Fellow Patriots,
Greetings and welcome to the PENL Edition #105. Ms. Lucy and I would like to thank you for stopping by to check out this weeks newsletter. We know you could be doing many other things with your time. So thank you for sharing it with us. You may have noticed I haven't been mentioning biscuits and gravy lately. Well, let me simply say the KETO monster has invaded the kitchen cabinets. This is a good thing I must admit. Wilson told me I needed to listen to Ms. Lucy and stop eating biscuits and gravy and eat healthy things like nuts. I asked Wilson if he had ever tried squirrel gravy before and he stopped pestering me.
Please take a minute to read the prayer list at the end of the newsletter. We have several Patriots in need of our thoughts and prayers right now.
Everyday is a good day and waking up to the many blessings before us certainly makes one feel pretty grateful. We are living through historic times in our great nation. I am very blessed to be sharing it with you. Here at Hope for Survival we hit a significant date where we passed our 2nd Anniversary. Where has time gone? It has been great to say the least. I have learned so much from so many of you and the biggest blessing to me are all the new Patriot sisters and brothers I now have in my life. I am truly blessed. Like Ms. Jan at Carolina Readiness Supply said a few weeks ago, "I do believe our paths are crossing at this time for a reason." Amen to that.
I wanted to share with you the amazing gift that was sent to HFS by East Coast Gal to mark the achievement of hitting the two year mark. Like several of you, she has been on this journey since day 1. What a ride it has been. Check out the beautiful embroidering work she completed below. I can't threat a needle so this is pretty amazing work to me. More importantly, HFS thanks you more than words can relate. Thanks to everyone for your support.
Thursday Zoom Rallies – We had Zoom Rally #50 as HFS continues the Thursday night series discussing preparedness related topics like gardening, building preparedness groups and leadership to name a few. After two straight weeks of special guest, we took a break from guest to focus on some home remedies shared by our NC Patriot sister.. Thank you much Ms. J. Mrs. Kim Fletter will be back on April 22, 2021 to continue sharing he wealth of knowledge with the group. A favorite feature of mine is the "chatter that matters" segment of the evening where all attendees can discuss any and all preparedness topics on their mind. Thanks to everyone who could attend.
Heritage Life Skills will be held May 21-23, 2021 and registration started March 1, 2021. More information about Carolina Readiness Supply and Heritage Life Skills 2021 is provided in the following link to HFS YouTube page. (266) Hope For Survival - YouTube Here is my conversation with Ms. Jan discussing Heritage Life Skills 2021.
If you have never attended a Heritage Life Skills you are missing out. Here is a link to the website and registration page where you can find this years schedule, instructor bios and classes being offered. Carolina Readiness: A Preparedness & Survival Store.
Communications: You can now follow HFS social media on the following outlets:
Facebook – Hope for Survival
YouTube Channel – Hope for Survival
MeWe: - //mewe.com/p/hopeforsurvival2
Connect and give me a shout. Share with family and friends.
Moving along …
We must make this brief public announcement to protect the innocent.
If you are a guest or newcomer to the HFS journey, please check out this link for additional information offered through HFS. https://www.hopeforsurvival.com/post/guest-and-newcomers-information-page
Ding, Ding, Ding....Attention HFS readers..... Opinions shared in this newsletter are just that, opinions, and nothing more. Read at your own risk. The owner and author of this site is not responsible for hurt feelings or thin-skinned readers. I do my best to show restraint and respect to the best extent possible. I take as many precautions as possible and try to remain as nonpolitical as possible, however, there are times when I just can't help but point certain things out. Occasionally I use words only Patriots recognize and understand. It's not personal against any non-Patriot. It's just the truth. Sometimes we must pull up our spenders and suck it up. Just saying. Stay the course, read what you want, and avoid the rest. Avoid fear porn as much as possible and the day will be okay. When all else fails… Keep the faith and always have Hope.
Let’s move along and get to some thoughts...
