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Thursday Zoom Rally #29 - October 29, 2020, 7:05 EST - Special Guest - Post-Apoc Author Steven Bird

Updated: Oct 28, 2020

Fellow Patriots, We are now in week #29 of the Hope for Survival Virtual Zoom Preparedness series. As we complete the last week of October, we continue learning, sharing, communicating and building numerous preparedness thoughts and friendships. This weeks Zoom will include a short update and then the group will welcome special guest , Veteran Navy Chief Petty Officer, current aviator, author and full time homesteader Steven Bird. Mr. Bird is gracious with his busy schedule and will stop by to answer some questions and share what life as a homesteader is like. I will interview Mr. Bird with a set of questions and then open it up for the group to ask questions as well. If you don't know of Mr. Bird, he is the real deal and practices what he writes about. Stop in and check him out.

As always, time permitting, we will conclude the Zoom rally with the weekly group "chatter about what matters" time where all attendees participate together on topics of interest they table. The "chatter about what matters" topics range from gardening to security, preparedness plans to concealed carry permits. This is a great information segment and time together. The attendees dictate the topics discussed in this segment of the meeting. If you would like to attend the HFS Zoom Virtual Rally, otherwise known as Zoom Aerobics, please shoot me an email and let me know you wish to attend. I will then send you the link, Username and Password for entry to the meeting. Hope to see ya on Thursday. Blessings, Bravo Echo Out

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