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Patriot Express Newsletter Edition #100

Writer's picture: Butch ErskineButch Erskine

Fellow Patriots,

Greetings and welcome to the PENL Edition #100. Thanks for stopping by to check out this weeks newsletter. WOW!!! We made it. Achieving the 100 week plateau is really something I never dreamed would happen in the beginning. I will share some thoughts on the 100 week journey below under Thoughts for the Week. I appreciate those of you who invested your time over the many weeks the PENL has been around.

HFS 2nd Annual March Madness Donation Drive March 1-31, 2021 - All donations directly covers operational cost to keep licenses, software fees, website and email fees..... You can read more and donate at this link - Hope for Survival - 2nd Annual March Madness Donation Drive - March 1-31, 2021 We have reached about 50% of our goal so far. HFS sends a huge "THANK YOU" for donations received so far. It is greatly appreciated.

Thursday Zoom Rallies – We had Zoom Rally #45 as HFS continues the Thursday night series discussing preparedness related topics like gardening, building preparedness groups and leadership to name a few. If you aren't attending these rallies you are certainly missing out. The rally had two guest speakers again this week. JPW covered Practical Animal Care and shared some outstanding information and guidance for families with animals. We also shared a video tour of Carolina Readiness Supply. We then moved to our "chatter that matters" segment of the evening where all attendees can discuss any and all preparedness topics on their mind. Thanks to everyone who could attend. A big thanks to JPW for her outstanding research, information and practical care of animals. .

Heritage Life Skills will be held May 21-23, 2021 and registration started March 1, 2021. More information about Carolina Readiness Supply and Heritage Life Skills 2021 is provided in the following link to HFS YouTube page. (266) Hope For Survival - YouTube Here is my conversation with Ms. Jan discussing Heritage Life Skills 2021.

If you have never attended a Heritage Life Skills you are missing out. Here is a link to the website and registration page where you can find this years schedule, instructor bios and classes being offered. Carolina Readiness: A Preparedness & Survival Store.

Communications: You can now follow HFS social media on the following outlets:

Facebook – Hope for Survival

YouTube Channel – Hope for Survival

MeWe: - //

You can watch the most recent HFS YouTube video, HFS February 2021 Update, posted recently at

Connect and give me a shout. Share with family and friends.

Moving along …

We must make this brief public announcement to protect the innocent.

If you are a guest or newcomer to the HFS journey, please check out this link for additional information offered through HFS.

Ding, Ding, Ding....Attention HFS readers..... Opinions shared in this newsletter are just that, opinions, and nothing more. Read at your own risk. The owner and author of this site is not responsible for hurt feelings or thin-skinned readers. I do my best to show restraint and respect to the best extent possible. I take as many precautions as possible and try to remain as nonpolitical as possible, however, there are times when I just can't help but point certain things out. Occasionally I use words only Patriots recognize and understand. It's not personal against any non-Patriot. It's just the truth. Sometimes we must pull up our spenders and suck it up. Just saying. Stay the course, read what you want, and avoid the rest. Avoid fear porn as much as possible and the day will be okay. When all else fails… Keep the faith and always have Hope.

Let’s move along and get to some thoughts...

Thoughts for the week –

I am very surprised to be here writing my thoughts for the #100th Edition of the Patriot Express Newsletter. Folks, think about it, the PENL started on a whim for the most part based around a new book and a website. I had a email list of about 10 people at the time. I really had no clue what I wanted to do and where things may go. We have grown from 10 to about 370 preparers. Here we are 700 days later talking about edition #100. I have to chuckle a bit.

I came in to this HFS PENL journey with Ms. Lucy, Festus, and Wilson my random personal counselor who is a make believe squirrel. I know, it sounds nuts, huh? I never in a million years could have imagined or guessed the journey I would travel over the 700 days. 100 PENLs, over 450 posted articles, the amazing friends I would gain and now call family, and things I have learned from all of you.

First let me say Ms. Lucy has been very giving and understanding the past 100 weeks. The amount of time and adjustments to personal schedules to give me time to commit to doing the HFS total package. It has been tough and I know it has been for her. Thanks you Ms. Lucy. From afar, Festus spends countless hours reading and doing analysis of information. Sometimes to his own detriment because not only the hours he spends but the degree of the negative information can take a toll on a person. Remember, Festus and I started researching and tracking all this information years ago. So, imagine mounds of information and trying to remember it and keep track of it has been a real work load. Thank you Festus. I know it hasn't been easy. Just take a deep breath and try to feel it in the air tonight while enjoying the mountain life.

