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Patriot Express Newsletter Edition #89

Fellow Patriots,

Merry Christmas!!! Welcome to the Patriot Express Newsletter (PENL) Edition #89. May you be healthy, blessed, and joyful today and everyday. Ms. Lucy and I pray you are with family and/or a loved one during this holiday season. Covid-19 has ruined plans and time for many families over the past months. Through all the fun, food, and family don't forget to remember the reason for the season we celebrate Christmas.

This weeks PENL will be a bit shorter due to the holidays and my availability to put it together this week. We spent a few days in rural West Virginia with family and then traveled further in to central Virginia to spend the remainder of Christmas week with our children and grandchildren. All five grandchildren (2, 4, 7, 9, and 10) Seeing these five little personalities and young dreamers is the reminder of the fight today and the days ahead to defend and protect red, white, and blue. Our great grandfathers and grandfathers left us a great country to live and grow up in. We owe this to our children and grandchildren.

If you are a guest or newcomer to the HFS journey, please check out this link for additional information offered through HFS.

Operations Greater Good - HFS has launched "Operation Greater Good" and it can be found at the bottom of the main page of the HFS website below videos. You may remember back to a Thursday Zoom Rally in September when the Page family appeared as special guest to share their missionary story in Southern Africa where they have lived for nearly 15 years. Ms. Lucy and I support the Page family and HFS decided to launch a support campaign for two specific projects. The Water Well Project for Zimbabwe and Mozambique and the Bible School Project. Several HFS Patriots who contacted me about supporting the Page's and their mission can do so at the link included in the HFS website page. Each project has it's own link to support. HFS is not involved in any transactions between the Word of Life project and the Patriot supporter. Remember, click the link, scroll to the bottom of the page to find the Operation Greater Good information. (I'm sorry it took me so long to get this built in to the webpage. I'm a one man circus and some acts take me longer than others.) Survival, Preparedness, Disaster Management for individuals or family ( Look for this page as you scroll to the bottom.

Thursday Zoom Rallies – There will not be a weekly zoom rally the week of Christmas and the week of New Years Eve is still pending. If we schedule a zoom rally the week of New Years Eve I will post it and email you the time and date. World and National events will drive this decision.

I am hoping to post an article on Communications at the team level soon. The Zoom group worked and discussed communications in several Zoom meetings to provide some worthy choices to consider. I just haven't had time to put the information on paper to post.

Communications: You can now follow HFS social media on the following outlets:

Facebook – Hope for Survival

YouTube Channel – Hope for Survival

MeWe: - //

Parler – Preparedness101@Preparedness101

Connect and give me a shout. Share with family and friends.

Moving along …

We must make this brief public announcement to protect the innocent.

Ding, Ding, Ding...."Attention HFS readers..... Opinions shared in this newsletter are just that, opinions, and nothing more. Read at your own risk. The owner and author of this site is not responsible for hurt feelings or thin-skinned readers. I do my best to show restraint and respect to the best extent possible. I take as many precautions as possible and try to remain as nonpolitical as possible, however, there are times when I just can't help but point certain things out. Occasionally I use words only Patriots recognize and understand. It's not personal against any non-Patriot. It's just the truth. Sometimes we must pull up our spenders and suck it up. Just saying. Stay the course, read what you want, and avoid the rest. Avoid fear porn as much as possible and the day will be okay.) When all else fails… Keep the faith and always have Hope."

Let’s move along and get to some thoughts...

Thoughts for the week

I had the honor of stopping in Crossville, TN last Friday just as the PENL #88 was being posted. It was such a great opportunity and blessing to spend the evening with the Crossville Patriots. Thanks to everyone who could attend. I also want to welcome the new Crossville Patriots who could join the group for dinner. Time and location afforded us the opportunity to have good discussions on food planning short and long term, local communications and external communications with other regional teams/tribes/nodes. When I depart these locations after meeting with our Patriot sisters and brothers, my brain is flying with excitement. This is good stuff. Especially seeing growth and team work to help support one another.

Next ...

Several of the HFS regions (Franklin, NC/Rabin County, Monticello, KY, and Crossville, TN), should have received an email this week discussing internal and external communications and the continued expanding and building of teams/tribes/family/nodes or whatever you wish to call your community group. Bottom line is in the next few months I hope to start linking several of the groups together through communications. I can only do so much and the rest is on the groups to invest time and effort to perfect skills. I hope to add Dandridge TN, Waynesville, NC, and Huntsville, AL to the next group. This has been a long process in the works and it is exciting to see it coming together.

As we move in to 2021 and realize the numerous issues happening around us, the importance of this topic increases. We don't know what resolutions will be put in place but we can control our own preparedness and capabilities.

Next ...

Lord willing and a low creek flowing under the back road bridges I will be sharing lunch with two of our Patriot sisters from Roxboro, NC here in Roanoke, VA on Saturday. I'm really looking forward to the time to discuss preparedness. These two high energy Patriot sisters continue moving forward to be better prepared. They recently added a greenhouse and chicken coup to their preparedness plans. I'm very proud of these two ladies. Great job.

Okay, lets move along to the news…

Preparedness News

1. N.O.A.H Trekker Water Filtration System. We covered this portable water filtration system in our HFS Weekly Zoom rally last week. I have received several inquiries in to this product as well as Festus doing some additional research for HFS. This may seem like an expensive cost for the product but the quality and reputation appears to back up the cost. Here is the video on the system and below the video is some consolidated facts.

