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Checklist for Top 10 Preparedness Areas (HFS Zoom Group Project)

Writer's picture: Butch ErskineButch Erskine

Fellow Patriots,

This is probably the most unique set of checklist you will ever encounter. The HFS Thursday Zoom Group worked on this project in October to set up a checklist for the top 10 preparedness topics and resources. I believe you will find these items to be very different than most checklist you have used or encountered previously. Check this out and have fun doing so.

I want to extend a bit thanks to our preparers who participated during the month of October to put this together and complete the project. Great job Patriots.

Top 10 Checklist Areas

(Excludes Weapons and Ammo)

1. Water

- Plan – Identify your primary, alternate and secondary sources

- Water filtration item or system for the home or mobile gear

- Purification method - Tablets, boiling, Clorox, cheese cloth, sand, charcoal, buckets

- Carrier (Mobile) – Canteen, Camel Back, any safe method to store water

- Carrier (Home) – How will you move multi-gallon water carriers from water to home?

- Berkey Water Filtration system – Home system and/or mobile system

- Rain Barrel system to collect rainwater. Home and/or mobile as needed

- Hand pump – Wells, lakes, streams, rivers, creeks, ponds,

- Boiling – How will you do it? No electricity? Fire? Fire starter? Pot?

- Flashlight – Check water source before sticking hands or jug in water. Critters

2. Food

- Dehydrated foods – Requires water, however lighter to carry mobile. Less space

- Protein – Identify sources. Build into home and mobile food plan. Critical

- Calories – Determine, age, body size, output level, and available foods, to set level

- Diet – Identify those with certain diet requirements due to health. Gluten, Diabetic..

- Seeds – Obtain at least a two year supply of Heirloom seeds to support your garden

- Tools – Obtain tools needed for gardening, gaming, and processing each category

- Solar Oven – No fuel or fire required. The sun and wood may be the final resources

- Plan – Build a multi-layered plan using canned, pressure canned, dehydrated, freeze dried, dried, freeze dried, and fresh, to supply a healthy food plan

·- Spices – Not a must, but a treat. Stock your preferred items to spice up the flavor

·- Sprouts – A fresh healthy option for the home and mobile food plan

- Oils – Home and mobile plans should stock oils used for preparing food

- Raw Honey – A healthy addition to your food stock

- Minimal Cost – Food can be stocked for minimal cost –

** See most recent HFS YT Video on Food Planning

3. Shelter – Home and Mobile

- Garbage Bags – Multi-purpose. Jacket, shelter, carrier, flotation, water storage

- Paracord – Multi-purpose

- Patch Kit – Mends holes and rips in tarps, shelter, Mylar blankets, clothes

- Poncho/Liner – Warmth, shelter from wet weather, protection from debris

- Blanket – If Mylar isn’t available, have blankets for warmth in all scenarios

- Solar Blanket – Multiple sizes, easy to use, effective, prevents freezing

- Tarp – Different sizes for different purposes. Cover, floor, protection from elements

- Long sleeve shirt and pants – Protection, mosquitoes and insects, warmth

- Machete/Hatchet – Multi-purpose use for homes and when mobile.

- Shovel – Different size for home vs Bug Out Bag – Multi-purpose

- Bushcraft Knife – Multi-tool serving many important purposes to survive

- Hat – Protects head from bugs, cold, sun, and keeps the head warm

- Bug Spray – Protects from mosquitoes, and other nagging insects

- Plan – Select multiple locations if possible. Survey sites for needs. Do as much work beforehand as possible to adjust the location for protection

- Protection - Lethal – Non-Lethal. Personal choice, Urban, Suburban, Rural, Laws?

- Hammock – Personal choice. Numerous selections. Small, compact, home/mobile

- Grid Down Heat – Identify multiple heat sources for home and mobile. One option is unused paint can, roll of toilet paper, rubbing alcohol 60% or less. Burns hours providing heat. Non- toxic. Can be used in all settings

- Sleep Pad – Portable, pine needles, straw… important to maintain core body temp

4. Security: Lethal and Non-Lethal

- Plans – Risk Analysis of your subject area when possible is critical

- Mindset – Think outside the box – Hard Target – Left of Bang. When you can, pre-plan and get out of threat areas, counties, and states

- Whistle

- Lethal Weapons – A personal choice to selection and type of ammo

- Security cameras (while the internet is available)

- Night Vision Equipment (Can be used as security cameras with IR capability to laptop), Red or Green Dot laser system. Even if not lethal force, can be a deterrent worse case

- Multiple types of flashlights. Head lamp, mag lite, lanterns…

- Spray – Bear, Wasp, Mosquito – Can be used with a lighter for non-lethal defense

- Barking Rex – Requires 110 power. Provides barking support to security defense

- Early Warning – Alarm system, Make-shift notification system. (Fishing line with cans or pie tins or items making noise. Be creative. You want as much early warning as possible.

