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Patriot Express Newsletter Edition #58

Writer's picture: Butch ErskineButch Erskine

Fellow Patriots,

Good morning!

Welcome to the Patriot Express Newsletter (PENL) Edition #58. Thanks for your time and for being here. Ms. Lucy and I certainly appreciate you stopping by to check out news and views for the week. Relax, grab some coffee, and clear me a path to clog your brain cells. Are you able to keep pace with the world around us? It’s crazy isn’t it?

As we approach Memorial Day, I would be remiss and derelict if I didn’t give honor and respect to the 1.3 million ladies and men who paid the ultimate sacrifice to defend and preserve the freedoms of this great nation. This is not the holiday to thank veterans for their service. It is the day to remember the fallen. While times are changing around us (anti-red, white and blue) and old glory flies high above us, we must never forget what it cost in human sacrifice. The price of freedom has never been free and will never be free. Please take a minute and pay respect to the fallen. Tell your children or grandchildren what the day is about. Our fallen deserve nothing less. Hats off and a moment of silence.

Okay, let us move along.

It has been so fantastic the past few weeks having time to cross paths with several Patriot sisters and brothers. I have said it before and I will say it here again, we have some Patriots who are on fire in their preparedness efforts. They are completing steps and plans that are game changing to their future choices and abilities.

I want to thank everyone for your email over the past week. Thanks for your time to write and communicate with HFS. I appreciate your efforts much and the opportunity to chat on whatever topic you present for discussion.

HEALTH ALERT: The battle for the truth continues. Numbers, medicine and treatment, open or close the states and on and on. What is the truth? It seems with each passing day further division surfaces in the federal government and red/blue states. One could question what is the truth. Many factions within the country are dividing and starting to establish a baseline stand. We all may be required to decide where we stand and what we stand for as a person and for our country. Current numbers are Global: Infected – 5,126,543 Dead – 330.853. National: Infected – 1,596,838 Dead – 95,058.

TRAINING: I continue posting the training entry because now is a great time to include some level of training in your routine while you may be teleworking or off from work. This is a great time to dust off your plans or consider building your plans if you still do not have them created. Hope for Survival has been offering several options to you at no cost. YouTube is a great place to visit for additional information on topics of interest. Now is a great time to take advantage of any training available.

We currently have 18 short training type Podcast on the Hope for Survival YouTube Channel covering numerous topics of interest to help in your preparedness planning. You can find Podcast on Canning Chicken, Risk Management, Gun safety, home and personal defense, preparedness training, driving security, interviews with like-minded individuals and other topics. Bring a friend or family member and check out the HFS YouTube page. If you like, hit like and consider subscribing so you are notified when I post something new. You can visit the Hope for Survival YouTube page at

Another step we have taken at Hope for Survival is a weekly virtual rally through Zoom where we discuss world events and topics of interest with the Patriots attending the rally. We completed week seven on Thursday and I’m sure this event will continue in the weeks ahead. I continue getting very positive feedback from the attendees on this event. Bottom line, folks are sharing different methods of doing preparedness tasks, building friendships and sharing skills with one another. The only prerequisite is you must have a sense of humor while attending and give respect to the others attending

If you have interest in attending a Hope for Survival virtual training event please email me at to get on the distribution list for attendance information. The virtual conference room information will not be posted in open on the website for OPSEC reasons.

As I previously mentioned, I will be offering classes in June through Zoom virtual classroom. These classes will be offered based on requested topics and/or dates. Here's the tentative June schedule. If a class is offered and no one signs up, I will announce 72 hours prior to the training date and consider another course in the same slot if desired. Here's the available courses:

Preparedness 101 (Self) - 3 Hours - $30

Preparedness 102 (Team) - 90 Minutes - $20

Family Communication Planning - 90 Minutes - $20

Risk Analysis Management - 90 Minutes - $20

Bugging in Urban - 90 Minutes - $20

Bugging Out - 90 Minutes - $20

Security-in-Depth Planning - 90 Minutes - $20

Sheltering and Bug Out Bag Plan - 90 Minutes - $20

Food Preparedness and Planning - 90 Minutes - $20

Driving Security - 90 Minutes - $20

Bartering -90 Minutes - $20

June 6 - 0900 EST - Risk Analysis and Management (90 Minutes) or Bugging In Urban (Optional)

June 13 - 0900 EST - Family Communication Planning (90 Minutes) or Bugging Out (Optional)

June 20 - 0900 EST - Preparedness 101 ( 3 Hours)

June 27 - 0900 EST - Preparedness 102 (90 Minutes) or Security-in-Depth Planning (Optional)

If you have any desire to possibly take any of these classes please drop me an email to get the Zoom room reserved. To lock in your seat for a class please go to Donate to pay for your class and note in the remarks section which class you are selecting. If you want to attend a class and have limited funding please email me about limited Preparedness Sponsorship funding available.