I could cover A-Z here but I won't. One of the important things to know is none of this would ever have happened had Ms. Lucy and I not journeyed to an event in NC where I also met Ms. Jan from Carolina Readiness Supply. I talked to her about getting an opportunity to teach classes at Heritage Life Skills which CRS host. I would never have crossed paths with any of you without this important opportunity taking place. Thank you Ms. Jan. Not only did it open up the door to HLS and all of you, I also gained two dear friends in Ms. Jan and Mr. Bill.

I will share some of the things I take away from the first #100 editions and where we have been over the weeks. Some things you may find comical and other things you may shake your head at. All in all, it is life and the journey we travel through in each of our books in life. I'm thankful we have crossed paths on this journey because you all made me a better person.

From the start I wrote short simple articles. Five to seven paragraphs. Sometimes I go back to the start of the website looking for information and I have to shake my head and ask "why did I write and post that?" I was learning I suppose. The first several months I may get ten reads. I would then go over to Breitbart or Zero Hedge and see 100,000 on a single article in less than 24 hours. Ha Ha. My intent then, and now, has always been information and helping the reader and not about numbers, reads, or visitors. For the record, I think it took over one year to finally get over 100 reads to an article.

The magic question has always been "what do they really want to read about?" Some things I had to consider was experience, knowledge levels, and desires for reading topics. I would throw out different topics, depths, and content. Most folks had no desire reading or learning about Artificial Intelligence, MK Ultra. 5 G - Virtual Reality, Technocracy, Robotic Testing and the One World Brain. Agenda 2030 was a certain no go. Not until recently in 2021 are folks finally paying some attention to the above topics.

This journey has been simply amazing for me. The things I have witnessed is amazing. Good and bad, happy and sad, it is life and it is all good. I have watched people come and go. Some stay and continue to be part of the HFS family and others decided being prepared was over rated. I am always amazed at the families or family leader who's ego is bigger than their preparedness pantry and decides they will be just fine. On the other side we started with those politically left of the fence and now prepare as part of their routine and politically they woke up to see reality. I have witnessed first time fire arm licensing, family chickens with names, how to build potato boxes and heat greenhouses. From ham radios to smoked canned hams, and water well pumps to dumpster diving for preparedness goodies, we have read and heard so much. Families on the move to relocate from a city to a farm and now they are surrounded by four legged family members. Mindsets are changed and built and then I witness the lifestyle changes to go with it. Preparers striving for self-reliance.

In the beginning I wasn't always politically correct and was reminded of such a time or two. One reader blew a gasket over the word "libtard" and let me know know about it. Another reader was offended because I talked about God a bit to much around Christmas. Then another reader asked to be removed from the mailing list because I made a statement about the left going after the guns. Sensitive indeed. Another reader asked to be removed because they didn't want to be associated with a radical website. Ha Ha. Ha. Ha. Now that is really funny. The neat thing about being on this end is I get to read and see it all. Because I try to live my life and each day "left of bang" and outside the box, I may have a different perspective on things. When people are offended by comments such as "Biden won the election through cheating (article title)" or "Put your mask on to help protect others" I tend to generate a sarcastic remark under my breath. Maybe a bit of the British humor in me. I have tried to stay on the fence for the most part because preparing people and families, left and right, is more important than proving a political point or victory. I also want the website to stay alive and not be taken down because of some crazy comment.

The number of amazing people and families I have crossed paths with the past 100 weeks is priceless. You have changed my life forever. You see, you aren't names on emails or faces in the zoom room camera. You all are human beings with a story that I have been honored to learn and now call you family. From VA to Montana, Florida to Massachusetts, Missouri to Los Angeles and Texas to Pennsylvania, Arizona to North Carolina and on and on, each of you are special. I get the most amazing personal emails from HFS supporters about life. They are about a moment in the writers life, or maybe something I wrote about that touched the reader personally. As I said above, each and every person is a human to me, not an email address or number stopping by. Very often I am working on the website or the PENL late at night and struggling. I ask myself the question, "is the time Festus and I put forth to provide the newsletter weekly worthwhile and helping someone in their preparedness journey?" Five minutes later a personal email will land from one of you sharing how something in the newsletter helped them with or touched them in a special way.

It could be a reminder of a past family member. Or, something along the spiritual walk that was shared in the Zoom room earlier in the week. You see, often I have email exchanges over time with a HFS sister or brother who may be experiencing a rough time for some reason and through the sharing of personal thoughts, faith, and hope, I get to witness the same individual(s) get back on their faith journey. That is far more important than anything. So, I say a heartfelt thank you for letting me be a part of your life and walk with you on this preparedness journey. Both in faith and earthly speaking. .

