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Patriot Express Newsletter Edition #117

Writer's picture: Butch ErskineButch Erskine

Greetings and welcome to the PENL Edition #117. I hope you enjoyed a great Independence Day weekend with family and friends. I love celebrating the 4th of July and all the reasons we have the holiday. A part of me always finds a few seconds reflecting back to Chevy Chase Christmas Vacation when Aunt Bethany burst into the National Anthem when she thought she witnessed fireworks exploding from the sewer pipe explosion.

Ms. Lucy and I had a very enjoyable week here in East TN with our three year old grandson. What a champ he is. The kid didn't cry one time. He helped me pick blueberries and pears from the bushes and trees. He even helped his Mar Mar (Ms. Lucy) wash her vehicle. He was standing up in the driver seat and she approached him for something and he said "please close the door Mar Mar, I'm on a conference call." Yes, it was that kind of week for us. Wonderful. His mother and two older sisters arrived on Saturday to collect him to travel to their home in Virginia on Monday. It is always a joy to see family. I hope you could experience the same. It is uplifting indeed.

I traveled to Waynesville, NC to visit two of my favorite Patriots at Carolina Readiness Supply and then rally up with about twenty five Patriots for lunch and a personal chat on preparedness. Sorry our Kentucky Patriot sister and brother encountered some difficulties along the trip to NC. We missed having you with us. It was great to have time to share a meal and see everyone. Thanks to those who could attend.

Thursday Zoom Rallies – HFS Thursday Zoom Rally #59 was conducted and the group focused on Transhumanism, vetting new prospects for groups, and the world without rule of law and rule of law. We discussed how these two important categories could impact you and your family in a non-protected neighborhood and a protected neighborhood. We ended the zoom rally with the weekly chatter that matters session. HFS welcomed several new Patriots to the group. Thanks for your support and attending this weekly event.

Hope for Survival YouTube - If you haven't already subscribed to the page, please consider doing so. This informs you when HFS post a new video. Spend some time going through the videos. You will find many helpful videos on canning, food preparedness, security and defense in depth, firearm safety discussions with Festus and Jager, another with Dewey Weaver from American Pride Firearms, as well as many other podcast. Thanks for your consideration. Share the link with family and friends. Thanks to everyone who subscribed in the past week.

HFS Mobile Calendar:

July 9, 2021 - Lunch - Waynesville, NC

July 16/17 - Preparedness Training - Central, SC

July 25, 2021 - Training Class - Black Mountain, NC

Aug 27/28 - Preparedness Training - Monticello, KY

Communications: You can now follow HFS social media on the following outlets:

Facebook – Hope for Survival

YouTube Channel – Hope for Survival

MeWe: - //

Connect and give me a shout. Share with family and friends.

Moving along …

If you are a guest or newcomer to the HFS journey, please check out this link for additional information offered through HFS.

We must make this brief public announcement to protect the innocent.

Ding, Ding, Ding....Attention HFS readers..... Opinions shared in this newsletter are just that, opinions, and nothing more. Read at your own risk. The owner and author of this site is not responsible for hurt feelings or thin-skinned readers. I do my best to show restraint and respect to the best extent possible. I take as many precautions as possible and try to remain as nonpolitical as possible, however, there are times when I just can't help but point certain things out. Occasionally I use words only Patriots recognize and understand. It's not personal against any non-Patriot. It's just the truth. Sometimes we must pull up our spenders and suck it up. Just saying. Stay the course, read what you want, and avoid the rest. Avoid fear porn as much as possible and the day will be okay. When all else fails… Keep the faith and always have Hope.

Let’s move along and get to some thoughts...

Thoughts for the week

I would like to share this song with you to get you started. Stop what is going on around you and listen to the lyrics to this song closely.

Is this you? Do you relate?


What if:

Imagine, it's 3 am and someone is beating on your front door and back door and you pick up the phone to call for help and there is no help. What would you do?

Or, you wake up to find your barn on fire and your animals are trapped inside. You call 911 to report the fire and get help and you are told "I'm sorry, there are no units available to respond to your needs.

