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Patriot Express Newsletter Edition #141

Writer's picture: Butch ErskineButch Erskine

Fellow Patriots,

Greetings and welcome to the Patriot Express Newsletter Edition #141. Thanks for sharing your time with us here at the PENL and Hope for Survival. We welcome readers daily from around America and beyond. On this Christmas eve we pray for peace, warmth, and joy, for each of you. It has been a hard year for many through 2021. I hope you can stop what you are doing and find a few minutes to give thanks for the positive things in your life.

Can you believe it's Christmas eve? Is it only me who feels this year was a blur on warp-speed? Do you realize everything that has happened in 2021? I was listening to a respectable podcaster who conducted a Top 10 stories of 2021. The bizarre part of it was a few items noted seemed to have happened many years ago. We have lived through a tough year on so many fronts. If you are reading this newsletter, then I can say we made it fellow Patriot. I pray we all are better prepared for 2022 because I do not believe it is going to get any easier on many fronts. We must remain positive and hopeful yet focused and self-reliant.

Being this is posting on Christmas eve, this edition of the PENL will be a bit shorter. We are thankful for each day together as we journey through this part of history and the unknown. Thanks for a great year. We are blessed indeed. I do believe 2022 is going to be stressful and trying as changes to our great nation will continue. I would suggest we all take some time to ask ourselves a simple question. Individually, are we ready?

From HFS we wish you a peaceful and joyful Christmas and holiday season. We pray for all of you and your families through this season. May the true meaning of Christmas be with you around all the fun and food. We are blessed people living in the greatest nation on earth. Blessings to all of you, fellow Patriots.

Thanks to everyone who sent Christmas cards and wishes via text, phone calls and email. It is much appreciated. Blessings to all.

Let us move along...

Thursday Zoom Rallies – No Zoom rally this week or next. Holiday break in the schedule.

Hope for Survival YouTube and Odysee Channels- I posted a new video to YouTube this week for your enjoyment. I had the opportunity to record an interview with my two granddaughters discussing preparedness from their perspective. We then went through a preparedness backpack discussing different resources and what they are used for. We also talked about the importance of developing emergency plans for their home. It was enjoyable to hear their points made on the important need for developing preparedness plans for our youth. Here is the link to the new video.

If you have not already, please consider subscribing to the HFS YouTube and HFS Odysee channels. We would appreciate your consideration. Because I still work a full-time day job, time is limited, and I have not been able to set up a routine schedule for recording and posting videos yet. Thanks for hanging with me. Share the link with family and friends.

HFS Mobile Training:

If you would like HFS to come to your community to conduct training classes or speak on the importance of preparedness, feel free to contact me.

HFS will be in Roxboro, NC on December 28, 2021 speaking at noon on Preparedness and the World Today. If you are in the area and would like to attend please contact me.

Communications: You can now follow HFS social media on the following outlets:

Facebook – Hope for Survival

YouTube Channel – Hope for Survival

MeWe: - //

Rumble - HopeforSurvival (Platform established. Videos coming soon)

Connect and give me a shout. Share with family and friends.

Guest and Newcomers

If you are a guest or newcomer to the HFS journey, please check out this link for additional

Hope for Survival books: Christmas is quickly getting to our doorstep. Do you have family members or friends who dabble with preparedness or someone you want to get started in preparedness? Then now is a great time to order and receive copies of my two preparedness books. In the past HFS members purchased books for family members who may be in their early stages of preparedness.

If you would like to buy multiple books of one type or both, email me to let me know and I will work out a special deal for you.

You can obtain information on the two HFS books at this link: Survival, Preparedness, Disaster Management for individuals or family (

Hope for Survival - How Food, Water, Shelter, and Security Could Save Your Life (Book 1)

Hope for Survival - The Mindset (Book 2)

We must make this brief public announcement to protect the innocent.

Ding, Ding, Ding....Attention HFS readers..... Opinions shared in this newsletter are just that, opinions, and nothing more. Read at your own risk. The owner and author of this site is not responsible for hurt feelings or thin-skinned readers. I do my best to show restraint and respect to the best extent possible. I take as many precautions as possible and try to remain as nonpolitical as possible, however, there are times when I just can't help but point certain things out. Occasionally I use words only Patriots recognize and understand. It's not personal against any non-Patriot. It's just the truth. Sometimes we must pull up our spenders and suck it up. Just saying. Stay the course, read what you want, and avoid the rest. Avoid fear porn as much as possible and the day will be okay. When all else fails… Keep the faith and always have Hope.

