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A Prayer for trying times

Fellow Patriots,

We are living through a period of the unknown and the wonder of what is waiting for us in the days ahead. Social distancing, being alone with the wonder of what tomorrow brings. A period where half our nation could be unemployed with no means of providing for the family. Social unrest and making tough decisions is a possibility. Decisions being made at the high level which impacts us in our corner of the world. How well you prepared you and your family spiritually, mentally, and physically will play a role. What stories of hope are you telling your children and grandchildren? Stories of hope are essential. We must have Hope in all that we do.

I wanted to offer you a prayer of hope to contribute to your questions of tomorrow and any earthly unknowns. I have found prayer to lift my heart and mind on many occasions in life when the mountain seemed above my abilities to climb. Prayer is a way to offer you peace and give you strength. You may not be the praying type but today would be a great time to start. If you would like someone to pray with you or for you, please email me at the email address at teh bottom of this article. We have many prayer warriors available to lift you. Clear your mind and open your heart and read the prayer below.

O Lord,

I give you my worries and concerns and I ask for your guidance. You see it all, the outer circumstances, the inner turmoil. I know that you understand my life, that sometimes my heart weighs heavy with trouble. Right now I lay all these things before you. I breathe in, safe in the knowledge that I am held by grace. I breathe out, knowing that I am held secure in your arms. And I wait on you. For you are all truth, you are overflowing love, you are a beacon of hope and a fortress of faith.

Lord, I choose to be attentive to your voice. May I be alert to your Spirit’s guiding as I journey onwards with you.

I love you Father. Amen.

May your mind and heart be at peace through this day and everyday.


Bravo Echo Out

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