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Patriot Express Newsletter Edition #85

Fellow Patriots,

Welcome to the Patriot Express Newsletter (PENL) Edition #85. Thanks for stopping by to spend some time with us. It has been a whirlwind week but all is good. Ms. Lucy and I worked from East TN this week so it has been nice to be at home. Time in Alabama was very productive and it afforded us the opportunity to break bread with some local Patriots and a new Patriot sister. Then the trip east took me through the land of Festus and some fine Patriots on the Cumberland Plateau. I eventually arrived home around midnight and PENL #84 had posted during my last leg of the drive. Sometimes I wakeup in the morning and have to think for a minute to exactly where I am. I do know I'm surrounded by Patriots who love America.

In the event you missed the last PENL #84 (shame, shame), I wanted to repeat a HUGE thanks from HFS for your support and the many purchases of my book, Hope for Survival over the past months. All proceeds above print cost are donated to support the food ministry in East Tennessee. Several HFS Patriots also volunteer supporting this ministry. This is a great need in so many communities around us. I pass along a big thanks to these brothers and sisters for their time and effort to keep our local ministry moving along week to week. Here's a few pictures shared to me from the Thanksgiving food packing. As stated in the Parable of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37), we have a responsibility to try and help those around us in need. May you be blessed always.

If you are a guest or newcomer to the HFS journey, please check out this link for additional information offered through HFS.

The holidays are quickly approaching. A copy of Hope for Survival, How Food, Water, Shelter and Security Could Save Your Life would make a great gift to friends and loved ones. If you would like to purchase a copy you can do so on this website. If you would like multiple copies please email me at Your purchase would be greatly appreciated.

Thursday Zoom Rallies – There was no Zoom rally this week in order to celebrate the Thanksgiving holiday. Zoom will start back with Rally #33 on Thursday.

Moving along …

We must make this brief public announcement to protect the innocent.

Ding, Ding, Ding...."Attention HFS readers..... Opinions shared in this newsletter are just that, opinions, and nothing more. Read at your own risk. The owner and author of this site are not responsible for hurt feelings or thin-skinned readers. I do my best to show restraint and respect to the best extent possible. I take as many precautions as possible and try to remain as nonpolitical as possible, however, there are times when I just can't help but point certain things out. Sometimes we must pull up our spenders and suck it up. Just saying. Stay the course, read what you want, and avoid the rest. Avoid fear porn as much as possible and the day will be okay.) When all else fails… Keep the faith and always have Hope."

Let’s move along and get to some thoughts...

Thoughts for the week

Thanksgiving has come and gone and now we race to 2021. Oh wait, Christmas is in between. Can it get here soon enough? We don't want to rush through life do we? It has been a rough year for so many around the world. Let's pray that 2021 improves. I'm not the betting type but if I was.....

Did you have a great Thanksgiving? Did you get a long nap? Are you still asleep? Just kidding. Ms. Lucy and I had a blessed Thanksgiving indeed. Full house, full table, and a good time shared. I know some folks enjoy time alone and the peace of a long holiday weekend. I also know several parents who planned to travel to visit children and grandchildren and couldn't because of Covid-19 issues and/or restrictions. Have you asked yourself if this is the new norm? In the very near future will we have to show proof of vaccination before crossing state lines? Let's be real here. Times are different and the sheep are waiting on the trucks to haul them off to a safer and better life away from others. Very soon the common denominator to control the flock will be the vaccination. Crossing state lines, health care, grocery stores, prescription drugs, schools, drivers license, air travel, hunting and fishing licenses will probably be controlled with a vaccination requirement. You get the picture, right? Yea I know, we might get Smokey the Bear sick with Covid-19. You can't join family around the table to celebrate Thanksgiving but you can celebrate a parade or political function. Really? I think we should remind ourselves everyday that we travel down this path, it is a longer path to get back to semi-normal life.

Speaking of getting back to semi-normal life, it appears the President elect (cough-cough) is back to his past promises of spouting out amnesty for millions. He recently said he will sign the order to grant the amnesty in the first 100 days. Video: Biden Promises Amnesty For 11 Million Illegals In First 100 Days – Summit News Are you ready for the massive rush to our southern border? Have you noticed we haven't had this issue the past few years? I wonder if the border rushers will be checked for Covid-19 mask and proof of vaccinations? Hmmm Don't you find it extremely odd Americans are locked down and appeasing the Covid-19 masters while non-Americans are running to get in. What is wrong with this picture, Patriots?