N.O.A.H makes two portable systems.

The small system which is great for missionaries abroad is roughly $1,500.00. It is stored in a portable air tight carrying case. Here is the link to the website - Trekker Water Purifier | Sediment Filtration | Novi, MI ( -

This would also be a great back up filtration system for a bug out location, off-grid location, or as a secondary system for redundancy. Clean water is critical to survival regardless of the disaster being faced.

2. From Kristina Phelan - Homestead Survival Site - 7 Things for Gardeners To Do in The Winter - Homestead Survival Site - Aside from water, growing and knowing how to grow food is near the top in criticality. I would say of all the folks I discuss growing a garden with, 20% have grown a garden and the other 80% tell me how they have lots of No #10 cans filled with seeds. Think about that. How many of them live around you and possibly end up with no food when their garden doesn't produce. Think about it.

3. From Prep School Daily - Prep School Daily: The No-Grid Realities of Medical Care in a Post-Collapse Society - Have you evaluated your team/tribe/Node to identify who is your resident doctor, nurse or medic?

4. From Linda Loosli - Food Storage Moms - 12 Tips Old Preppers Can Teach New Preppers - Food Storage Moms - This article reminds me of the HFS lunch and dinner rallies. Getting together with new like minded Preparers to share and teach with newcomers and also learn newer ways of doing the same steps and methods in a smarter time saving process. Just because some of us may have more years and experience we must also be open minded to learning from younger preparers.

Other News

1. From Brandon Smith - Alt-Right - The “New Confederacy”? Yes, It's Time For Conservatives To Unite Against The Globalist Reset - ( - This is a great read. I would encourage everyone to step aside and take a few minutes to check this out. Things are changing. I do believe the left holds the cards and control of this major shift continuing in America. Are you ready? The left continues to deploy their plan in the open and the right simply talks about a plan and the next election. The bus has left the station brothers and sisters. Are you on the bus or still in the bus terminal?

2. From Stewart Rhodes - Oath Keepers - Open Letter to President Trump: You Must Use Insurrection Act to "Stop the Steal" and Defeat the Coup - Oath Keepers - For those interested in reading the open letter drafted by Oath Keepers and send to President Trump post-election. Thanks to our Patriot Brother from NC for sending this in to share with others.

3. From Simon Black - Sovereign Man - Mandatory Vaccines and woke logic | Sovereign Man - Interesting read by author Simon Black. Matter of fact, you can find lots of information the past few days discussing the woke logic and mandatory vaccines. There is something very scary about these two items. Mandatory vaccinations and the left's desire to wipe out the conservative Christian populace.

4. From Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - Moderna, Pfizer & BioNTech Scramble To Test COVID Vaccines Against New "Mutant" Strain | ZeroHedge - Wasn't there some conversation along these lines a while back? Yes, certainly. As far back as March 2020 Europe announced as many as 30 additional strains of Covid-19. Hmmm

Drum roll...........

That's all my Patriot brothers and sisters. Stay alert and strong.

Thanks much for your time to read the PENL and hanging with us at Hope for Survival. We all have different desires in news and what we read at different points in our day. Hopefully HFS has provided information to stimulate your thinking and the realities around us. It is important for you to keep your feet and minds grounded as the world continues towards an unknown destination.

Keep the faith and continue doing great things for yourself and others. Be kind and do a good deed for a stranger this week. I don't know how much you monitor your local news or regional. Suicides are on the rise and the holiday season will contribute to this national problem. Think of those around you and share a smile or a meal if you can.

Keep the emails flowing. Bring new friends and help spread the word on Preparedness. Visit the HFS YouTube page and check out the numerous preparedness videos. Subscribe and hit like. It’s a minimal price to pay for free information. I appreciate you sharing the great things you are doing with your plans and progress moving you forward. Keep charging ahead.

Prayers - Please keep our great nation, our elected leaders, military and first responders in your thoughts and prayers. Please pray for our leadership to find answers and guidance to the problems facing our great nation as we continue to resolve our election. May peace be cast upon us and protect us each day while searching for honesty in the election results. I pray for each, and every one of our Patriots. Please keep a sister Patriot in Alabama in your prayers as she recovers from her major surgery. May she recover quickly and be back on her feet soon. We also pray for unspoken request. We also pray for our Patriot sister who lost her mother this week. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. May we all be protected from the growing evils surrounding and attacking our families daily. May we pray for all the blessings and things in life to be thankful about and continued hope for revival around the world. Thank you Jesus for an answered prayer for one of our Patriot sisters disability approval on the first attempt. Thank you for this answered prayer. We must continually pray for the unsaved, our family and friends who live each day without the protection for eternal life and salvation. Amen.

Keep charging and have a safe week. Don’t allow the events around us to create fear in your life. Build your own self-reliance and focus on hope. We are a blessed nation and we must continue to be great people.


Bravo Echo Out,

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1 Comment

Jeannie MacAdams
Jeannie MacAdams
Jan 02, 2021

What a GREAT Stewart Rhodes article! I've read about Oath Keepers but that was in a fiction series (Glen Tate I suppose?) I probably should have known it's a real organization.

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