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Patriot Express News Letter Edition #25

Writer's picture: Butch ErskineButch Erskine

Fellow Patriots,

Good morning!!!

Ms.Lucy and I hope this week's Patriot Express News Letter finds you blessed and going strong in October. I was telling Ms. Lucy how 2019 has passed faster than any year I can remember, for me. It has been a blur. So much to be thankful for each day and the year in its entirety.

I will be posting this week's Patriot Express News Letter early (Friday) because Ms. Lucy and I will be going off-grid for a few days in the central TN mountains. We will be meeting up with another Patriot family to enjoy the outdoors a bit. I convinced Ms. Lucy to tent camp for the

duration of our stay. (If you don't get a newsletter the following week you will know why. LOL)

Of course work will be a part of it as we plan to be test some equipment and concepts during the down time. If all goes well I will share it with you in a coming article or future newsletter. That would be my goalMy goal is to test some communication devices for quality and distance, different types of freeze dried and dehydrated food items, different levels of solar powered motion sensors and test the HTZSAFE Solar wireless Alarm system on its transmission range and sensor range. This is a perimeter alerting system. Lastly, using a military grade solar blanket to charge batteries to keep some security equipment charged and usable at night. there anything better than campfire coffee? Maybe we can convince ol Festus to come down off the mountain.

Next ...

Just another reminder, anyone planning on attending Heritage Life Skills IX 2020. The original date has been moved one week back to May 8 - 10, 2020. What a great gift for all Mother's. Spend the weekend with a fun group of like-minded individuals. If you have not attended HLS, come with a clear mind and the willingness to learn. The limit you learn is up to you because there is lots to take in. Hope you can make it.

With that said... Let's get moving....

(Reader advisory - This site, the author/owner and the contents of this site are for reading pleasure only. We are NOT responsible for your feelings, happy or sad. As always, avoid fear porn, take what you want, throw away the rest and apply to your own preparedness as you see fit. Keep one foot grounded always. Earthly speaking, the only thing we know for certain is how prepared we are.)

Thoughts for the Week -

We lived through another awesome week here on this round globe. Blessed, we are and thankful for each day given to work hard, make life better for ourselves and those around us. Somedays can be a challenge, not personally, but when surrounded by gloomy frowning faces who can't appreciate waking up and being able to breath, walk, talk, and function, one must wonder what is so bad about their life? I would love to load them on a bus and drive them to Walter Reed Medical Center and let them spend a day with our military war veterans who are being operated on and rehabilitated to live without arms, legs, and basic skills in life. I bet these folks do not burn the American flag. Realizing roughly 2,852,901 women and men died in the line of duty fighting to defend our great nation makes the Patriot cause stronger. These brave women and men didn't start the wars they died in, they answered the call of their government. I digress... maybe another topic for another day. No matter how bad it may seem, a simple smile may change someone else's day who may be having real issues and problems internally.


One of the things Ms. Lucy enjoys doing is shopping at local Thrift stores. She can tell me when and where to go for the best deals. I tease her but it's pretty remarkable how consistent she is. So, we took a few hours on Saturday to go on a Thrift store tour around the city of Huntsville. If you don't already, I would recommend you consider it. If one is patient you can find good deals on preparedness resources. We picked up a nice full length back pack, a Coleman sleeping bag, and a Mule water bladder case (without the bladder) and our out the door price was $8. We also procured two camp fire pots for $3. Keep your eyes open and you may find some good deals and also save yourself some money and in most cases contribute to a good cause.


You may wonder why I try to avoid politics in the newsletter and website. The optimal word is "try". First, let me say, I will talk politics with about anyone in my inner circle. Anyone who knows me well knows my core beliefs and they have probably spent hours in discussions with me. Today, we are in a mess. A lot of folks watch or read politics in their own home and then leave it at home by trying to avoid the discussion. Not to mention it can be a depressing topic when you get in the weeds. We all have our thoughts and opinions and for me personally, I am at the point where I feel I have passed the point of discussion because many want to argue and point fingers. It would be easier separating bricks from mortar using your head than talk to some folks about politics. But, the biggest reason I try to avoid politics is to keep the website and any content on the site neutral to avoid being censored or deleted in middle of the night. If this would happen, the main point of why I established the website, book, and newsletter would be defeated. That being, to share and help provide information to any interested reader who wants to learn preparedness and help others. Nuff said?