Let’s move along and get to some thoughts...

Thoughts for the week

Christmas - What does Christmas mean to you? When you think of Christmas do you have flash backs to childhood with your siblings or maybe trips to see grandparents? I know Christmas is different for many and how it is celebrated varies from family to family. Some may think of a first car that was gifted from Santa. Others may cherish family meals during the holidays. Or, maybe your family took a once in a lifetime trip together? As you age, does your thoughts of Christmas change as to what memories mean the most?

I have shared on previous occasions how meaningful Christmas was with my grandmother in Virginia. The handmade decorations captured my eyes, and I couldn't imagine anyone else being able to do such amazing hand crafts. As I have aged, the memories remain special but it's the conversations with my grandmother I miss the most. Her wisdom and view on life.

I often read posts on social media by others and so often the comments are about a person missing a loved one, often a grandparent or parent. Maybe a special moment around the holiday season sparks their loneliness. I would believe we all have these thoughts and moments during the Christmas season. Even when we try to recreate the moments and memories with our own loved ones it is never the same as our memory. Maybe it is supposed to be like this.

Moments in time around Christmas always jolts a memory I had maybe forgotten but still held in my basket of happy thoughts and moments. People, places, and periods in our life may often dictate us holding that memory. Right? Years ago in my former life I was in Sarajevo on Christmas eve waiting to return to our forward staging base in Southern Italy. While standing on the airport tarmac and seeing how the Bosnian war had destroyed the prior beauty of the area during the 1984 Winter Olympics. While on the ground I thought the factions fighting and the many lost lives. Today I think back and remember the beauty of the land and the faces of so many strangers. Cold skin and faces from the years of war in the region. Lost family members and lost land for what? We could say the same for Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, and on and on. For what? Yes, as I age, I see things differently I suppose.

Ahh, the forward staging area in southern Italy that I mentioned above. We stayed busy and often went days upon days without time off. Staying busy helped keep the mind occupied and off the holidays and home. Granted, the immediate military also could be categorized as family in so many ways. Our focus was the mission at hand. It involved several Balkan states on this particular deployment and that meant many hours. When we returned to our staging area we would be greeted and welcomed by our fellow troops. During the holidays the miliary was great at providing holiday opportunities to attend special meals and festivities to lift the spirits while away from family. On this particular deployment we got to volunteer to work an Italian orphanage to provide Christmas to the many children without families. Now, twenty plus years later I remember this special time in my life.

Another special moment was mail call to see who we may have heard from back home to catch us up with pictures and letters sharing the things family would be doing to celebrate Christmas. I received a Christmas card during a particular mail call that has stood out to me over the years. I still do not know how this person found me, much less an address to send a card. I had received several emails from an address titled Waterboy 79 and I figured it to be Spam, so I deleted without opening it. It didn't register at the time who it was. I opened the card, and it was a handwritten note enclosed from a classmate some 20 years prior wishing me a merry Christmas and a few pleasantries as well. The name Waterboy 79 was because he was the water boy on our high school football team for the class of 79. We spoke in the school hallways but had never really developed a close friendship. The simple fact he went out of his way to send me a card and say hello was beyond kind. Just simple words to many meant the world to me at this point in my life. It is the kind gestures of others that is remembered for years.

One of the things I look forward to each year is Christmas eve service. It is one of the most peaceful moments in the year. It is a time to be with family and a time to have your own private thoughts and prayers with our Lord and Saviour and what Christmas is about. Aside from the holiday lights, trees, gifts, and food, it is a time to remind grandchildren about what the true meaning of Christmas is about. I don't know about you, but the eve service always brings a sense of peace and joy to my heart. How about you? What part of Christmas does the same for you?