Next ...

I guess I should be wondering if I'm going to be told how high to jump about now or just to suck my thumb and get in line for my free counseling which comes with a pack of crayons and a new puppy dog. We have a choice to be furious or just hide behind a tree and hope the storm blows by us. We know the storm is not going to happen in the way we would like. Have you read this document? It is titled the Interim Operational Considerations for Implementing the Shielding Approach to Prevent Covid-19 Infections in Humanitarian Settings. Oh no worries, this is a CDC document dated in 2019. Oddly, when you go to the reference page at the end most of the references are dated 2020. How could that be? Remember the old conspiracy theory about FEMA camps? Well it wasn't true because they have renamed them. If this does not make the growl in your bark ferocious nothing will. This is geared towards our senior population to protect them. You can check out the document by the link below. I just wanted to get this out to you. Crazy thing is, it was shared to me from a nurse at a V.A. Hospital because she thought it read odd. Interim Operational Considerations for Implementing the Shielding Approach to Prevent COVID-19 Infections in Humanitarian Settings | CDC

Next ...

If you haven't discovered this guy and/or loaded him in your podcast file, you may wish to do so My only advice is to buckle your seat belt and hold on. You are about to get a ton of information in fire hose fashion. Like with all other Patriot news services, take what you want and leave the rest. Over the past four years the question remains..."Who is Q?" I have heard Gen Flynn and several other names. This podcaster. Jeffrey Prather, reveals who he believes is Q. Interesting name and backed up with some interesting facts to why. Mr. Prather uses a lot of military and government agency acronyms so don't be overwhelmed. If you can get past the "tooting" of ones horn, you can learn a lot.

Next ...

During our last HFS Zoom Rally we landed on a discussion regarding a labeling system for our preparedness resources, to include labeling our bags. No, not our purses or man bags. Just kidding. Our Ready Bag, Day Bag, End of Day Bag, or Bug Out Bag. The question asked to the group was "do any of you use a labeling system to mark your products or compartments on your bag?" After a lengthy discussion, one of our Patriot brothers shared a color coding system he designed and uses regularly. Check it out below:

For those not using their bag on a regular basis or often, a color coding system of sorts will come in very handy when you need something from your bag and can't remember the compartment it is located. Right? If strangers are standing around you, do you really wish to start digging in your backpack to find a single item and then not remember where it is located? This means you are digging around and possibly showing those near you what you are carrying in your back pack. Just a thought. Some folks use colored tape while others may use colored yarn or string. (A big shout of thanks to our NC Patriot who shared this with the group)

Next ...

Recently several new Patriots joined HFS from Franklin, NC. Another HFS Patriot suggested we do a small group luncheon with the new folks to welcome them but more importantly get them connected with other like minded Patriots from the area. A small group of 15 rallied up in Waynesville, NC to share lunch together and enjoy a nice conversation on Preparedness. It was great to see these Patriots sharing addresses and phone numbers to further their team building and bonding. The small group rallies are a great way to meet and grow amongst Patriots. I shout a big thanks to those who rallied from four states and per took in the short notice event.

I welcome the new Franklin, NC Patriots as well as the Patriots from TX, CO, CA and IN who frequent the website. We appreciate you stopping by spending time with the HFS Patriot family. Please share the website link with friends and family. The door is open and admission is free. The only cost is how much of your time do you wish to invest to become self-reliant and prepared?

Okay, lets move along to the news…

Preparedness News

1. J.W. Rawles - Survival Blog - Ready Yourself for a Turbulent 2021. inflation may re-emerge in the 2020s. ( - For those not recognizing the name, JWR is the author of The Patriot which is a best selling post-apoc read and JWR also owns the No 1 Survival site available today. The link is above. This is a good article to consume and takes some notes to consider when planning your 2021. You may be surprised to find a state or two that didn't make the list. The unknown remains the projected No 1 hit song in to 2021. The question is who is listening and who is not. Only you can know and decide for yourself.

2. Dried foods and products - In the past week folks shared or I have discovered additional locations for buying dried food products. Here are some options in addition to others I have shared previously.

With food prices rising and rumbles of inflation, job losses, and Covid-19 in to 2021, this may be another option to consider by ordering and having delivered to your door step.

3. From Tara Dodrill - New Life on the Homestead -How to Make Dandelion Soap – And Why You Should • New Life On A Homestead | Homesteading Blog - Hopefully since becoming a preparer you stopped spraying your yard to eliminate dandelions. If you do your homework you will find numerous purposes for the dandelion. Here is another you may wish to print or copy to your personal library.

