This checklist identifies the basic items you should prepare to keep your service animal comfortable during an emergency. Make sure the kit is easy to carry in case of home evacuation.
Minimum 72- hour supply of bottled water and pet food
Portable water and food bowls
Paper towels and manual can opener
Medications with a list identifying medical condition, dosage, frequency and contact information of prescribing veterinarian
Medical records including vaccinations
Leash and collar
Blanket and toy
Plastic bags
Bandages (a dog's paws could get cut on rough terrain)
Up-to-date ID tag with your phone number and the name/phone number of your veterinarian (a microchipis also recommended)
Recent photo of your service animal in case they get separated from you
Name of the animal's training center and qualifying number (for identifcation purposes)
Copy of license (if required)
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