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Writer's pictureButch Erskine

Patriot Express Newsletter Edition #104

Fellow Patriots,

Greetings and welcome to the PENL Edition #104. Ms. Lucy and I would like to thank you for stopping by to check out this weeks newsletter. We hope you had a blessed and peaceful Easter weekend. It was beautiful here in North Alabama where we got to attend Easter Service at our local church the past 14 years. It was an excellent service to go with the beautiful sunshine and spring day awaiting us. Thank You Lord for the blessings you bestow upon us. We are very undeserving but blessed people indeed. .

Great news!!! Book two in the Hope for Survival series will hopefully be available in May at Heritage Life Skills, May 21-23, 2021 and by order on this web page. Book II is titled Hope for Survival - The Mindset. In this book I discuss training your mindset to help you remain a hard target, outside the box and left of bang. The book discusses verbal and nonverbal threats that can invade your safe space and threaten you and your family. How do you live your life with threats surrounding you daily? I will announce on the website when available. Check it out.

Thursday Zoom Rallies – We had Zoom Rally #49 as HFS continues the Thursday night series discussing preparedness related topics like gardening, building preparedness groups and leadership to name a few. Anyone missing or not attending the Zoom series is simply missing out. We enjoyed another very special guest in #49 with Mrs. Jan Morrow who joined us to speak about Agenda 2030, Covid-19, the John Birch Society and more. If you are wondering what you can do for your community and country to get things back on course, our guest speakers the last two weeks provided it. Thanks, Ms. Jan for your time to join and share your amazing knowledge with us. A favorite feature of mine is the "chatter that matters" segment of the evening where all attendees can discuss any and all preparedness topics on their mind. Thanks to everyone who could attend.

Heritage Life Skills will be held May 21-23, 2021 and registration started March 1, 2021. More information about Carolina Readiness Supply and Heritage Life Skills 2021 is provided in the following link to HFS YouTube page. (266) Hope For Survival - YouTube Here is my conversation with Ms. Jan discussing Heritage Life Skills 2021.

If you have never attended a Heritage Life Skills you are missing out. Here is a link to the website and registration page where you can find this years schedule, instructor bios and classes being offered. Carolina Readiness: A Preparedness & Survival Store.

Communications: You can now follow HFS social media on the following outlets:

Facebook – Hope for Survival

YouTube Channel – Hope for Survival

MeWe: - //

Connect and give me a shout. Share with family and friends.

Moving along …

We must make this brief public announcement to protect the innocent.

If you are a guest or newcomer to the HFS journey, please check out this link for additional information offered through HFS.

Ding, Ding, Ding....Attention HFS readers..... Opinions shared in this newsletter are just that, opinions, and nothing more. Read at your own risk. The owner and author of this site is not responsible for hurt feelings or thin-skinned readers. I do my best to show restraint and respect to the best extent possible. I take as many precautions as possible and try to remain as nonpolitical as possible, however, there are times when I just can't help but point certain things out. Occasionally I use words only Patriots recognize and understand. It's not personal against any non-Patriot. It's just the truth. Sometimes we must pull up our spenders and suck it up. Just saying. Stay the course, read what you want, and avoid the rest. Avoid fear porn as much as possible and the day will be okay. When all else fails… Keep the faith and always have Hope.

Let’s move along and get to some thoughts...

Thoughts for the week

I have several thoughts to share with you this week and I will try to make it quick. Time is not my friend getting this newsletter ready and available by this evening. Lots of demands and little time available. But, it is important to share the following thoughts.

First, I want to pass along a big thanks to Mrs. Kim Fletter and Mrs. Jan Morrow, for their time spent with the Thursday evening zoom group the past two weeks. The information was timely and on target to the HFS participants. From Covid-19 to Eugenics, the United Nations to the World Health Organization, Agenda 2030 to Common Core, and most importantly "what you can do" to help protect the Constitution and your personal liberties. They are eroding away quickly while we watch.

They pointed out something HFS has been talking about for a few months now. Get involved in your community and local level. What are your elected officials doing or not doing against your Constitutional rights and what are they doing to preserve them? Are they doing nothing? Let them know about it. Are they doing something but not telling you? Ask. Pick up the phone and call them to let them know how you feel and what you expect. Has your state drafted a bill to protect state citizens 2nd Amendment rights particularly, and now pushing it through state legislation to protect you the tax paying citizen from federal overreach attempting to take away your Constitutional rights? If you do not know, ask. If they have, what is the status? Demand your state governor sign the bill ASAP. Our great states must let the federal leadership know we do not support the federal effort to remove more personal freedoms of the citizens. If they seriously feared guns they would have already moved to clean up Chicago, Cleveland, Baltimore, Atlanta, Detroit, Los Angeles, Seattle, Portland and the list goes on. Is it not interesting all the states I listed are led by liberal leaders yet the federal goals are to attack the rights of those living in conservative America where the citizens are law abiding? Take away fire arms from the Patriots they fear who will stand up and defend this great country and leave the firearms with the law breaking parasites currently tormenting citizens throughout their respective city.