Next ...

I was in deep thought this week wondering internally which is more devastating to our great nation: witnessing the destruction of the fabrics (faith, honesty, hard work, patriotism and unity) that once made this great nation the world's best and most capable; or witnessing the destruction of the human belief system where the people once stood proud and strong and believed they could overcome any adversity faced as individuals and proud humans, and now show defeatism one by one? Has the system that is supposed to represent the people crushed the will of the people? Something is definitely wrong when the wealthy elite tells the peasants it's wrong to be wealthy. Huh?

Next ...

Thanks for all the emails and positive words sent in this week. Your sharing and kind words are very much appreciated. Amazing how the timing of when they arrive in my inbox can be so perfect. Some evenings after a 14 to 16 hour day and exhaustion is starting to conquer me, I read your emails and I feel rejuvenated and ready to roll again. Thanks for taking the time to write and share how things are going for you and your preparedness planning. Reading your stories and witnessing your growth and confidence in your preparedness steps and plans is priceless. I also like to learn from you. So it's a two way street. I try to answer your emails back timely but sometimes it takes a few days. I will get back to you. We currently have five Patriot guest writers who contribute to the website and are regular readers. We will be adding a sixth contributor shortly. It is nice reading stories from other writers who offer and share their stories, skills, and input. It offers options for the readers. I send out a big thanks.

Next ...

A big thanks to our Patriot sister, Ms. Kilo Foxtrot who continues doing awesome work and trying to sound the alarm to wake people up with Agenda 21/2030 and other United Nations programs as well as local, state, and federal laws and programs happening as we sleep. I haven't figure out why yet, but when I try and forward her emails and great information my email gets flagged and tagged for spamming you folks. So, I have tried several different methods to deliver it. You should be familiar with the word "technocracy" from me mentioning it previously about a book by Patrick Wood. Ms. Kilo has a recommendation from another author below. One of the things I told my self years ago, I can close my eyes and hope its over when I open them and hope it does not impact me or my family. Or, I can put on my big boy pants and start trying to make changes and helping other to become informed and educated. These changes are happening right now. What will you do? Ms Kilo provided this: "Charlotte Iserbyt’s (The Deliberate Dumbing Down) new book. I am so thankful to her for being an education whistleblower. It’s well past time we stopped going to more of “our” meetings & pack the School Board or Commission meetings. Get organized! Tonight, Act for America’s founder Bridgette Gabriel said, that is America’s problem, we don’t get involved where we need to. "Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act." Dietrich Bonhoeffer, theologian, philosopher, martyr 1906-1945 Kim

If you would like to read more on globalization and how our president is dealing with it, or not, check out this excellent article by Brandon Smith. Thanks to our Patriot brother in North GA. for sharing this.

And my last thought...

I am very surprised on this one. Conservative Texas Representative and US Disabled Veteran Dan Crenshaw says "The solutions aren't obvious, even if we pretend they are. But we must try. Let's start with the TAPS Act. Maybe also implement state "red flag" laws, or gun violence restraining orders. Stop them before they can hurt someone." My Patriot friends, Mr Crenshaw is one of the last folks I would have ever thought would show cracks in his 2nd Amendment position. I think we can all agree we have a problem and something must be done to address the problem. But, until the nation addresses gun violence in the inner cities where red flag laws will not curve violence, then red flag laws are simply a threat to those of us who respect and obey existing laws yet others want to punish us for just that.

Okay, let's move ahead...

Preparedness News -

1. From Sarah Rodriguez - Bio Prepper - - Considering the Cherokees settled mostly in the Southeastern US of A, many of the suggested medicinal plants should still be available.

2. From Bill White - Survivopedia - - This is a very sensitive subject all the way around. How does your family fit in to your preparedness efforts? Do they fit in or are you hoping they show up? How much should you add in extra resources for the unknown family members? If you are teaming with others, have you discussed your family plan for those you aren't sure about? When I meet with folks in my travels and we talk about preparedness planning, this seems to be the topic no one wants to address because it can be the deal breaker. Ask yourself this question. If your team plans to rally at your property and you have agreed to store enough food jointly to feed 15 people for 30 days, then five family members arrive who didn't contribute, should the others on your team have to sacrifice their contributed food for others who didn't contribute nor state they would be arriving to your property? This is only the beginning of the questions one should present on this topic. This topic can be psychologically draining.