What if you wake up and find your spouse suffering severe chest pains. You call 911 and you are told, "I'm sorry, there's no emergency medical units available to respond to your needs.?

What if you wake up to the sound of gunshots and you run to the window to look out and see roving gangs going door to door kicking in the doors and entering homes. You call 911 for help and you are told "I'm sorry, there are no officers to respond to your needs."

Imagine being outside on your lawnmower or tractor away from your home and you see two men running from the inside of your home carrying your child or wife. You rush to help but your family member is whisked away in the vehicle of a stranger. You call 911 and get no answer or the 911 has a voice recording telling you "I'm sorry, we have no officers available to support your needs."

What if your young grandchild is riding a bike at your home and wrecks, falling off the bike and striking his/her head on the corner of your brick porch. You hear screaming and you rush to the sound and find him/her on the ground, face covered in blood. You see a deep 4 inch gash in the forehead. In panic you call 911 to hear "I'm sorry, we currently have no emergency response capabilities to support your emergency." You are on your own. Can you handle it?

What if you haven't been paying attention and you head to the local market to grab some squirrel food and a copy of the Inquirer magazine along with some other groceries. On your way out of the store a truck speeds through the parking lot and stops in front of you. You are knocked down at gunpoint, robbed of your personal possessions and market purchase. You make it to your vehicle and call 911. You hear a voice recording inform you "I'm sorry, we currently have no emergency response capability available." What will you do?

Are you getting my point?

I'm not writing this as fear porn to panic you. I am looking ahead at possible realities to come. We can climb in the corner and melt down or do the responsible thing and prepare now. Many are going to get caught with their pants down. That I can predict and I'm not a person who predicts. Don't be one of them.

Last week in the HFS Zoom rally I introduced the group to the acronym and term WROL or Without Rule of Law. Simply put, this means all versions of official law enforcement to respond and enforce laws has fallen and no longer available in any degree. This would mean a call to 911 would either not be answered or you would hear I'm sorry, there are no officers to respond to your needs. This thought would be terrifying to many on every account.

Over the past couple of years I started with the Preparedness 101 class to teach self preparedness. Last year I introduced Preparedness 102 which is about preparedness for groups/communities/tribes during WROL or the scenarios I posed above. This year I introduced the Protecting Your Five Mile Radius class which is an expansion of the Prep 102 class and focuses on Risk Management, Intelligence, and Security for your home and community within your five mile radius. How you would respond to the scenarios above are different if you are in a group with a five mile radius of protection vs the lone wolf with no support mechanisms around them. Building and having a community team is essential in many areas of preparedness.

The below information was provided to the Thursday night HFS Zoom group on ROL and WROL.

• What is WROL? This has been written about extensively and the principle is: as normal societal function slows down, or stops, the law is no longer applied. It becomes a Wild West in the classic connotation of it.

• The flip side is there is no such thing as WROL because when legal authoritarianism fails, gangs and groups will take control of ROL. Either case, things are not related to a “normal functioning system or society. Food, travel and other vital resources will be controlled.

• WROL is society and your community with no ability to maintain established laws and protections. (Prep 102)

• WROL is the “what will you do when” type situations. You or you and your community or group are on your own to protect and preserve life safety to your best possible capabilities. (Protect Your 5 Mile Radius)

• Government instability, political division, moral decay and visible attacks against political class and religious beliefs, international threats to the US by foreign powers, societal bias and division between the vaccinated and unvaccinated , attacks and defunding to police protection, release of criminals, are all contributing factors to why WROL could be closer than at anytime previously in the US of A.

• When you wake up at midnight and a stranger is at your door or a prospect you interviewed and didn’t select is at your door, what will you do? You call 911 and you are told “there is no police response available to assist you.” What is your plan and what will you do? This is why the Five Mile Radius plan is critical to push the threat as far away from your home as possible. You know who is within your five-mile perimeter and control who gets inside your protected security zone.

• If you watch TV and your screen isn’t showing the ongoing national coup by the government to take the country from “we the people” you are wasting your time and on the wrong channel. It is happening before your very eyes and could be finalized without a shot fired.

• Bottom line is you only have you, your family, and community to defend and protect your way of life.