We must make this brief public announcement to protect the innocent.

NOTE: Opinions shared in this newsletter are just that, opinions and nothing more. Read at your own risk. The owner and authors of this site are not responsible for hurt feelings or thin-skinned readers. We do our best to show restraint and respect to the best extent possible. We take as many precautions as possible and try to remain as nonpolitical as possible, however, there are times when I just can't help but point certain things out. Just saying. Stay the course, read what you want, and avoid the rest. Avoid fear porn as much as possible and the day will be okay. When all else fails…I blame it on Festus. He’s a good guy by the way.

Thoughts for the week – (Some may consider this the tin foil hat area. So, you may want to put on your knee-high boots and anti-foil hat to protect yourself from contamination.) Smile! Just kidding with ya. Be truthful to yourself. If you believe mainstream media is fake news, how can you say alternative news is not true?


I don’t know if this would be a kawinky-dink or what. Many of you who read the PENL will understand who Wilson (squirrel) is and my random stories of Wilson and I hanging out in the mornings as the sun rises. No, Wilson is not a pet. He is simply a squirrel who randomly hangs out on a limb outside the window where my work station is located. I have shared how during this period of teleworking I have enjoyed staring in to the trees and woods each morning to enjoy the sunrise.

We have two of our grandsons (4 and 8) with us for the week and Ms. Lucy reads a story to them each night or she has the oldest grandson read some also. This is a normal practice with any of our grandchildren during visits.

Last evening, I was headed to bed and Ms. Lucy was in the room to tell me goodnight. I was teasing her and asked “aren’t you going to read me a story?” She turned towards her Alexa (sigh) and said “Alexa, read a night time story” as she continued towards leaving the room. Alexa starts to read a story titled “The squirrel and the acorn.” Of course my tin foil night cap lit up.

How about that. Do you think that is a coincidence or maybe Alexa has been keeping tabs on Bravo Echo? It would make sense, right? Google based platforms use keyword identification collection, right? I will probably get a letter from the IRS telling me I owe back taxes for Wilson. Sheesh.


During a recent road trip to conduct a route assessment of used and possibly new routes to be used by a Patriot family, we discussed terrain, landmarks, potential hazards on the different routes to be considered. We marked choke points along the different routes and identified alternate routes if a threat redirected the route of travel. We used overhead maps from satellite imagery and marked up some supporting charts. In the end, once completed, the family will have at least three alternative routes to each previously used route between their primary points used.

Something to consider to include in putting together your Family Communication Planning, Route Surveys, Bug Out Plan or any outdoor foot expeditions such as conducting route planning to and from town on foot, is finding and printing a topographical map for your area. Here is a link to find and print your own map.

(If you aren’t sure how this would apply to your Family Communication Plan, if you have been in my class and remember my binder with my maps to get home, you can relate to the point of having the topographical maps)

Next ….

With so many things going on around us, the level of crazy continues to escalate daily it seems. The battle of wills. Divided politics. Attacks on the Constitution and Bill of Rights. The fight to survive by small family owned stores. Citizens fighting for their unemployment rights. It goes on and on.

Not only do I listen to a lot of Podcast and read a lot, I also read a lot of comments under articles. Very important to do this. You can pick up attitudes, trends and bits of information here and there to help you in your information gathering.

I was listening to a podcast early in the week and the host used the word “”overlord.” It caught my attention immediately because it fell in to place in another area of concern, I have voiced my thoughts about. First, let’s define an overlord. The overlord is a ruler or person of great power. Someone people may put their faith and trust in during a time of crisis or war. The keyword here is faith and trust. This is different from support. Or is it? If I support a candidate for political office and then vote for them, is that saying my total faith and trust is 100% vested in this single person?

During this period of dealing with the Covid 19 Coronavirus I have been fairly shocked to the number of people who are totally enamored by the man who’s face flashed before us daily at the high level. From Government to CDC to the WHO to elected officials. Depending on political affiliation it seems one can pretty much predict the power one will trust to give them information and guidance. Have you noticed this taking place? But, if you have really paid attention, you would have noticed this actually taking place long before Covid 19 started.