3. From Tricia Drevets - Homestead Survival Site - - Understanding weather and nature could save your life. Especially in a grid down situation, when mobile on foot and you have no technology to guide you, or if living totally off-grid.

4. From Edsel Cook - Natural News - - We can always use additional suggestions and recommendations on things to consider in our preparedness efforts.

5. From Samantha Biggers - Backdoor Survival - - Ms Biggers offers some good advice to consider. I could ask ten veteran preparers their thoughts on this topic and get ten answers. The answers are wide and vast.

6. From John Barsness - American Rifleman - - Good article on scopes, windage and elevation. This may be something good to understand. Just sayin...

7. From Megan Stewart - The Survivalist Blog - - There's several versions of the potato box. Here's another one.

8. From K - Survival Blog - - This is a good read on Beekeeping. If you ever thought about learning and becoming a beekeeper, check out this article as told by a startup hobbyist.

Other worthy news from the week ...

1. From Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - - Interesting article. What narrative do we believe today? What is true and untrue? Are we as individuals capable of deciphering and processing clear thoughts if we are continually fed untrue narratives?

2. From Staff Writer - Sara Carter - - This is short and brief. Rush Say's we are in a Cold Civil War. I don't disagree. But what makes me chuckle is Festus and I have been having these conversations since 2012 ish. Alternative news has been ahead of lame stream media for years. Sure, you have to sort it out at times but the basic premise was laid out long ago. Now, if you listen to Rush, Mark Levin, Sean Hannity and others, you hear this line. Heck, even Hannity started offering dehydrated survival buckets a few years ago.

3. From Laura Valkovic - Liberty Nation - - I'm have strong beliefs that the majority of our populace are awake at the wheel and not paying attention to what the future holds in the High Tech arena of 5G, AI, Virtual Reality and how it will impact each and every person. It is already happening today. While many are loading up on high tech Alex automatic faucets, cameras, and automated stoves and refrigerators, society is losing control and the ability to think and function. This is the tip of the iceberg.

4. From Joshua P. Nuckols - The Rutherford Institute - - This article reminds me of the old song "I always feel like, somebody's watching me".

5. From Mac Slavo - SHTF Plan - - Drone Skeeters, GMO Skeeters...what is next? AI Skeeters?

6. From Francis Porretto - Liberty Torch - - Very good debate on "what defines civilized"?

8. From Ian Macdonald - Politics Elections - - Oh say it ain't so. No way. They wouldn't lie to us like that. Really?

9. From Chris Menahan - DC Clothesline - - Well now, we are finally getting somewhere on this topic. Wonder if he signed it to make it official on Patriot Act letterhead official paper?

10. From Dave Hodges - The Common Sense Show - - Dave makes some interesting points in his article.

11. From Simon Black - Sovereign Man - - We hear the past year was a record year for the U.S. Government in tax revenues collected. Yet, we spend another trillion dollars to add to the national debt. I do hope each of you are taking necessary measures to protect yourself from the national debt and it's ramifications.

12. From Martin Armstrong - Armstrong Economics - - With global connectivity, most international problems will be Americas problem. Keep your eyes wide and alert.

13. From Michael Maharrey - Alt-Market - - How interesting. California is attempting to ban facial recognition in many cities. Hmmm.

Okay my Patriot friends, we have reached the end. The Patriot Express must move ahead.

Thanks for your time to check out the weekly newsletter. Stay safe this week.

Remember, self-reliance should be the goal. A personal goal and team goal. A plan is only as good as you make it and verify it works for you. Washington D.C. is busting a part at the seems and we must stay focused on the important things in life. Amen to that.

Please continue keeping our fellow brothers and sisters in your prayers. We have several folks who are battling health issues or dealing with a spouse with major health issues. Prayers are powerful and I know these folks would appreciate them much. Thanks!!!

Keep charging and have a great weekend.


Bravo Echo Out

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