Thoughts for the week –
This is a very busy week at Hope for Survival with lots of road time to see awesome Patriot sisters and brothers. One of the things that makes the distance covered so great is spring has sprung and the trees are turning green, the flowers are colorful and Ms. Lucy's roses are starting to bloom beautifully at the home base. Aside from the heavy pollen it is great to be outside.
I started the week in Huntsville, transited through Crossville, TN to spend time with Festus and Mrs. Festus and meet two new Patriots, rolled off the Cumberland Plateau to my home base for a couple days. Then packed up training materials and headed south. I had the honor of stopping in at Carolina Readiness Supply and spending some time with Ms. Jan and Mr. Bill which is always a treat. Then journeyed up the street to break bread with Waynesville area HFS Patriots. This is always a treat. Then departed and headed west to GA for two days of HFS fun and work. It is great to see all the HFS Patriots and even better that we all survived the pas year, healthy and alive. Amen to that.
I got to meet up with three Patriots in Huntsville, AL to break bread and talk preparedness for a few hours before leaving Alabama. It was a good meeting on team building and sharing skills amongst group members. We talked about conducting hands on training where members could attend training at different sites to learn from the many skills offered by group members. This is important. It is much easier to learn when doing and seeing the task first hand. We discussed ways to make this happen.
It was great to visit Mrs. Festus and Festus and see all the work they have accomplished since my last visit. We had a great meeting to discuss things going on within HFS and the calendar going forward. We spent a lot of time talking about the current status of our nation and where we thought things are headed. It is not a rosy picture to be perfectly honest. Mrs. Festus put together an amazing spread for lunch. Thank you much for the amazing steaks, Mrs. Festus. You always do an amazing job. I got to meet two new Patriots who bring a wealth of talent and knowledge to the Crossville group. It was an honor to meet them. We had a good conversation on communications and expanding communication capabilities. I look forward to working together.. As always, time went to fast and it was time to depart the plateau and head to my home in East TN. We agreed we need to do this more often. Through the past eleven or so years and thousands of topics and political storms where things often seems so negative, we seem to find things to laugh about during our time together. I hope you can do the same. Staying grounded and helping those around you to stay grounded is important for your sanity.
I made it home just in time to watch another beautiful sunset over the TN mountains. If you have never witnessed it, it can be breathtaking to see. Everything is green and healthy from all the rain in March and April. The fruit trees and berry bushes are blooming. It is always good to be home, right? I don't know what excites me more, the weeks worth of growing grass or the Amazon boxes waiting on me. Life is good. Though the stay is short, home is the happy place. Ms. Lucy and I are blessed to live amongst good neighbors and several Patriot sisters and brothers who help look after things while we are away. Thank you so much.
I got to visit briefly with two of my Patriot neighbors and it was great to see them. We had a quick discussion regarding the current ongoing crisis in Ukraine and what could potentially be the start of a European war that could escalate globally. Russia currently has 80,000 troops amassed at the Ukrainian border along with tanks and bomber jets with nuclear capability. Russia has stated they will not allow Ukraine to join NATO which appears to be coming soon. We also discussed Heritage Life Skills and plans for attending this exciting event. A big thanks to these two for holding down the fort and moving our preparedness community forward. Thank you.
Waynesville, NC is the hub or center point for most locations I go to support NC, SC and GA. Waynesville means Carolina Readiness Supply and Ms. Jan and Mr. Bill. It is always great to stop in and see the CRS family because more than likely I will also see HFS Patriots as well. I have been wondering when Mr. Bill is going to put in bunks for all his Patriot kids coming home. Ha Ha. If you have not signed up for HLS yet, what are you waiting on? If you are going to attend, bring a family member and friend. This is the annual event to get folks trained and around like minded Patriots.
After a visit at CRS I went over to meet up with some HFS Patriots to break bread and bond. Thanks to those who could attend and share their time with us. I enjoy the time we get together but more so the time you get to spend meeting and bonding together. This is an important step in what we are doing.