4. From Cache Valley Prepper - Survivopedia - Effective Security, Traps & Alarms for Your Home | Survivopedia - I could spend hours sharing or offering you ways to protect your home. We could start at cheap and work our way up the $$$ ladder. I see folks buying lots of security features because someone told them to buy it. Yet, they have no clue why. The biggest feature you need is free. The mindset. To defeat the bad guy you must become the bad guy, mentally. Look at your home or apartment and ask yourself, if you stood on the outside looking in, how could you get in to your home? Where are you vulnerable? Build your plan from this point.

5. From Laura Neverman - Common Sense Home - How to Make Elderberry Syrup with Fresh or Dried Berries ( - We love elderberry in our home. We make our own and also include other elderberry types of goods aside from syrup. Have you tried elderberry tea? It is very good to end your day. Check it out.

Other News

1. From Steve Watson - Summit News - Globalist Mattis: Biden Should ‘Eliminate America first’ Policy – Summit News - If this one doesn't grind your grits nothing will. I remember a few years ago when President Trump nominated General Mad Dog Mattis to be the Secretary of Defense. A tough, straight shooting American Patriot Marine. God, guns and country. Remember the spill crammed down our throat? No, I'm not surprised and really not much surprises me any longer with the Washington elite. Military, retired military, and the entire package. Wars, dollars, payoffs, at the expense of our young kids being sent away to die, often for unknown causes. A non-politician outsider named Trump is elected by the people of this great nation and he tried to end all wars and bring our kids home. Roughly 51% of the never-Trump war mongers will send these same kids off to war and keep us in multiple wars spending trillions and leaving American blood on foreign soil while filling their pockets with millions, and they do not support an "American First" philosophy. Wake the heck up Americans.

2. From Steve Watson - Summit News -Japanese Foreign Minister Announces Plan to “Transform Japan Into a Diverse Multiethnic Society” – Summit News - For anyone who has followed Japan Post WWII and their efforts to maintain original culture and strict culture of the Japanese history, this is a massive change. Sounds more like a move towards the global mandate going forward.

3. From Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - Israeli Military Prepares For Possible Trump Preemptive Attack On Iran: Axios | Zero Hedge - This is big. Huge. The US of A is on the verge of completing the largest peace deal in the Middle East in our lifetime. Huge. This will most likely go away if another administration takes over. Israel and Saudi realizes the remaining thorn in the region is Iran. Israel knows the next administration will not deal with Iran. The time is now. Will President Trump do the deed for Israel in has remaining days?

4. From Madeline Farber - Fox News - Americans should be warned of coronavirus vaccine side effects, medical experts say | Fox News - Amazing no one is talking about the side effects in the open yet. I would guess this will be broadcast as "President Trump knew of the side effects and kept it secret from the American people."

Drum roll...........

That's all my Patriot brothers and sisters. Stay alert and strong.

Thanks much for your time to read the PENL and hanging with us at Hope for Survival. We all have different desires in news and what we read at different points in our day. Hopefully HFS has provided information to stimulate your thinking and the realities around us. It is important for you to keep your feet and minds grounded as the world continues towards an unknown destination.

Keep the faith and continue doing great things for yourself and others. Be kind and do a good deed for a stranger this week. I don't know how much you monitor your local news or regional. Suicides are on the rise and the holiday season will contribute to this national problem. Think of those around you and share a smile or a meal if you can.

Keep the emails flowing. Bring new friends and help spread the word on Preparedness. Visit the HFS YouTube page and check out the numerous preparedness videos. Subscribe and hit like. It’s a minimal price to pay for free information. I appreciate you sharing the great things you are doing with your plans and progress moving you forward. Keep charging ahead.

Prayers - Please keep our great nation, our elected leaders, military and first responders in your thoughts and prayers. Please pray for our leadership to find answers and guidance to the problems facing our great nation as we continue to resolve our election. May peace be cast upon us and protect us regardless of the election results. I pray for each, and every one of our Patriots. May we all be protected from the growing evils surrounding and attacking our families daily. May we pray for all the blessings and things in life to be thankful about and continued hope for revival around the world. We must continually pray for the unsaved, our family and friends who live each day without the protection for eternal life and salvation. Amen.

Keep charging and have a safe week. Don’t allow the events around us to create fear in your life. Build your own self-reliance and focus on hope. We are a blessed nation and we must continue to be great people.


Bravo Echo Out,

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