I’m sure at some point in life we all have been a follower or one who puts our trust in something earthly. I remember as a kid I lived for the weekend and watching Roger Staubach lead the Dallas Cowboys. Later in life I focused and trusted Ronald Reagan to lead. So much so I enlisted to serve and possibly die for my country if the President ordered me off to war. Now, I have grown in mindset and focus and depend upon myself to lead me and my family. Why? Self-reliance is a large part of it. It is sorta like debt. Controlling your destiny or being controlled by the debtor. Right?

What does this have to do with the word overlord? Well, strictly speaking on an earthly level, one thing I have learned in life is I do not want to put my complete faith or dependency in a single person of power. Mainly because I have learned no man/woman is going to do and lead in a perfect fashion because they have me and my family in mind. WHAT!!! It is true. Who has your best interest in mind? Do I want to be controlled by someone elses logic, morals, or priorities? Or, my own?

When I talk about overlord’s I’m not talking about the personal drum beater. Have you ever had friends or family who kept a broken arm from constantly patting their own back for great deeds? They save a bird from dehydration by putting water in the birdbath or dive and catch the newspaper delivery before it lands in the flowers. They need to tell you about it. Everything. Good folks maybe.

There is not a single person on earth who will please you or disappoint you more than yourself. That’s right. Self-reliance. So today, when I ask, “what are you doing to better prepare yourself to take care of your family” it is for a reason. How did you improve your plan today? How did you better prepare yourself and your family today? Or this week?

Conspiracy theories are great to keep you abreast of what people are thinking. Or, listening to what people are thinking or rumors they may hear. That is all good when gathering the recipes for the soup. But if you didn’t prepare your own bowl and utensils, the ingredients are worthless, right? Self-reliance. Or call you to give you a heads up when things are about to go south. Or, give you the inside scoop to who is about to be arrested. Or, pave the way for your security and safety like you can do for yourself. There is no overlord that will provide everything for you so why invest all your trust and faith in them? As I have said before, I am not anti-Q. My point is even if Q is 100% on target, how does this prepare you and what preparedness steps and plans did Q complete for you? Did you build or upgrade your plans based on information from Q? I'm simply using Q as an example. Other folks promoted DT to the overlord status as well as others. Give it some thought. Earthly speaking, self-reliance is the best practice to establish.

Next ….

One of the areas Ms. Lucy and I choose to invest personally is legitimate programs or organizations who work to combat Child Sex Trafficking. Not just on foreign lands but here in the United States equally. This is one of the fastest and biggest growing threats to our children yet it receives minimal news coverage and/or publicity. Why? Well, think about it. Look at everything else going on around us that we knew nothing about and the dirt is starting to surface now. The gate keepers are making every attempt to stop Craig’s efforts to sound the alarm on this problem. The aggressive war against those trying to get this word out is beyond belief. Big money, big power, and big names fight all efforts to stop child sex trafficking. This is good vs evil. Stories beyond what our minds and hearts can handle or accept.

If you would like to learn more on this topic and the evil going on around all of us, within our government, Hollywood, and other areas around us, watch this awaited documentary by Craig “Sawman” Sawyer, who runs the charity Vets4ChildRescue. Craig has been attacked, battled and constant efforts thrown to stop him. Aside from those accusing Craig of being a space alien who works for Hillary, Craig’s efforts are praised by global law enforcement and intelligence communities. As I shared with Ms. Lucy several years ago, it is always “just a child” until it’s your own child or grandchild, then it’s personal.” To watch Craig’s documentary titled ContraLand, for free go to Craig filmed this effort at the cost of $750,000 which was paid through donations. The point of his effort is a public alert to what is going on around us.

Think about this; “evil prevails when good men do nothing” and Craig Sawyer says “how can they be good men if they do nothing.” Think about it.

Next ….

Below is a link to a YouTube series on chickens. We have many Patriots here on the newsletter who are thinking about chickens, dreaming about chickens, wishing about chickens and then those who stepped out and brought chickens home and are now looking at one another wondering what comes next. Check out this link to roughly 19 videos on different topics regarding chickens and the care for your new family members. A big thanks to our Patriot sister for supplying this link. Good luck.

