Butch Erskine

Nov 12, 202117 min

Patriot Express Newsletter Edition #135

Fellow Patriots,

Greetings and welcome to the Patriot Express Newsletter Edition #135. Thank you for stopping by to share your time with us. Here we are in the middle of November already. We are closing in on six weeks till Christmas and roughly seven till 2022. What will 2022 bring to our great nation? Do you ever wonder and think about it? Higher taxes? Higher fuel cost? More or less division between our citizens? Global revolt against Covid-19 mandates? Heck, looking back, 2020 wasn't so bad was it and we stayed locked down most of the year.

It is a rare occasion I can swing taking two days off over a weekend but Ms. Lucy had me busy on Saturday and after church on Sunday we enjoyed a great day with friends and HFS Patriots in our local area. We journeyed over to Gatlinburg (20 miles) to visit Anakeesta. If you have not ever experienced it and if you plan to visit the Gatlinburg/Pigeon Forge area you should include time to take it in. To say the leaves appeared beautiful would be an understatement. It was a peaceful day with family and friends, no news, and lots of Tennessee sunshine. Thank you Lord for this gifts from above.

Let us move along...

Hope for Survival now a Satellite Phone Affiliate - Owning a Satellite Phone offers a great communication advantage to a Family Communication Plan. Here is a link to more information on this topic. Hope for Survival - Satellite Phone Affiliate If you have decided you want a satellite phone already, go to the HFS website main page or blog page to find a box on the upper left and right sides. They are preloaded with the HFS Code. Check it out here as well :Blog | Survival (hopeforsurvival.com) If you have any questions please feel free to email me at Preparedness101@hopeforsurvival.com These phones are available until they sell out. If you purchased a phone already or plan to do so, watch this short video as Justin walks you through some simple steps to assist you. It's as easy as 1, 2, 3.

Thursday Zoom Rallies – HFS Zoom Rally #75 was conducted with topics covering leadership, decision making, knowing yourself and family, and the "What would you do" segment. It was a great evening together with like minded Patriots discussing today and what tomorrow could hold in store for us. It was great spending time together for our weekly zoom rally. Thanks to those who attended.

Hope for Survival YouTube and Odysee Channels- I have posted two new HFS videos titled Tack Life Emergency Battery Charger and HFS Bags for your enjoyment. These videos discusses the importance of having backup capability for your auto and other battery type components needed in your preparedness plans and the differences between the different bags one should consider. . New Patriots will find many other helpful videos on canning, food preparedness, security and defense in depth, firearm safety discussions, canning meat, and other important topics. Here is the link to the HFS YouTube page. (5) Hope For Survival - YouTube channel and the HFS channel on Odysee at Tack Life Emergency Power Pack (Jumper Cables, USB, Emergency Light) with multiple source plugs (odysee.com)

If you have not already, please consider subscribing to the HFS YouTube and HFS Odysee channels. We would appreciate your consideration. Because I still work a full time day job, time is limited and I have not been able to set up a routine schedule for recording and posting videos yet. Thanks for hanging with me. Share the link with family and friends. Thanks to everyone who subscribed in the past week few weeks.

HFS Mobile Training:

If you would like HFS to come to your community to conduct training classes or speak on the importance of preparedness feel free to contact me.

Communications: You can now follow HFS social media on the following outlets:

Facebook – Hope for Survival

YouTube Channel – Hope for Survival

MeWe: - //mewe.com/p/hopeforsurvival2

Odysee - Hope for Survival (odysee.com)

Rumble - HopeforSurvival (Platform established. Videos coming soon)

Connect and give me a shout. Share with family and friends.

Guest and Newcomers

If you are a guest or newcomer to the HFS journey, please check out this link for additional

information offered through HFS. https://www.hopeforsurvival.com/post/guest-and-newcomers-information-page

Hope for Survival books: The holidays are approaching quickly and now is a great time to order and receive copies of my two preparedness books. In the past HFS members purchase books for family members who may be in their early stages of preparedness. It is also a good time to purchase books because all proceeds off the books goes to a local charity to fund food for those in need. The number in need today is high and they will go higher going in to winter as many work seasonal jobs or others who are losing jobs because of no vaccination. HFS donates the largest amount to this cause during the holiday period to help ensure all families will have a good meal over Thanksgiving and/or Christmas. HFS is very appreciative to past purchases of my books to help support this growing need.