I have shared in previous messages how giving back to others is a big part of life for Ms. Lucy and me. We are blessed to have the basics in life and do our best to help others who may need uplifted in some way. I believe we call can look back on life and remember a time or period where our own life was down, and we felt alone. Maybe a friend or stranger offered you a helping hand in some way to help you up. Personally, I find some of the greatest memories in life today are times we could assist or help another needing uplifted. Maybe a hand, a prayer, some food, a smile, to listen when another needs to talk, or a ride to one who is stranded. I have heard folks say, "why should I help, no one helped me when I was in need" So many endured tough times in 2021. Loss of jobs, family members to Covid-19, and the unknown ahead, is weighing on so many around us and leaving them with stressed thoughts and heavy hearts. We can offer a smile if we have nothing else to offer. Maybe invite a lonely neighbor over for Christmas dinner. Bake some extra cookies to share with others. I'm not a chef on any account but one year in the United Kingdom, I baked about 20 dozen cookies for my retired British neighbors. They loved the cookies but the fact someone thought of them being alone in their home is what was the true meaning of my point. We all have at least one friend or family member alone this Christmas. I hear so many grandparents comment they don't see family during Christmas because their kids are off on ski trips, Disney, or celebrating at home. This reminds me of the joy my grandparents had celebrating Christmas with family.

I'm thankful that Ms. Lucy feels the same as I do about giving back and also trying to instill the importance of helping others to our grandchildren. When we have them at some point during the year, and especially Christmas, we find a cause to support that allows the grandkids to be active in the planning process and delivering the good will. This year was the local community drive to get a collection of toys for children and teens impacted by the tornadoes in Kentucky recently.

Before we group shopped to allow the kids to pick out gifts for the unknown juvenile recipient, we explained the situation to them and how these children lost everything and possibly even their parents or a sibling in the natural disaster.

It was fun watching each grandchild pick up a toy, look it over, and then look at us for approval. It was tough for our 3-year-old grandson because he really liked the mixer truck with blocks. In reality, how does a 3-year-old understand what we had explained to him regarding the disaster and why we shopped for other children?

God bless Kentucky and everyone impacted by the tornadoes and those working to provide some level of relief to help the victims.

If we are home, we almost always attempt to take them to visit our local first responders to learn about the need for their services and also drop off some cookies and holiday cheer. Here's a few pictures from this year's effort. Our grandson may seem young to tour the firehouse however he is the same three-year-old who explained to me how a helicopter works and what keeps it in the air. He loves playing 911 with his daddy.

Our effort to instill hope in others should be a priority in our daily life. I think back to World War II and how the local church played an important role in helping and giving to others. Because of priorities and local laws so many restrictions are now placed on them preventing a lot of past efforts. I am a firm believer that our faith and commitment to others is the backbone to a strong citizenry and community. Just saying....

Ms. Lucy, Festus, and I wish you a very Merry Christmas and a blessed and healthy new year. Thanks to each and every one of you who played a role in the Hope for Survival family to build self-reliant families and communities. May God bless you in every way this Christmas season.

Next ....

Here at HFS we do carry merchandise for anyone wanting a shirt, hat, digital memory stick, and Hope for Survival books. The recent populate hat bas been the HFS camo hat. One of our favorite Patriots from Western NC is seen below sporting the hat. He wears it well.

From a HFS position, it is really cool to go to an event and see so many folks decked out in HFS shirts and hats to promote and advertise HFS and our preparedness mission.

HFS appreciates his choice in attire. Bless you and thank you.

Next ....

I wanted to provide a Hope for Survival update to closeout 2021. I didn't realize all the accomplishments to achieve goals established to start 2021. It has been a great year overall and we hope 2022 will be as rewarding. The preparedness mission never stops and with so many unknowns in our nation and the world we must remain focused yet balanced. We can't change the world or our nation however we can control how we invest our time and effort. Thanks to everyone who helped make 2021 a great year and HFS looks forward to working together in 2022.

Achievements in 2021

• Added roughly 125 new members

• Built friendships, sister and brotherhoods, that will last a lifetime

• Prayed together, grew together, bonded together, and shared some tears together as well.

• Stood up 13 HFS Teams/Nodes/Tribes

• Sold roughly 200 copies of Book 1 and 180 Copies of Book 2

• Donated over $2,000 from book sales

• Two HFS rallies in Waynesville, NC

• Taught at Heritage Life Skills 2021

• Traveled to Waynesville, NC; Black Mountain, NC, Fairview, NC, Monticello, KY, Crossville, TN, Ocoee, TN, Franklin, NC, Clayton, GA, Roanoke, VA, Joppa, AL, Huntsville, AL, Shelbyville, TN, Sellers, S.C., Clarksville/Nashville, TN, and Roxboro, NC (Dec 28/29)

• Guest podcast appearances on The Changing Earth (Sara Hathaway), Prepper Broadcast Network (James Walton), Survival Prepper Show (Dale and Duff), The Christopher Scott Show, and All-American Podcast (Paul Seawright)

• Conducted 42 HFS Zoom Calls

• Recorded 21 YouTube videos

• Posted numerous post to Odysee, MeWe, and Facebook HFS pages

• Posted 52 Patriot Express Newsletters

• Wrote a book and published same

Thanks to everyone for your purchases, donations, and March fund drive support.