Next …

Speaking of chickens, Ms. Lucy and I connected with one of our Patriot families who located and arranged to purchase a fairly large quantity of skinless chicken breast in 40 lb boxes (4 ten lb bags). It was a great deal at roughly $1.26 per lb. Of course we canned all the chicken in to pint jars with the exception of one canner load of pint and a half sized jars. All in all, we canned 24 pints and 8 pint and a half jars. We did have about three-quart baggies full of chicken left over but it wasn’t quiet enough for a full canner load. As one Patriot sister stated, the chicken breast laid open looked like small turkeys. Interestingly the chicken was advertised as chicken with no hormone shots. I plan to provide more information on the availability of the chicken and more, coming soon.


I wonder if people complained this much years ago when laws and regulations passed requiring shoes and shirts in grocery stores? Hmmm. Imagine going out to dinner on Friday evening, showered and dressed casually to enjoy dinner with your spouse or friend. A few minutes later, another person walk in and is seated at the table beside of you with no shirt or shoes. They appear sweaty and you may sense a slight odor from the days labor. Are you ready to ask the waiter for another table yet? Maybe they have shirt and shoes but one of the individuals starts coughing. They randomly cover their mouth but on a few coughs the arm doesn’t make it up to shield the cough. Are you offended yet? Do you want to move yet? Hmmm, what should the restaurant do about it? Should the manager come running and hand the guest a mask to wear? Should we wear the mask to be protected? Or maybe protect others? Hmmm

Next …

Speaking of regulations and your rights, what is your belief and understanding of the Constitution and your rights and protections under the Constitution? Well gee Bravo Echo, what are you talking about. Well, hmmm. Okay, I’ve got one. Mandatory immunizations. Oh no, do I really want to go down this path? Sure do. We all have our opinions, right, wrong, or private. Let’s be specific. A mandatory national vaccination for the Covid 19 Coronavirus. If mandated, as a citizen, do you have the right to say no? What are your rights and what right does the government have to protect the citizenry against the unvaccinated? Have you thought about it? Are you willing to be forced to stay in your home or property and never mix or mingle with other people again if you refuse to take the vaccination? Is it the governments right to protect your rights and choices under the constitution? If you feel this way, have you actually spent time checking out what the governments position may be?

Check out this link to hear the opinion of our Presidents personal attorney. This is the man who advises the leader of the free world. After listening to this, then ask yourself again, are you ready to say “no” to forced vaccinations for Covid 19? What if your family’s life depends on it? Something to think about huh?

Here Attorney Dershowitz is interviewed by Justin Goodman at Crowdsource. Listen at the 21:00 mark -


For many years of my military service I was required to qualify for a program called PRP or the Personal Reliability Program which was certifying me as qualified to take part in access and protection to nuclear weapons held and controlled by the Dept of Defense. Medical and psychological requirements had to be met 24 x 7. Simple things like taking Tylenol or cough syrup disqualified a person from the program on a temp basis. It was a very tightly controlled program, rightfully so. A troop could not visit a psychic or palm reader. Any kind of medication causing any type of psychological impairment or hallucinations would disqualify a person at a minimum of 72 hours and possibly permanently. What is my point?

If a person was to be prescribed and then take the medicine hydroxychloroquine, one of the side effects is dizziness and if mixed with certain other medications it can cause hallucinations. Both of these side effects are disqualifiers from the PRP program and access to any part or portion of dealing with nuclear weapons or associated programs.

I am curious how our current leader maintains his PRP status and qualifying his stability under the 25th Amendment while openly admitting he is taking hydroxychloroquine.

Just a wonder…..but lets move on.


If you are looking for a good podcast for the week, check out Rich from Montana who is filling in for Vinnie at USA Prepares. Rich provides a good breakdown of our current state of affairs in America today. Enjoy

Next …

Before we move along to our news, I want to remind everyone of what is a Sheeple. A sheeple is a derogatory term that highlights the herd behavior of people by likening them to sheep, a herd animal. The term is used to describe those who voluntarily acquiesce to a suggestion without critical analysis or research. Sheeple are people compared to sheep in being docile, foolish, or easily led. A good example would be “by the time the sheeple wake up and try to change things, it will be too late.”

Next ….

Okay, my Patriot friends, the show must move on.