- Create stand-off from the threat.

- Game Cameras – Ensure you get immediate notification to phone for early warning.

- Walking Stick

- Solar lights

- Flex Cuffs

- ASP – Police Baton – Can be used as lethal or nonlethal force

- Duct Tape – Can be used in multiple ways – Mouth Gag, hand-and-leg cuffs,

- First Aid Kit – See Medicine Category

5. Medicine

- First Aid Kit – Know how to use the kit

- Tourniquet – Have two minimum. Recommend the C.A.T. Combat Application Tourniquet. Never give up your own tourniquet to another. Your life depends on it.

- Combat gauze – Secure a lot of gauze. A major wound or gunshot injury will absorb your supply quickly

- Quick Clot – Secure recommended type

- Israeli Bandage

- Books – All types of medical books creating a solid library

- Hydration Salts

- Suntan Lotion / Sunscreen

- Burn Gel

- Blood Pressure Monitor

- Cold Packs

- Finger-Tip Oxygen Level Checker

- Thermometers

- Fish Meds – (Antibiotics)

- Benadryl

- InsulinHub – Covid-19 meds and other meds as needed

- Aspirin

- Band Aids – All sizes

- Medical Tape

- Preparation H – Face lift cream

- Ammonia

- Colloidal Silver – Carolina Readiness Supply

- Rubbing Alcohol

- Silver Gel

- Moleskin

- All Vitamins Recommended for Each Individual

- Iodine

- Monistat – Yeast Infections

- Zinc

- Tinactin – Feet (Spray or cream)

- Quercetin

– Covid

- Dramamine

– Sleep med

- Iron

- Ichthammol – Anti-Infective

- Acetaminophen / Ibuprofen

6. Communications

- Awareness of conditions between/among locations

- Family communication PLAN. Plan is essential

- Identify Team, Family or Tribe in your plan

- Identify primary communication means – texting, email, etc.

- Licensure required for HAM

- Must have equipment – i.e., must also KNOW equipment types & availability

- Need somebody to talk to – build community

- PACE system (Primary, Alternate, Contingency, Emergency contact info)

- Primary contact system – text, HAM, airhorn, flashlight, whistle, other)

·- Identify key family/tribe individuals & how to contact

· - Baofeng UV5R radio available for $35-$50; convenient for families; valuable tool for perimeter patrol

- ALL members of one group would need the same type of radio to be able to communicate

- If HAM is primary for all, then ONE message suffices for entire group

- Signal smartphone app discussion:

- A group member volunteered to research Signal smartphone app & how to phone/text/video chat options. Msgs are in real time.

- Question about limitations of Signal. Answer: Internet dependent but convenient when Internet is available. Signal is encrypted.

- Have to sign in & “share contacts” with any # of ppl. The phone # that shows is any individual’s personal cell phone #.

- Signal: difference between Signal and drop box? Answer: it’s a group & real time. Not dependent on individuals checking email

- Also more private than HAM communication in that only ppl within a specific group can communicate w/ each other. Can’t remove anyone from group, have to delete group & create a new one without whoever group owner wants to eliminate

- CB radio is a good alternative too

- Police scanners: most are encrypted now but still valuable

·- Code words and code phrases. One group member gave neighborhood folks code names; gives him general locations, types of issues.

- Code system time & authentication per same group member. “Hidden” msgs in authentication systems to ensure validity.

- Additional info in due-outs generalized for non-proton users.

·- Batteries, battery chargers, solar chargers

- Make rally points clear to everyone in immediate group

- Signal mirrors, flares, even bottle rockets can be valuable

- Write in the rain pads & pens/pencils

- Perimeter warning system – depends on local area

- Security Alerting Matrix in the Hope for Survival book.

- Former military wire-based walkie talkies?

- Group member offered to send a link. “Old MASH phones” (T-83 Crank phone)

- Burner phones? One group member has 4-5 of them. Another member suggests keep ‘em in the safe.