It was great to spend a full day training with the Franklin Group. I am really proud of this group for moving the goalpost down the and making things happen individually and as a group. They continue bonding through their dinners where they discuss past training, plan for their next training, and share accomplishments shared with the group. Checklists, communications, bug out and ready bags, first aid and medical kits. They are preparing and sharing plans completed and to be completed. This week we spent half the day going through bug out bags and checking of components of the bag, needs for the bag, and changing out the bag for specific events and seasonal changes. The second half of the day was spent on home and property security. I started the group off conducting a security exercise where the group built security around a home and property. We then worked on "what do you see." and thinking outside the box. Imagine that. We discussed ways to secure doors, windows, sliding doors, and features close to the home that can be used by an adversary against the home owner. I concluded the day conducting the same exercise we started with to see changes and things learned by the group during the training. It was great spending the day with these Patriots. Thank you for inviting me in to your training day. Keep charging and improving your plans.
All day Friday was spent conducting a risk analysis and vulnerability assessment for a HFS Patriot family. We have been working on completing survey questions and answers to prepare for the onsite review. This assessment covers, food, water, shelter, security, medicinal, structure, communications, animals, garden, orchards and the works. I basically spend the day seeing what I already read or reviewed by satellite pictures. Then I put on my adversary hat and look at the ways I can get through current plans and then recommend how to mitigate the identified vulnerabilities. It was great o spend the day with the Patriot family I was working for. This young family is kicking behind and on the ball to become self-reliant. I am really proud of their accomplishments and attitude.
It was a great week and life is blessed. Thanks to everyone who participated in some form of HFS event.
Next .....
I want to share something with you and hope you will also think about it because you could be in the same situation or possibly in the future. A few months ago Ms. Lucy's mother came to stay with us and we still have her. Now first let me say this is a nonissue because we have always told her we have a room with her name on it. Her current status is unknown as far as if it is permanent or half the year and the other half with her son in WV. The day to day adjustment is okay and minimally demanding. It is a change for sure because one of us has to be home with her at night. She spent almost all of 2020 locked in to her home because of Covid-19 and it really took a toll on her. The reason I am sharing this is because my previous preparedness plans centered around Ms. Lucy and myself. Now with a third person who is elderly, anything in our plans that may require us to bug out would be severely changed. Food resources would be changed as well. It is life and things we may have to deal with. We just need to recognize the change. Have you considered this in your plans? Think about it and adjust accordingly.
Next ....
A topic that seems to come up in about every preparedness conversation the past few months is communications and antennas. Well, specifically antennas. Now, I could go direct with Alabama Rebel to get the K - Graduate School rendition where smoke would be coming from my ears by the 2nd Grade because the man knows his stuff. I am finding a lot of folks know a lot about antennas for that matter. There knowledge is much appreciated and helpful. I came across this video on YouTube on Dipole and Inverted V antennas. The link was provided on American Partisan website. This is helpful information. .
Okay, lets move along to the news…
Preparedness News –
1. From Diane Vukovi - Primal Survivor - How to Store Dry Pasta Long Term (primalsurvivor.net) - You knew I would share this one because it is about food. We have lots of pasta in our food storage. Check this out.
2. From Dan Mowinski - Preppers Will - 5 Fundamentals To Shooting A Traditional Bow (prepperswill.com) - When I eventually retire this is a resource and skill I want to take up. With the cost and unavailability of ammunition these days we should consider alternative means of self-defense and hunting.
3. From Milkwood - Milkwood -How To Permaculture your Small Space or Rental - Beginner's Guide + video replay - Milkwood - I don't know about you but I have always had interest in permaculture on my property. It is a unique art I do believe.
4. From Prep School Daily - Prep School Daily: Dirty Thoughts—Manure and Compost Management in Doomsday - A dirty topic indeed but one of importance. If you go this route make extra sure your hygiene is tip top attention.
5. From Living Life in Iowa - What Causes Food Supply Shortages and What Can You Do About It? (livinglifeinruraliowa.com) - HFS warned readers last summer and fall of the coming food shortages and rising cost of food and fuel. I hope you took advantage of the warning to avoid what is going on today.