HFS started the Thursday evening Zoom rallies about 45 weeks ago to help keep preparedness minded people active, learning, and together. We have done that and more. You are amazing people who I call my family. We have bonded, built plans and checklists, learned, and spent time in person together. As Ms. Jan from Carolina Readiness Supply said to me recently, "I do believe God brings people together at a certain time to cross paths and unite." Amen, I do believe that 100%. In October 2020, the zoom rally group had been meeting virtually maybe 25 weeks at that point and decided to get together for an afternoon to hang out. We had about 38 or so virtual friends and preparers come from 7 states on short notice to spend the day together. Think about that.

I have journeyed to and through West Virginia, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Tennessee, Alabama, and Kentucky on this HFS mission so far. I know the list will grow each year, Lord Willing. You have had me to your homes, sometimes with and without Ms. Lucy and Festus, to meet your family and stay at your home. Thank you so much. These are priceless times in my life and I'm forever grateful to you. The cross table chats in your home about life. The walks and talks on your property to share thoughts. It has been an amazing 100 weeks. Building family plans, food plans, route plans, security plans, and communication plans, all to protect you and your family. Watching as you grow in confidence and understanding as to what is needed. Seeing your Hope meters go from red on the left to Hopeful on the right was hard work for you but many of you achieved it or continue to achieve it. .

There will always be those whos head holds more preparedness information than plans could ever build upon but so many of you took the "crawl, walk, and run" approach and learned, shared, and built upon your plans and resources week to week, month to month. Reading your emails each week and feeling your motivation and spirited positive attitudes was the best. Many of you are now off in the HFS groups helping others building upon the same process you started with two years ago. I know you are listening because I often hear "one is none, two is one, and three is better" being spouted from many of you.

We have had lots of fun over the 100 weeks and spent hours and hours putting things together, posting things, doing training and such. But, I'm not a keyboard person and would rather be in the field with you all doing rallies, training, throwing rocks down range, or just having a personal chat. The rally in Waynesville, NC last October was really special. On a whim 39 preparers from 7 states traveled to be together for an afternoon. It was like a family reunion. Some had never met in person before but because of weeks of Zoom and spending time virtually it was like we had know one another for years. I do believe paths cross at certain times in life for a reason.

So many of you are getting well prepared or close to being pretty prepared The greatest blessing in this journey has been the friendships built and the sister and brotherhoods bonded over the past 100 weeks. Once strangers, and now in your own areas you have lunch together, have one another to your homes for group training and so forth. Have you stopped to realize this most likely would not have happened without HFS and Zoom the past 45 weeks? As I watch the seeds from each of you preparers now being sewn in your local areas, it is awesome. I couldn't do this all by myself, however, through you and those around you we can grow the preparedness communities county and state wide. Together, we are helping out those around us which in time beefs up and strengthens our five mile radius and expands that distance out. Even more importantly, we are helping fellow humans survive a day longer hopefully.

A few months ago I was on a mountain top between North Georgia and North Carolina with my Patriot brother. We had spent a few days doing route surveys for route planning. At one moment we stopped to check out the view and across the many valleys and I thought to myself, "this is an amazing view of God's great land and here I am with my Patriot brother seeing it." One hundred weeks earlier, what would have been the odds of predicting this to happen in time? I hope this makes sense.

We are all born blessed and gifted in some way. Sometimes we don't recognize the gift until later in life, if ever. Sometimes it takes another person, family or stranger, to open our eyes, minds, and hearts to new things and adventures. Hope for Survival has been an adventure for me and beyond my wildest dreams. I have no clue what the next 100 weeks will bring but as long as God allows me to continue down this path I will do so. Regardless of where my path takes me, I challenge you all to continue preparing, spreading the word to others, and helping one another plant seeds and prepare the unprepared both earthly and spiritually. When you look in the mirror each morning, smile and remind yourself how gifted you are and the day is a new journey to go do great things for yourself and others. The events we prepare for may never come and that is what we want. Just know your time, money and effort was not wasted. Think of all the knowledge you have gained and the number of awesome new friends you now have, right? We strive to be better people, better prepared, and be a part of something bigger than a single person. Being better people individually helps build a better home and community. Be a part of it. Make a difference.

Okay, lunch break is over and now we must get back to it. Thanks for your time over the 100 weeks journey. I'm humbled and honored you would allow me to be a part of your life at some level. Love, blessings and world peace to all.

My buddy Wilson asked me to share the fact that squirrels must also prepare and plan because they lose roughly 25% of their stored food to thieves and predators.