Preparedness News

1. From Mac Slavo – SHTF Plan - - We recently discussed this topic in our Thursday evening HFS Zoom Virtual Rally. How would global cooling impact our ability to grow gardens? Or would it impact the flow of our streams and rivers? How about the labor processes and cycles for our farm animals? We may wish to give this some thought as a simple rule of being prepared. Just as we prepare for multiple types of disasters, we also must consider this possibility as a potential disaster to our plan. What? Could it impact our ability to grow food in planned seasonal cycles.

2. From Daisy Luther – Organic Prepper - - I do believe this may still be regionalized but I do believe it will become national if we stay on the current course. When teaching classes and also in my book Hope For Survival I recommended actions in the planning stages to prevent a person of the preparedness mindset from being caught in the shortage. Take steps before the event to avoid your own personal shortage during the event.

3. From Ben Brown – The Prepping Guide - - I believe lights and flashlights are one of the most overlooked needs in preparedness. From everyday light to which flashlight, why do we often spend such little time in our planning process to include discussion of lights? Light discipline should be included in your security plans and briefs.

4. From Elli O – Survival Blog - - Oh, the topic we sometimes refuse to consider or address. How will we respond or react to the starving voice standing at our door with a hand out begging for food or help. Have you given thought to this? If not, you should.

5. From Bob Rogers – Preppers Will - - It is so important to include your personal debt and finances in to your preparedness planning from day one. How you proceed forward paying down or off your debt will determine the pace in which you can prepare and become in control of your future decisions.

Other News

1. From Jim Quinn – The Burning Platform - - We continue hearing the drum beat of war and strife on the streets of America. What will be the trigger to spark the fuse? One must wonder if the insane are leading the confused. The Dems tell the Supreme Court they plan to go for another impeachment of the President. So the President is calling out the former President for abuse of power and the Dems are frantically trying to pull the stool out from under any momentum or effort. In the meantime, the vault door is open and trillions of dollars float away at the expense of the unemployed tax payer. Mr. Quinn may have a point to his article.

2. From Jay Greenberg – Neon Nettle – - If this doesn’t chat your behind royally, I don’t know what will do so. Our hard earned tax dollars being used to pay for propaganda from the nation that just created chaos in our nation. Why we don’t proceed east and demand accountability by those who authorized and allowed this is beyond me. It is time we stand up and not only demand it but also ensure it is understood we expect nothing less than total accountability for our tax dollars. It is clear we have no check on run away power in our government.

3. From Steve McCann – The American Thinker - - This is a well worded perspective on the topic of government vs the working class poor people who are losing out and will suffer the greatest with no help.

4. From Fred Reed – Unz Review - - I wondered how long it would take for this to be pointed out amongst the media outlets. China vs USA surveillance of the people. Is it any different when it’s not the government doing it, yet a major tech company contracted by the government to do it then hand it over to the government? Just a thought. Add this to the same topic to lead to the head scratching.

5. From Tyler Durden – Zero Hedge - - We discussed this to some level during last week’s Zoom rally. Festus brought this up and asked the question to the group, what is your hill? I asked the question earlier in this PENL and in previous editions, what do you stand for and what will lead you beyond your mailbox at the end of your driveway?

6. From Doug Flynn – The Burning Platform - - what do you get when you combine fear, pride and greed? How about the need for control? Very good article.

Drum roll........... That's all my Patriot brothers and sisters.

Thank you for your time to read the PENL. I hope you found something to help you in some way. Keep your feet and minds grounded as the world continues towards an unknown destination. Keep the faith and continue doing great things for yourself and others. Keep the emails flowing. Bring new friends and help spread the word on Preparedness. I appreciate you sharing the great things you are doing with your plans and progress going forward. Keep chugging ahead.

Remember to find someone who is down do something to give them HOPE.

Hope – “ The world needs less heat and more light. It needs less of the heat of anger, revenge, retaliation, and more of the light of ideas, faith, courage, aspiration, joy, love ….” Always have hope.

Prayers - Please keep our great nation, our elected leaders, military and first responders in your thoughts and prayers. We should also pray for the citizens and world leaders infected and making decisions to deal with the Covid 19 - Coronavirus. Please pray for the citizens around the world who are sick and not recovering as easily as others. Please pray for individuals losing their jobs and who didn't prepare in advance. I pray for each and every one of our Patriots. May we all be protected from the growing evils surrounding and attacking our families daily. May we pray for all the blessings and things in life to be thankful about. Amen. Thank you.

Keep charging and have a safe week. Always remember, we are blessed people.


Bravo Echo Out,

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