You can obtain information on the two HFS books at this link: Survival, Preparedness, Disaster Management for individuals or family (hopeforsurvival.com)

Hope for Survival - How Food, Water, Shelter, and Security Could Save Your Life (Book 1)

Hope for Survival - The Mindset (Book 2)

We must make this brief public announcement to protect the innocent.

Ding, Ding, Ding....Attention HFS readers..... Opinions shared in this newsletter are just that, opinions, and nothing more. Read at your own risk. The owner and author of this site is not responsible for hurt feelings or thin-skinned readers. I do my best to show restraint and respect to the best extent possible. I take as many precautions as possible and try to remain as nonpolitical as possible, however, there are times when I just can't help but point certain things out. Occasionally I use words only Patriots recognize and understand. It's not personal against any non-Patriot. It's just the truth. Sometimes we must pull up our spenders and suck it up. Just saying. Stay the course, read what you want, and avoid the rest. Avoid fear porn as much as possible and the day will be okay. When all else fails… Keep the faith and always have Hope.

Let’s move along and get to some thoughts...

Thoughts for the week

We, as a great nation recognized Veterans Day during the past week. As a 20 year Veteran I am thankful to be a citizen of the United States but more so to have served with so many honorable women and men in uniform. Many of us who served often hear "thank you for your service" by stating "the honor was in serving." Serving side by side around the globe to preserve freedom at home and for our allies was our mission. Veterans recognize Veterans Day for many reasons of their own no doubt. Often times memories are of those who didn't come home or now suffers from physical and psychological conditions that are permanent. We as the citizens of this nation are blessed to have an all volunteer force willing to step up to the call of duty. Thank you to all our Veterans, past, present, and future.


Nov. 11, 2021 marked 100 years that the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier has served as "the heart" of the cemetery. The Tomb is a sacred site that marks the graves of three unknown American service members -- one from World War 1 and two other Unknowns were added in 1958 and 1984. If you have never visited the Tomb monument and Arlington National Cemetery I would encourage you to do so. I can't put in words the visual and emotional impact it has on a person. It is one of the most powerful and impacting events in my life.


I would be remiss if I failed to wish the United States Marine Corps a special birthday on their 246th anniversary. Congratulations to the proud history and to the men and ladies who served our great nation in the Corp. Thank you for your service.


Herbal Information ...

Our Patriot sister sent this information forward to share with you on a course being offered by Rosemary Gladstar who many speak as being one of the leaders in this area. You can check it out following this link. Annual Sale - The Science & Art of Herbalism (scienceandartofherbalism.com) This is a home study course.

Next ....

Bugging In or Bugging Out

A question many often waffles over is when should a person bug in or bug out? I do not believe there is a blanket answer and in most cases your circumstances will help you determine what to do. Just be flexible in your plans in the event your local circumstance changes driving you to do the opposite of what you planned to do.

The “Bugging In” plan simply means staying put where you are at. “Bugging Out” means leaving your primary location for an alternate location. Bugging Out may be planned or else dictated by circumstances.

Your plan may be to stay put all along or else stay put until circumstances drive you from your home. You plan to stock, secure, and prepare your existing shelter for the long haul, or you keep flexibility to stay or go and pack your resources accordingly. Staying could be due to age, finances, disability, getting trapped by a rapid elevating threat, inability to plan and move resources, inability to move a large family, or an established neighborhood group and plan to ride out the threat. Or, your plan is to Bug Out because you have the transportation, resources and a designated alternate shelter to retreat away from circumstances at your primary location.

These are just a few examples. You may or may not fall in to this category.

Let’s assume you had a flexible plan that kept you at your Bug In location until the event escalates and then you plan to leave for your alternate location. So let’s conduct the “What If” checklist to give you a few things to think about. What if your plan all along was to Bug Out when the world ended as we know it?


… Your neighborhood is quarantined by the government due to a virus.

… Martial Law is declared and no movement is allowed.

… Some weather comes in that won’t let you move.

… Your bug out vehicle becomes disabled.

… Your chosen bug out route is temporarily impassable.

… You haven’t been able to reach all the individuals in your party and you didn’t have an adequate plan to get them to your bug out location without you.

… You or one of your party are incapacitated and you cannot be moved.

… You or a loved one is kidnapped

Now, you can’t Bug Out and must stay for the long haul even though the circumstances dictate bugging out. YOU must keep a strong mind and be able to adjust on the fly. You must immediately address: standoff and exterior security issue, food storage availability, water, availability and storage, sanitation, communications, securing the home, medical, interior defense – lethal vs non-lethal, and disposing of deceased personnel. These are just a few important items to think about.

