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Thursday Zoom Rally #30 - Nov 5, 2020 - 7 PM EST

Fellow Patriots, We are now in week #30 of the Hope for Survival Virtual Zoom Preparedness series. As we enter November, we continue learning, sharing, communicating and building numerous preparedness thoughts and friendships. If you read the website regularly you may have noticed the recent checklist posted as a completed project by the Thursday Zoom Group. This weeks Zoom Rally will have a brief discussion on the egg glassing process and then spend most of the the time allotted conducting "chatter that matters" to debrief and relieve frustrations from this weeks Presidential election. I do believe we all could use this time together to share in thoughts, concerns, and get motivated for the unknown ahead.

If you would like to attend the HFS Zoom Virtual Rally, otherwise known as Zoom Aerobics, please shoot me an email and let me know you wish to attend. I will then send you the link, Username and Password for entry to the meeting. Hope to see ya on Thursday. Blessings, Bravo Echo Out

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