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Writer's pictureButch Erskine

Let Everything that hath Breath Praise the Lord by Mountain Rose

Let Everything that hath Breath Praise the Lord

Aren’t we blessed this time of year? Those of us who are privileged enough to live here in the Southland of the US of A sure are given amazing beauty as a gift from God each Spring! It’s so beautiful in our mountains. Some here compare it to the colors we experience in the Fall. The difference of course is that everything is coming back to life, fresh, bright and green.

In addition, have you had the opportunity to enjoy the cacophony of birds at dawn recently? Since spending more time at home, as we all are right now, I find myself waking up earlier. There was a morning last week where I was up early and I could tell there would be a beautiful sunrise. I stepped out on the porch so I could capture the moment on camera.

Do you know what happened? In addition to the brilliant colors of dawn, I realized that at the first hint of light, a lone robin started to sing. And, within a few moments a whole chorus of birds chimed in! I was amazed, and so thankful. I felt as though God had designed this moment in time just for me. He knows I love music, He knows I love color and He knows that robins are my favorite song bird! He knows all about each of us.

So, I stood in awe, listening to the symphonic chorus of birds as they awakened - greeting the dawn. And it struck me that God would give me such a gift. The brilliance of the sky, the beautiful singing of birds, and yet the stillness, and quiet of the land around me. It truly was a God moment, and I was exceedingly thankful.

That time that morning set the tone for my entire day. God is good. He’s on His throne. And maybe, just maybe, in these challenging times where our world feels as though it has been turned upside down, He desires that we grow closer to Him. To pause, reflect on His goodness, worship, and be thankful. We, as believers, need to express joy and thankfulness to Him in the simplest of things.

How’s your attitude friends? May I make a suggestion? Make time each day to thank God. It will help. You will find your heart full and hopeful if you make this a daily practice.

What will we gain in this time while we “shelter in place”? Let’s draw near to God. When other things are stripped away, we still have Him. He has us. He has us in His hand. Let’s look up!

As we have an attitude of thankfulness it will change our whole outlook. And just as that lone robin started singing last week alone, as you express thankfulness in your household, others near you will do the same.

Praise changes the atmosphere. Enjoy the little things, my friends.

When morning gilds the sky,

Our hearts awaking cries:

May Jesus Christ be praised!

In all our work and prayer

We ask His loving care:

May Jesus Christ be praised!

Translator: Edward Caswell

Song of Solomon 2:12 “The flowers appear on the earth; the time of the singing of birds is come, and the voice of the turtledove is heard in our land.”

John 10:14 “I am the Good Shepherd, and I know my own and my own know me.”

1 Corinthians 8:3 “But if anyone loves God, he is known by Him.”

Psalm 150:6 “Let everything that hath breath praise the Lord.”

Psalm 73:28 “But it is good for me to draw near to God: I have put my trust in the LORD God, that I may declare all thy works.”

Blessings to Each of You,

Mountain Rose


Bravo Echo Out,

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