The time for reading and getting smart is quickly passing us by. All Patriots should be armed with knowledge and information to go fight the battle in their communities, county and state. If you choose not to do anything, stop complaining. We all must get off our behinds NOW and start being heard. I spoke to a Huntsville Patriot this morning who shared he had already been on the phone talking directly to his state Senator letting him know how he felt and his expectations on the expected state bill currently happening in half the states in America.

Both guest speakers to zoom referenced two key websites we all should be monitoring and reading to stay informed. They are listed below. These sites are a great central source for current topics and information taking place on multiple fronts. Get informed.

One of the doctors referenced by both ladies is Dr. Sherri Tenpenny. Here is a recent interview with Dr. Tenpenny on the Hagman Report this week. Check it out at this link.


I would encourage you to bookmark the link to the page below and refer to it often for current and up to date information.

Next ....

I had the chance to have lunch with two of our Huntsville Patriot group leaders this week. It is always fantastic to be together and share common interest and concerns. I thank both these fine Patriots for lunch and their time shared with me. I always walk away having learned something.

Something important to share with anyone in a group or wanting to start a group, or a group leader in a five mile radius area forming a group. It is very important to be a leader for your people while also including those around in your group to support the groups mission and goals. One person cannot do it all. Trust me, I know. This is part of why I started the HFS Group/Node/Tribe program. We all have something to offer and that something must be a part of the training plan to get people involved, take some of the weight from the leader, share skills amongst team members, and keep the process moving forward.

Leadership is a leader giving direction,, listening, managing, and delivering results. In a sense it is top down in direction but a bottom up in getting the results and having members feel open to coming to the group leader to talk openly. Talk to your group members and identify their needs and concerns often. Leadership occurs at all levels with professionals. Use your peoples skills to your fullest capability.

I once worked for a gentleman who had 50 years of experience. He was so smart (eye roll) he had to have his secretary print out his emails and let him read them. He would then write out his response with pen and paper, have her retype and send it from his email. Look at the time waste and poor management of his secretary. His professional skills needed to lead a group of approximately 100 people took place in the 1960s. This was in the 2010 to 2015 range. He would call meetings and it was a one way conversation. It was not a meeting. It was a dictatorship. My way or the highway. He was using crayon and egg shell technology to instruct how to build a half billion dollar security system while all his employees had current day skills.

We never spoke unless asked a question. We always waited for the question "could someone please educate me on the current technology to do this task?"

My point is the people let your people be a part of leading and building the group. Utilize all the skills of each person in your group. Have multiple leaders for training and development in different areas. People are in a preparedness group because they want to be prepared. They want to learn. Let your people share their skills and information. The big picture looking in to the group is the group will be much better prepared and much sooner.

One of the HFS groups meet for a social dinner every few weeks to bond and spend time together. They discuss plans for their upcoming training day which is a different event. They talk about open issues from past meetings and then ensure group members are up to speed and clear on what is expected in the next training day. They are led by a respected leader who also includes each of them in having a voice to the group. They share, learn, progress, and continue to build their group. They have fun.

Make the most of this opportunity while time allows it to happen. You can reach the shore much faster with the team rowing the boat vs one rowing and the others watching.


I hope to have the PENL posted on time next Friday. I will be on the road in NC and GA most of next week doing HFS stuff with fellow Patriots. If you do not see the PENL on Friday, this is why. It may have to be on Saturday.

Have an awesome weekend and stay safe.

Okay, lets move along to the news…

Preparedness News

1. Lehmans - Water Heating, Treatments, Filters, Testers and Parts ( - I have shared this link previously and it was provided by another Preparedness Patriot. This is a great site to buy quality goods and resources.

2. From Tod - Prepared Christians - Quick Soups on the Run - Hobo Cooking | PREPARED CHRISTIANS - This is worth printing just to get the ketchup soup recipe. Sounds disgusting yet good. This is a great soup when on the run or you have limited resources. You wont survive on it but it will get you through till the next meal.

3. From Ashley Adamant - Practical Self Reliance - 15 Ways to Use Borage ( - This is a keeper. The medicinal uses alone is worth checking this out. Look at it this way. This is another tool in your medical tool bag to help you and your family during a crisis.

