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Writer's pictureButch Erskine

Covid 19 Coronavirus Update April 9, 2020

From an Emergency Management perspective, these are the facts and information I have gathered from multiple sources to this point. I would consider planning on being prepared for several months. This is not going to be a quick event. The numbers are growing quickly with no slow down in the near future. The global and national numbers continue climbing skyward. When you compare the week to week expanded numbers you get a better picture of the magnitude of the virus and how it multiplies. I hope your plans allow you to maintain social distancing for an extended period of time. Stay safe.

Who: All global citizens

What: Coronavirus or Covid-19 is now a Global Health Pandemic and declared a Health Condition Charlie status. Delta is the highest level.

When: 1 December 2019 through current day

Where: Originally reached 193 countries to include the United States however some reports state the high number was 177.

Why: Unknown is the best answer. Lots of speculation and conspiracy with little to no final conclusion. There are multiple reports and podcast from international doctors claiming they are finding mutated strains of the virus. This remains uncertain 130 days in to the pandemic.

Description: This coronavirus is a member of the coronavirus family that has never been encountered before. Like the previous versions of coronaviruses its origin comes from animals. Symptoms: Individuals afflicted by the virus can result in pneumonia. Those with the virus can display symptoms such as coughs, fever, and breathing difficulties. The more severe cases can be organ failure. As in a viral pneumonia, antibiotics are of no use. Recovery depends on the strength of the immune system and health condition of the individual when afflicted. NOTE: Diarrhea is not a symptom.

Transmission: This version of the coronavirus transmits human-to-human but can lay on surfaces for days and still infect. There are reports from China stating the virus could also be airborne but this has not been confirmed outside of China.

Globally: Currently 193 countries are impacted by the coronavirus. As of this time around 1,524,375 cases are reported. Last weeks number was 928,057 cases and two weeks ago the number was 453,074 cases. The number of reported deaths is 88,965 up from 46,496 a week ago and 20,519 deaths two weeks ago. There remains folks who refuse to follow guidance on social distancing. It is believed NY will reach it's peak between tomorrow (10 April) and mid-week next week. Other states will follow as their peak times are different.

Nationally: The United States currently has 431,828 up from 211,143 up from a week ago and 61,062 positive two weeks ago. Think about that number. There has been 14,768 deaths compared to 4,713 deaths a week ago and 838 deaths two weeks ago. Most US States are now under a declaration of State Emergency. Several states are imposing restricted policies and travel restrictions. You should monitor your state for what impacts you.

Local: You should monitor all sources for updates and information. Cross check your information because most of the Government sources...CDC, State Dept, DoD, and other sites are late updating current information. The guidance has remained the same. Here's two links for current information that we have found pretty accurate:

Defense and Prevention: Remain calm. Remain calm. Remain calm. (Intentional to make a point) Separation and distance. Stay away from crowds. Wash hands with soapy water for at least 20 seconds. Take immune boosters, however it is believed elderberry will not be effective against this particular virus because the Sambucus nigra is inhibitory on infectious bronchitis type viruses. If this is not possible use hand sanitizer that contains at least 60 percent alcohol-based hand sanitizer. Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands. Avoid touching objects or people, outside the home especially. If you are still working and I hope your not clean your work space and/or home frequently. If you are still on the fence the numbers above should be a wake up call. Again, pay attention to national and local news and website information to stay abreast of information. Because the specific origin and viral make up remains a question, one could read many pros and cons to what over the counter remedies to procure and use if needed.

Several reports state do not take Ibuprofen or Advil for Covid 19 symptoms

Recommendation: Information is power. Remain calm and do not panic. Be smart, remain vigilant and be prepared in the event the national or local circumstances change. If they change, you should have the recommended basic gear to protect yourself in the event you must be in the public or around other people. Knowledge, distance, separation, and self-reliance is the key. If you feel any flu like symptoms, contact your doctor immediately.

Chatter: The World Health Organization (WHO) has declared Covid 19 - Coronavirus a Global Health Pandemic . This along with numerous state restrictions and quarantines is a game changer during this event. Stay tuned to your local news for possible restricted travel and locked down locations. Protect yourself and be prepared.

Be safe and focused.


Bravo Echo Out

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