6. From Tim Mackay - Modern Survival Online - Emergency Sanitation – Everything You Need To Know (modernsurvivalonline.com) - This is a huge area most will ignore until post-collapse. Human sanitation and waste will get many sick and bring death in the urban and suburban areas.
Other News –
1, From Wolf Richter - Wolf Street - US National Debt Passes $28 Trillion, +$4.7 Trillion in 13 Months. General Treasury Account Down by $480 Billion in 2 Months, $620 Billion to Go | Wolf Street - Why do we still not hear our elected officials warning and screaming over the out of control national debt?
2. From John Whitehead - The Rutherford Institute - The Rutherford Institute :: Civil Liberties in the Age of COVID-19: A Special Report by The Rutherford Institute | - This is worth your time to read. We are so busy with life and preparedness as well as the media not providing coverage of the many court actions going on the past year taking away civil liberties.
3. From Richard Jack Rail - American Thinker - What it will look like for us if history repeats itself - American Thinker - Interesting perspective. Worth the read. Have you considered how many hours per week we all think about this topic.
4. From Arthur Milikh - The American Mind - A New Conservatism Must Emerge - The American Mind - I agree. Currently we have a single party wearing different hats. Don't believe me? Look at the debt and loss of civil liberties. Who is responsible?
5. From Adam Taggart - Peak Prosperity - We're In Uncharted Territory | Peak Prosperity - If you read nothing else you should read this one.
Drum roll...........
That's all my Patriot brothers and sisters.
Thanks for your emails and messages. I enjoy hearing from you throughout the week and sharing your preparedness projects and accomplishments. Thanks for your time to read the PENL and hanging out with us for a while. I am running behind getting back to emails so please forgive me. I will respond first chance I get.
We all have different desires in news and what we read at different points in our day. Hopefully HFS has provided information to stimulate your thinking and the realities around us. It is important for you to keep your feet and minds grounded as the world continues towards an unknown destination. In my Thoughts for the Week I bounce around to share what's on my mind for the week. I try to stay positive and upbeat and often thoughts are unrelated to preparedness and about life. I continue to be cautious to what I post simply to avoid the "woke" radar.
Prayers - Please keep our great nation, our elected leaders, military and first responders in your thoughts and prayers. We pray for good health and wisdom. Please pray for our leadership to find answers and guidance to the problems facing our great nation. Please pray for the former President and his family. May your faith remain strong and answers to the unknown provided. God is good and may our prayers blanket and protect you and your circumstances. I pray for each, and every one of our Patriots.
Please pray for our sister Patriot in the Cumberland Plateau who continues recovery and rehabilitation from recent knee replacement surgery.
Please pray for our Patriot sister in the Asheville area who has been sick for over a month. Pray you gain strength, get your health back soon. Prayers for strength and good health for your husband as well.
Please pray for our Sister Patriot in Huntsville, AL who took a fall in January and is still going through numerous medical procedures to get to a point of recovering.
Please pray for our Sister Patriot in NC who underwent surgery last week to hopefully fix a prolonged medical issue that causes her pain constantly. Prayers to her and her husband for a successful surgery and speedy recovery.
We need a lot of prayer warriors to uplift a Patriot sister and her family while they deal with negative health news with a child. We need lots of prayer to uplift this family often.
Please pray for a Patriot sister and brother in SC while they deal with family issues regarding a child and grandchild. Pray for strength and wisdom as they adjust to current events.
Please pray for wisdom, energy, and efforts as the Carolina Readiness crew puts the final touches on the upcoming Heritage Life Skills event. May we pray for all the blessings and things in life to be thankful about and continued hope for revival around the world. We must continually pray for the unsaved, our family and friends who live each day without the protection for eternal life and salvation. Amen
As Patriots we must stay strong and never give up. Our home, community and nation needs us now more than ever. We can't bury our heads in the sand and hope it will pass over. The hole will only get deeper. The headwinds are strong against us but we must keep charging. Have a safe week. Don't allow the events around us to create fear in your life. Build your own self-reliance and focus on hope. Remember we are a blessed nation and we must continue to be great people today and make a better tomorrow. Keep charging.
Bravo Echo Out,