious records (Baptism, Confirmation, First Communion)
___ Tax records
___ Deeds, Titles, Proof of Ownership
___ Insurance Policies
___ Homeowners
___ Auto
___ Life
___ Health Financial
___ Bank Statements
___ Pensions
___ Investment records
___ Mortgages
___ Bill payments and receipts
___ Credit/Debit Cards
___ Automatic deposits/payments
___ Certificates
___ Diplomas
___ Licenses
___ Transcripts
___ New or used mountain bike for each person in your family
___ Basket for bike or rack to carry stuff over back tire
___ Helmets
___ Hand pump
___ Flat tire repair kit
___ Lock and chain so no one steals it!
___ Oil for chains
___ Extra tires
___ Tubes and brake pads - I'm sold on bikes with cantilever brakes!)
___ Motorcycle if gasoline is scarce
___ Basic auto parts (oil, filters, anti-freeze, etc.) If you live near
water, a canoe/raft could be handy.
COMMUNICATION alternatives:
___ One way battery operated radio
___ Solar powered radio
___ Wind up radio
___ Two way Walkie talkies (no license needed if using family radio
service bands)
___ Ham radio (license is needed)
___ Cell phone (if the infrastructure is still functional)
___ Distress Signals (Seriously Folks, get a copy of the SOS signals,
learn them now.)
Other Equipment
- Night Vision binoculars or monocular
- Compass
- Thermal gear
- Back packs
- Water bottles with filtration capability
- Water filtration tablets
- Fire starter capability
- Knives and cutting equipment
- First aid kits for back packs
- Tarps and duct tape
- Mylar blankets
- Oxidizers
- Quality boots (At least three pairs per person)
- Hand saws, crow bars, axes, pics, and shovels
- Flex cuffs
- Rope and paracord
- Radiation detection equipment and tape
- Extra fencing of different heights and barbed wire and concertina wire (razor tape)
- Extra sheets of ply wood and 2 x 4s.
- Solar powered lights and lawn lights
- Solar chargers of different watts
- Sand bags
- Trash Bags
Plan with an eye toward taking in or taking care of one or more outside of your immediate family who may not be able (or may simply be unprepared) to take care of themselves. But don't take on the burden of freeloaders...everyone should share in the responsibilities around your home. Plan in advance for those who show up on your doorstep with needs.
Heb. 11:7 - "By faith, Noah, when warned about things not yet seen,
in holy fear built an ark to save his family."