Okay, lets move along to the news…

Preparedness News –

1. From Laurie Neverman - Common Sense Homes - The Best Homesteading Books for More Self-Reliant Living ( - Books, books, books. Paper, paper, paper. Yes, I love these products and building a personal paper library out of books and binders is a joy. It's like investing in silver and food. Books are great resources because we can't remember everything, right?

2. From Bryan Lynch - Survival Cache - How to be Mentally Prepared for Emergencies: Survival 101 - Survival Cache - I was happy to see this article. I do believe this is one of the most disregarded and overlooked topics. How mentally prepared are you?

3. From Bob Rodgers - Preppers Will - How To Create A Natural Shelter ( - This is a good article to study and understand the concept and also print for your personal library. You may wonder why it is needed? If you are chased from your primary location and never built a secondary bug out location on your property or another location, knowing how to build a temp shelter out of natural resources.

4. From Di-Anne Seebregts - The Homesteading Hippy - DIY Two-Bucket Hand-Crank Washing Machine * The Homesteading Hippy - This is another printable resource for your paper library.

5. From Jeannie Beales - The Survivalist Blog Net - How to Make DIY MREs for Your Bug out Bag | The Survivalist Blog - This could be interesting. While MREs are loaded in carbs and protein, I'm more concerned with the overall weight vs being part of one's Bug out Bag.

Other News –

1. From Doug Billings - Gen. Flynn Interview - - This is a great interview. Worth your time to get positive news as well as things taking place behind the scene. Gen Flynn is a true Patriot.

2. From Susan Ducios - All News Pipeline - Shockingly Novel Idea Or Common Sense? - We Do Not Have To Be A "Karen" Or A Rioter To Fight Back And Make Our Voices Heard Loud And Clear ( - As much as I agree with the premise of this article and approach, I just don't know how long this approach can be used. Why? It is slow and often fruitless to the eyes while the founding promises and protections are being removed like bricks in a collapsing border fence.

3. From Epoch Times - Biden Admin Officials Had Roles in Probes, Surveillance of Trump Campaign ( - Surprise!!!! Seriously? An absolute moron would only be surprised by this EPOCH article. Don't want to sound over reactive here but the only people who wouldn't admit this to be the case would be the Biden team doing the misdeeds.

4. From Spoke Jordan - The Fence Post - ‘30 x 30’ — Progressives pushing for massive federal land grab | - This may seem crazy but Festus and I have watched this coming for about eight or so years. Just go read Agenda 2030 and Wilderness Corridor for more truth on it.

5. Agenda (Documentary) - This is part I of II. This is a must if you want to learn the depths of the current national and global issues taking place. This didn't happen overnight. If one will invest time in to these documentaries it will help them decipher a lot of the pop news stories each day.. (Thanks Festus for sending this my way. I have the DVD of this documentary so wasn't aware of it being available on YouTube....for now.)

Drum roll...........

That's all my Patriot brothers and sisters.

Thanks for your emails and messages. I enjoy hearing from you throughout the week and sharing your preparedness projects and accomplishments. Share with your family and friends and bring them aboard to get prepared. I also want to thank those who purchased a copy of my book this week.

Thanks for your time to read the PENL and hanging out with us for a while. We all have different desires in news and what we read at different points in our day. Hopefully HFS has provided information to stimulate your thinking and the realities around us. It is important for you to keep your feet and minds grounded as the world continues towards an unknown destination. In my Thoughts for the Week I bounce around to share what's on my mind for the week. I try to stay positive and upbeat and often thoughts are unrelated to preparedness and about life. I continue to be cautious to what I post simply to avoid the "woke" radar.

Prayers - Please keep our great nation, our elected leaders, military and first responders in your thoughts and prayers. We pray for good health and wisdom. Please pray for our leadership to find answers and guidance to the problems facing our great nation. Please pray for the former President and his family. May your faith remain strong and answers to the unknown provided. God is good and may our prayers blanket and protect you and your circumstances. I pray for each, and every one of our Patriots. Please pray for many who continues to struggle through this period in our history. Please pray for our Patriot sister in the Asheville area who has been sick for over a week. Pray you gain strength, get your health back, and go home soon. Prayers for strength and good health for your husband as well. Please pray for wisdom, energy, and efforts as the Carolina Readiness crew puts the final touches on the upcoming Heritage Life Skills event. May we pray for all the blessings and things in life to be thankful about and continued hope for revival around the world. We must continually pray for the unsaved, our family and friends who live each day without the protection for eternal life and salvation. Amen

The headwinds are strong against us but we must keep charging. Have a safe week. Don't allow the events around us to create fear in your life. Stay focused and don't chase rabbits. Build your own self-reliance and focus on hope. Remember we are a blessed nation and we must continue to be great people.


Bravo Echo Out,

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