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Thursday Zoom Rally #33 - Dec 3, 2020, 7 pm EST (Agenda enclosed)

We are now in week #33 of the Hope for Survival Virtual Zoom Preparedness series. As we move into December, we continue learning, sharing, communicating and building numerous preparedness thoughts and friendships. We welcome the new HFS members who are want to participate in the Zoom series.

This week's agenda is:

- Pledge of Allegiance

- News and Views for the week (Lots of Patriot stuff)

- More information in regards to the ongoing cases regarding the election

- Where is and what happened to Director of the CIA Haskell?

- Is Q part of the Kraken organization?

- Is the Patriot call starting to sound? Some thoughts to all Patriots

- What is a "cache?" When do I use it? What is it's purpose? How is it stocked? And what does it look like?

- Chatter that matters (Group discussion on the topics you pick)

If you would like to attend the HFS Zoom Virtual Rally, otherwise known as Zoom Aerobics, please shoot me an email and let me know you wish to attend. I will then send you the link, Username and Password for entry to the meeting. Hope to see ya on Thursday. Blessings, Bravo Echo Out

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