Likely Causes of WROL:

• Civil War vs Insurgency

• Civil War – Two sides pitted against each other. Left vs Right. Rich vs Poor. Majority vs Minority

• Insurgency – Multifaceted. Multiple groups. Potentially different scenarios in regions of the US

National conflicts

• Citizens vs government and state authorities over laws, rules, loss of freedoms

• Government inability to control citizens across multiple regions of America

• Anti religious attacks on religious freedoms

• Citizens against the government over loss of freedoms (1st and 2nd Amendment)

• Racial hatred and conflicts at all levels promoted by the media

• American’s vs Generation Z

• Welfare leaches vs Tax paying working class

• Globalist vs Capitalist

Regional city conflicts

• People against government authorities

• Pro conservative leadership vs liberal citizens

• Pro liberal leadership vs conservative citizens

• Poor citizens vs business owners (looting, fires, and death)

• Guerilla Conflicts – Attacks on key points (Logistics, communications, transportation, systems) Sun Tzu

Citizens against citizens

• Neighbors turning on neighbors

• Loss of life for food, shelter and protection

• American haters vs Patriots

• Gang’s vs Community citizens

• Shoot, scoot, and communicate methods of conflict


• US Government power (left) is winning a bloodless revolution to steam roll the conservative, faith based, law abiding, fight and win elections, while the left has cheated, transform education, crash morality and build liberal support systems.

• We are all dressed the same. How are you going to know the difference between threats and nonthreats? Now is the time to be focused and doing your homework around you. (Five Mile Radius class)

• Know your Sheriff. HFS has been speaking the importance of knowing your Sheriff the past six months or more. You MUST know where your Sheriff stands. Will your Sheriff stop the feds from rolling in and going door-to-door to vaccinate citizens?

• We are currently operating under ROL, however, with the current government representing the left, and continually violate the Constitution and your civil rights, would this make the current state of affairs as WROL?

• Your group must be aboard the established procedures put in writing and distributed for any use of force from non-lethal to lethal. You MUST consider the above factors when drafting your Use of Force procedures.

• The discussion of ROL and WROL and understanding it is key when putting your Five Mile Radius together. Understanding this process should help you understand why tp have multiple community/tribes/family groups is so important. Early warning from another group to events and actions taking place in their community could make the difference in your responses and how you will handle them.

I can only share this information and these thoughts with you as I understand them. The key is how you perceive and act upon them at your location. Time is running out. What have you accomplished to this point to start putting these processes and procedures in place?

Okay, lets move along to the news…

Preparedness News

1. From Paul Seawright - All American Magazine - The Ultimate Survival Garden - All American Magazine - Great article by Paul Seawright. Some may remember Paul from his special guest appearance on HFS Zoom call a few weeks ago. I was also a guest on Paul's podcast titled The All American Podcast. You will find great information in this article.

2. From Prep School Daily - Prep School Daily: The Medicinal Uses of Parsley - Here is another great article to print for your paper library. The HFS Signal group has been communicating extensively on medicinal herbs to a great extent. I'm not up to speed in that area so I print lots of documents for my paper library. I also recently purchased these two books to help support my deficiency. Both books are by Rosemary Gladstar. Herbal Recipes for Vibrant Health and Medicinal Herbs - A Beginners Guide. I purchased both books from Amazon.

3. From Gordon Atkins - The Homesteading Hippy - The 12 Principles of Permaculture Explained * The Homesteading Hippy - Permaculture is a great topic. Folks should check out this topic and consider it as a way of gardening if interested.

4. From Nicky Hosek - Primal Survival - How To Get Water From A Well Without Electricity ( - This is an issue I often hear questions on regarding how to extract water from wells when electricity is out. There's many methods one can choose to use ranging from costly methods to fairly cheap methods one can devise. Here is an example to consider.

5. From Amanda Whittington - Urban Survival Site - 19 Free Alternatives to Pain Meds | Urban Survival Site - Here is another excellent article to print for your paper library. We all encounter points or periods in our day and week where we have some level of natural pain or injury pain. This guidance may be good to be familiar with to ensure you have the resources on hand or can get them fairly easily.