4. From Greg Seebregts - The Homesteading Hippy - So, How Many Apple Trees to Plant per Acre? * The Homesteading Hippy - This is a great question often asked. "How many acres do I need for a single cow?" "How many trees can I plant on a single acre?" This is a good read and opinion to consider.

5. From John Silviera - Backwoods Home Magazine - Vitamins D and K — way more important than you thought - Backwoods Home Magazine - If you have not figured it out yet, adding vitamins to your daily regiment and preparedness resources is extremely important. Different people suggest and/or take different vitamins. What is best for you?

6. From Adriene - Whole New Mom - Lasagna Gardening for Your BEST and Easiest Garden Ever! ( - This is interesting and a concept we are checking out on our end. Ms. Lucy has been composting for about a year now so her jewels of labor should be fruitful pretty soon. Until this style of gardening is workable I will probably do a tilled garden also. Or, a raised bed garden.

7. From Henry Homeyer - Farmers Almanac -Four-Bed Crop Rotation for Small Gardens | Old Farmer's Almanac - This is great for anyone limited physically or by space.

8. From Pruitt's Tree Resin - Check this out. - I had posted an article on tree resin to the website several months ago. This is better because of the video information.

Other News

1. If you don't have this website marked this is a good one to add to your daily news readings. The New American - That Freedom Shall Not Perish

2. Another excellent delivery, Q and A with Steve Bannon at Oxford University. (6) Steve Bannon | Full Address and Q&A | Oxford Union - YouTube

3. Think you know Bill Gates? This documentary will better define where we are today. Excellent watch. (6) Who Is Bill Gates? (Full Documentary, 2020) - YouTube

4. From James Murphy - New American - Obama Comes Out for Slavery Reparations; Blames “White Resistance” for Not Doing It Himself - The New American - I will leave this one right here for you to read and form your own opinion. Seems the former President is creating a long list of things he wanted to do but could not. I do not see anything on a better economic growth rate about 2%. Did he not tell us this was the new norm and it would never go above 2%?

5. From John Whitehead - The Rutherford Institute - The Rutherford Institute :: Civil Liberties in the Age of COVID-19: A Special Report by The Rutherford Institute | - Panic, fear, lockdowns, maintain your social distancing, get the vaccine, no family gatherings, no holidays, cancel school, you can riot but you can not go to church, the list goes on and on. Just like after 911, we had fear placed in and around us and we got the Patriot Act. What will we give up today for better federal protection? Just wait and see.

Drum roll...........

That's all my Patriot brothers and sisters.

Thanks for your emails and messages. I enjoy hearing from you throughout the week and sharing your preparedness projects and accomplishments. Thanks for your time to read the PENL and hanging out with us for a while. We all have different desires in news and what we read at different points in our day. Hopefully HFS has provided information to stimulate your thinking and the realities around us. It is important for you to keep your feet and minds grounded as the world continues towards an unknown destination. In my Thoughts for the Week I bounce around to share what's on my mind for the week. I try to stay positive and upbeat and often thoughts are unrelated to preparedness and about life. I continue to be cautious to what I post simply to avoid the "woke" radar.

Prayers - Please keep our great nation, our elected leaders, military and first responders in your thoughts and prayers. We pray for good health and wisdom. Please pray for our leadership to find answers and guidance to the problems facing our great nation. Please pray for the former President and his family. May your faith remain strong and answers to the unknown provided. God is good and may our prayers blanket and protect you and your circumstances. I pray for each, and every one of our Patriots. Please pray for our sister Patriot in the Cumberland Plateau who continues recovery and rehabilitation from recent knee replacement surgery. Please pray for our Patriot sister in the Asheville area who has been sick for over a month. Pray you gain strength, get your health back soon. Prayers for strength and good health for your husband as well. Please pray for our Sister Patriot in Huntsville, AL who took a fall in January and is still going through numerous medical procedures to get to a point of recovering. Please pray for our Sister Patriot in NC who underwent surgery this week to hopefully fix a prolonged medical issue that causes her pain constantly. Prayers to her and her husband for a successful surgery and speedy recovery. Please pray for wisdom, energy, and efforts as the Carolina Readiness crew puts the final touches on the upcoming Heritage Life Skills event. May we pray for all the blessings and things in life to be thankful about and continued hope for revival around the world. We must continually pray for the unsaved, our family and friends who live each day without the protection for eternal life and salvation. Amen

As Patriots we must stay strong and never give up. Our home, community and nation needs us now more than ever. We can't bury our heads in the sand and hope it will pass over. The hole will only get deeper. The headwinds are strong against us but we must keep charging. Have a safe week. Don't allow the events around us to create fear in your life. Build your own self-reliance and focus on hope. Remember we are a blessed nation and we must continue to be great people today and make a better tomorrow. Keep charging.


Bravo Echo Out,

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