- Another group member notes that metal cookie/popcorn cans make GREAT faraday containers for small items. (Faraday cage)

7. Night Vision


- Can spend $200 to THOUSANDS. Does the threat justify the need? Are there other planning areas short of needs? Then spend there (like food, etc.) In an urban area with grid up, there will be lots of lights. In a rural area with no lights, night vision will be more important.

· Good quality night vision goggles/binoculars go for $2k and up.

· **If** purchasing, take the book; read it; learn how to use.

- Most are battery powered. No batteries, no cigar. Lower level models advise against using lithium batteries. (A group member notes there are slight voltage differences between types of batteries.)

- Night vision scope

- Night vision flashlight. People with no NVGs (night vision goggles) can’t see the beam that’s visible only to the person with NVGs

· FRL-1 (FLIR?): thermal camera for Apple – allows user to pick up thermal images. Additional cost of $199.99?

- Game & security cameras. A group member recommends Dakota Alert. (Also listed under Security.) P8: One group member has the Dakota Alert at his driveway; can add up to 16 sensors. Make sure they’re waterproof if being mounted outdoors!

- Drone applicable? Mentioned but not explored in depth.

8. Transportation

- Good pair of LPCs (i.e., leather personnel carriers = SHOES)

- Have moleskin when walking

- Boots important if ankle support is important too

- Bicycle with baskets to carry items. Also at least one extra tire, bicycle pump

- 3-wheeler good if terrain is favorable

- Motor-assisted bike can be good. $300-$1k, up to $2k-$3k at high end

- Bike trailers available & highly valuable

- Motorized 4-wheelers, off-road vehicles

- Suzuki Samurai or Sidekick – small, economical, fuel efficient

- No internal computers on old (~ 1970s, 1980s) models

- Will climb a mountain – but be careful because they WILL turn over

- Hold a good bit of cargo

- GREAT gas mileage

- Used vehicles in good shape available for $3500 or so

- Boat or canoe

- Trash bags make GREAT flotation devices

- Horse or mule if necessary – downside is that they need to be fed, may require wagon

- Drone as message carrier – also in communications – listed in transportation too because it may be necessary to get a message to another community with skills not in the immediate community (i.e., doctor, vet, etc.) if no phone or texting communications available


- PLAN travel routes! Remember: one is none, two is one, three is better…

- Plan primary and 2 alternative routes if caught away from home & have to travel

- WRITE each plan in detail so family will know where to look

- 3-legged, wheeled golf caddy: good for hauling Bug Out Bag + extra supplies if on foot

- Railroad hand car if close to railroad tracks

- Question about width of RR tracks compared to Suzuki wheel base width?

- Detailed paper maps; focus on avoiding highways

- Sample from Hope for Survival book + training

- Book author has hard copy of personal plan, digital copy, another copy with trusted friend

- States will send free paper maps. Contact states’ tourism offices with requests

- United States Geological Survey ( has topographical maps upon request

- Useful GPS device: looks like / wears as watch. $200-$300. Keeps track of where the wearer is

- One group member has an old car stowed away near where he’ll be headed

"Group member asked, “If we’re 12 days from SHTF, how to prepare now?” Answer: pray, check gear, review plan. Family first, friends 2nd, others next

Group member question ” Do we stand for Constitutional rights or apply common sense? Point was, is it worth displaying Trump signs, bumper stickers, etc. if they’ll make us a target? Bottom line: opt for common sense. Consequences could be more serious than only a “keyed” car.

9. Bug Out Bags

- Plan on 10 or more days that may or may not take us home. This is the BIG bag, NOT the (1) everyday bag or (2) short travel bag, but (3) the BIG bag

- Advice: Begin with the BAG. It must be heavy duty & stand up to weight

- Basic items to include: food, water, shelter, fire starter, maybe stove (maybe not) – depends on individual needs and some level of creativity

- Filling the bag:

- Lethal and non-lethal protection – stop threats from either humans or animals

- Water – many options:

- Lifestraw – lightweight, takes very little space, can drink directly from mud puddles

- Water purification tablets

- Canteen – can heat water, has cup to eat from

- Sawyer Mini Water Filter – filters 100 gallons

- Camel Back or Mule – heavy when filled with water, will have to balance out weight according to individual conditions

- Cheesecloth – filter out obvious sludge before running through water filter

- Solar water heater for the all-important coffee J

- Food – also many options

- Dehydrated and/or freeze dried foods are lightest weight

- Jerky

- Protein bars

- MREs

- Keep MREs only for home because of weight & bulk (Suggestion)

- Okay for short on-foot travel but not for long distance

- One member buys entrée-only without accompanying (& bulky) items. Pays approximately $2.50 per entrée only; very good price for the amount of protein each entrée contains

- If full MREs, take individual items out of the bulky MRE bag & pack them individually

- Food tubes (Note taker missed the name of this!) Buy empty, pack with food such as peanut butter + honey. Munch on the go. Carolina Readiness Supply ( has these tubes in the store.