6. From Linda Loosli - Food Storage Moms - 15 Uses for Coffee Grounds - Food Storage Moms - This will come in handy around our home. Currently we compost old coffee grounds. This article gives us additional options to consider.

7. From Jill Winger - The Prairie Homestead - DIY Organic Aphid Spray Recipe for the Garden • The Prairie Homestead - Have you ever dealt with Aphids? Have you ever witnessed the destruction they can cause to your landscaping, bushes, shrubs, and trees? It is very costly and extremely time consuming to clean up from their damage. Aphid's can be in four or five colors. Most folks are familiar with the white snow flake looking aphids.

Other News

1. From John Whitehead - The Rutherford Institute - The Rutherford Institute :: The Second Amendment’s Right to Bear Arms: What It Means | By John W. Whitehead & Nisha Whitehead |- Do you have any questions to the meaning of the 2nd Amendment? Read it right here for a top Constitutional attorney.

2. From Tod and Erik Gregory - American Thinker - Bill Barr re-emerges, spotlights total corruption of the Department of Justice - American Thinker - With each passing week the topics of former Attorney General Bill Barr is like playing ping pong. Blink and the ball is now on the other side of the table.

3. From Liz Shield - American Greatness - Morning Greatness: 180+ People Killed, 450+ Injured Over July 4th Holiday Weekend › American Greatness ( - The thing I find interesting about these crime numbers and the loss of human life is the cries of racism causing these shootings and deaths. If the Mayor of Chicago truly believes this statement she recently made, what has been the cause over the previous 20 years of slaughter of young black Americans? The word racism is a dangerous weapon being used as a convenience by many without regard to actual causes of the human lives racking up these totals. The death of an innocent child who was caught in between gunfire should not be used as a convenience for political points. Just my view and I'm sticking to it.

4. From Steve Watson - The Summit News - Leaked Documents: Defense Contractor Raytheon Pushing Extreme Critical Race Theory Re-education On Employees – Summit News - How interesting is this, a tax payer funded defense contractor pushing Critical Race Theory Re-education on employees. Wonder what their position is on taking the jab? Just saying....

5. From Charles Hugh Smith - Of Two Minds -oftwominds-Charles Hugh Smith: The Real Unemployment Rate is 21%--and Heading Higher - I hope you know, the Federal Government has a way of adjusting rates up and down for political gain, especially close to election periods.

Drum roll...........

That's all my Patriot brothers and sisters.

Thanks for your emails and messages. I enjoy hearing from you throughout the week and sharing your preparedness projects and accomplishments. We have Patriots doing amazing projects and taking steps in their preparedness planning. The number of folks canning large quantities of beans, beef, jams and squash, it is great to hear these stores. Another reported completing a back up water supply system with a home made cistern designed to bring water from a spring about 100 yards from the water source to the home. Many on the HFS Signal app are blowing up my brain with all the knowledge and information being shared on medicinal herbs. It is great to see so many Patriots taking care of personal preparedness. Great job to everyone. I do enjoy hearing from you and reading about what you have going on in your preparedness planning.

Prayers - Please keep our great nation, our elected leaders, military and first responders in your thoughts and prayers. We pray for good health and wisdom. Please pray for our leadership to find answers and guidance to the problems facing our great nation. May your faith remain strong and answers to the unknown provided. God is good and may our prayers blanket and protect you and your circumstances. I pray for each, and every one of our Patriots.

May we pray for all the blessings and things in life to be thankful about and continued hope for revival around the world. We must continually pray for the unsaved, our family and friends who live each day without the protection for eternal life and salvation.

We have Patriots with personal prayer needs and/or family members with prayer needs as well. As we have prayer needs for answers to health and family matters we also have prayers of thanks for recent health answers and recoveries.

As Patriots we must stay strong and never give up. Our home, community and nation needs us now more than ever. Stay focused on your local community and things that will impact you around the nation. Don't allow the events around you to create fear in your life. Build your own self-reliance and focus on hope. Remember we are a blessed nation and we must continue to be great people today and make a better tomorrow. Keep charging."


Bravo Echo Out,

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