Goals for 2022:

• Develop individuals and existing teams for better self-reliance

• Get groups bridged to share training days, skills, and information

• Continue HFS Team Leader working groups

• Utilize talents within zoom group to tailor HFS Group criteria

• Expand level of information presented at zoom

• Write book III in the HFS series – Building your five-mile radius

• Write first fiction book in a series set

• Sale more books to aid local charities to support those in need

• Establish 12 to 15 more groups to total 25 by years end

• Resolve communication issues group to group

• Finish Excel food calculator and make available for use

• Host an HFS Conference next fall (Friday to Sunday)

• Spend more time on the road working with teams/groups

• Establish HFS Disaster boxes for disaster areas

And those are my thoughts for the week.

Preparedness News

1. From Backdoor Survival - How to Grow Microgreens Without Soil - Step-By-Step Process ( - Here is another printable opportunity for your paper library.

2. From the Prepared Ninja - How to Save on Home Maintenance Costs - The Prepared Ninja - We all like to save money, right? You may want to cross-check this list with your own steps and seasonal adjustments made around your property.

3. From Tim Makay - Modern Survival Online - 10 Emergency Indoor Cooking Options ( - One is none, two is one, three is better. Do you have plans to back up your back up plans?

4. From Prep School Daily - Prep School Daily: Good Eats at the TEOTWAWKI Cafe--Black Bean Veggie Burger - Another option to consider for your daily diet and future planning.

5. From Abbagail Mcgruer - The Meat Eater - 10 Best Egg-Laying Chicken Breeds | Wild + Whole ( - Have chickens? Here you go. Good suggestions offered in this article.

6. From Survival Dispatch - Homesteading with Alan Kay - Excellent video on the reality of what is involved in operating a homestead.

7. From City Prepping - A preparedness guide for 2022 - Are you ready for what is ahead?

8. From Canadian Prepper - Something big is coming in 2022 -

9. From Sensible Prepper - 10 ways to use tin cans for survival -

10. From Living Survival - Essential Items to Build a Bug Out Bag

Drum roll...........

That's all my Patriot brothers and sisters.

Prayers - Please keep our great nation, our elected leaders, military and first responders in your thoughts and prayers. We pray for good health and wisdom. Please pray for our leadership to find answers and guidance to the problems facing our great nation. May your faith remain strong and answers to the unknown provided. God is good and may our prayers blanket and protect you and your circumstances. I pray for each, and every one of our Patriots.

May we pray for all the blessings and things in life to be thankful about and continued hope for revival around the world. We must continually pray for the unsaved, our family and friends who live each day without the protection for eternal life and salvation.

Even with all the worldly challenges, struggles, and heartbreaks we must always give thanks for the blessings in our own life and our family each day. Life can be hard and sometimes unfair to us, but we still have many things to be thankful for each day. We must not forget them.

As we have prayer needs for answers to health and family matters, we also have prayers of thanks for recent health answers and recoveries.

We all must pray strong and often for the citizens of our great nation. Many of our sisters and brothers are struggling daily with things they witness, encounter, and are surprised with out of the norm. Many times, we are in unchartered areas, however, we still must keep our faith and focus on the big picture. Our prayers and faithful strength together will be required often to battle the evils being thrown upon all of us minute by minute.

As Patriots we must stay strong and never give up. Our home, community and nation needs us now more than ever. Stay focused on your local community and things that will impact you around the nation. Don't allow the events around you to create fear in your life. Build your own self-reliance and focus on hope. Remember we are a blessed nation and we must continue to be great people today and make a better tomorrow. Keep charging.


Bravo Echo Out,

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Jeannie MacAdams
Jeannie MacAdams
Dec 25, 2021

I'll add a "me too," ECG!!!! Have a merry, MERRY Christmas!


Dec 24, 2021

Merry Christmas to the HFS family. Thank you so very much for allowing me to be a small part of your group. I continue to learn with each Zoom meeting and newsletter. Many blessings to all.


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