- Other items:

- Master key,” i.e., bolt cutters

- Crowbar is weight is okay

- Headlamp + LOTS of batteries

- One member favors traveling at night but regardless of travel time, can attach a small solar panel to pack and charge while traveling

- Conversely, can charge while sleeping if traveling at night

- “Lucy Lights” – solar, lightweight, but bulky. Available at

- More items from previous categories: Band-Aids, head gear, mosquito net, fishing line, bug spray, etc.

- Cat bells! Little bells on a ribbon or string. Good inside a house, but also good around a campsite. They WILL make noise if disturbed

- Change of clothes: including at least 3 pairs of socks

- Panty hose to guard against mosquito bites

- Multi-tool (i.e., Leatherman, other brands)

- Large knife to cut small limbs – for firewood or to get out of the way

- Standard Paracord or Paracord with core that can be used as fire starter

- Bug spray + tick repellant

- Mylar sheet / blanket

- Large outdoor trash/leaf bags – can be used as flotation devices

- Waterproof matches

- Tesla lighter

- Fire starters, including (1) 2 Altoid tins filled with Vaseline-soaked cotton balls or (2) toilet paper cardboard rolls stuffed with dryer lint

- Backpacker towel

- Toilet paper in a Ziploc bag

- Soap / body wash / shampoo – unscented!

- Feminine hygiene items

- 22 long rifle – great all-purpose gun

- Henry makes a versatile one – Henry 22 AR7

- Great for hunting and protection

- Kel-Tec sub 2000 also good – 9 mm, folds in half. Hope for Survival video on this item posted pre-2020, probably Fall 2019

- Signal mirror. Combined with magnifying glass = fire starter

- Super lightweight fishing kit

- Whistle

- Kerchief

- Barter Bags – anything that can be traded, but with cautions: NEVER open Bug Out Bag (BOB) to rummage through within anyone’s sight for barter items. Keep barter bags on person either in a fanny pack or in pockets.

- Cigarettes, lighters, “airplane” alcohol bottles

- Toothpaste, small fishing supplies-

- **Keep survival items on person in case BOB is stolen

- Extra glasses or contacts

- Hatchet, machete, break-down camping shovel

- Old Boy Scout books

- Currency and/or small-denomination silver coins

·- Belt with concealed zipper compartment

- Put pockets on boot tongues, conceal paper bills there

·- Conceal paper bills under shoe inner soles

- ID copies

- Mormon prepper guide

- Chapstick and wipes

- Head gear – hat, bandana, whatever works

- First aid kit

- Medications

- Duct tape

- Sewing kit

- Pencil & paper – preferably waterproof pad (also under Communications)

- Toothbrush & hygiene kit

- Hand warmers, safety pins, eating utensils

10. Team/Tribe/Node

- This area seems to be a major stumbling block for many

- Must have a group with multiple skills represented within the group

- Sometimes takes only 2-3 people to get it going and growing

- (1) Build a team; or

- (2) become part of an existing team

- Requires networking, reaching out, building trust

- Takes WORK and effort

- Resources: pool all or keep separate? Must decide

- Good books – any of these leads to looking at people differently – assessing gifts, talents, etc.:

- Sheep No More

- Left of Bang

- Gift of Fear

·- May be more difficult to build an effective team in a rural area where people are more (1) self- sufficient or (2) think they are

·- Identify common interests – i.e., canning, hunting, gardening, etc. – and build from there

- Feel people out – find out whether they’ll support a team or not if things go south

- One fortunate neighborhood of 18-20 families has 8 former military members

- Tough to create “real fear” to assess how individuals will react

General Resources


- Used books, including old Boy Scout Handbook and Field Guide

- Less-than-new tech books (plumbing, etc.)

- Thrift stores, Goodwill: good for basic “how to” books on a variety of topics. Don’t need most recent editions, just how to do stuff (basic plumbing, electrical work, etc.)


Bravo Echo Out

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