So we completed the “What If” questionnaire for Bugging Out. Let’s now complete the “What If” questionnaire for Bugging In. What if your plan all along was to Bug In and ride out the circumstances? All of your resources and family are at the Bug In location with you. You have six months of food and water, and you know you will be okay because you are in a gated community.

So, what if …

… the house burns and you no longer have a home?

… a tornado/hurricane/flood/tsunami/earthquake wipes out your neighborhood?

… a chemical spill happens nearby?

… the government decides to order a mandatory evacuation?

… a pandemic approaches your area and spreading quickly?

… roving raiders and gangs start ravaging homes in your neighborhood?

… you run out of water and must go mobile to locate more?

… you can’t defend your home and you lose it to gang members?

… current danger level is escalating quicker than your ability to Bug Out?

If your plan all along was to Bug In and now you must Bug Out, you could be in grave trouble. Let’s discuss some issues on surviving outside the home in the urban environment. Historically most strife and civil unrest is sporadic and isolated to locations. Often events are staged at specific facilities and locations to demonstrate against a specific agenda. Panic and disorder will increase as “break down” in society continues. If you must be away from your home and/or you are out and get caught in the unrest, if possible, get away immediately. Try your best to blend in to your surroundings. Avoid displaying any expensive jewelry, clothing, automobiles, cell phones, or electronic devices. Always know the most direct route to a back exit when inside professional establishments.

When inside an establishment, always face towards the door to observe what is taking place. You should know two secondary routes to return in the event you must change your route. Never lead the rat to the cheese. Use social media for most current information, however, it is often raw information and could be misleading or incorrect. Do not post information that leads to your identification or location. Be alert to radicals and criminals putting “flash mobs” together quickly. Stay away from protests and uprisings to the best possible extent. It is statistically a fact, the larger the protest the lower the IQ of those protesting.

When teaching preparedness and the topic of bugging in, I am asked about bugging in at an apartment. YIKES!!! Let’s face it, it’s not a perfect world or like the post-apocalyptic books describe it. Now, don’t get me wrong, I’m a big reader and fan of many post-apocalyptic writers. They are dedicated to their creativity and several live the life they are putting on paper. I digress.

We all can’t have the picture-perfect location. Just not possible for many reasons. We should do everything we can to help others make the best of their circumstances. So let’s take a few minutes to discuss bugging in at an apartment. Or, maybe I should say let’s talk about reasons to not Bug In at an apartment.

When you start developing plans to set up your apartment and building when the time comes, understanding defense-in-depth to the maximum is critical. You must have as much early warning as possible that a threat has entered your building, the stairwell and your floor. If possible, have a warning that you have a threat on your street or alley would be better. What you do with the information could save your life.

You should think about these things when deciding if you will bug in to your apartment or not. Multiplex facilities are harder to maintain direct control of circumstances. You have to take in to consideration a post grid failure, the cities inability to provide services, loss of emergency services (fire, police and medical), secondary escape route in the event of a fire, your own medical needs, and this arrangement is difficult to obtain supplies once locked down.

Food and water is a major issue long term, but security is an issue daily, especially if you are alone. Security is a twenty-four-hour responsibility. The sooner you detect and identify a threat the higher probability you will survive. So let’s talk a few things about security and apartments.

You should determine three routes from the facility. That would be the stairwell, elevator, and exterior stairwell, if applicable. Know the most direct route to the roof and if you can move across roof tops building to building. This may come in handy to you, but also be a detriment if a threat figures it out and uses it. So, when you are monitoring for potential threats, you must consider every possible approach pattern.

1. Can you secure your stairwell doors to your floor if you need to do so? It is also critical you know a secondary escape route from your floor if you lock down the primary stairwell.

2. Identify and know every occupant in the building, if possible, but on your floor for certain. Know who will work together with you to protect the floor and occupants. Defense-in-depth is very important in your security pre-planning, and then again when you deploy your plan.

3. Do you own an escape ladder if you are located low enough to escape out the window?

4. What security devices will you deploy at the stairwell entry/exit points as early warning devices?

5. Does your plan include “black-out” conditions in hallways?

6. What is your communication plan and devices between floors? Do you have stairwell cameras?

The outcome of your situation may rest heavily on the effort you put forth to prevent it. How you survive rests squarely on you. Be positive. Think positive and stay a step ahead as much as possible. Your circumstances may be that there is no one around to help you out.

There is no perfect answer but when circumstances will allow, make all efforts to bug in unless you are located in a urban environment or in a blue state where long term preparedness could be difficult based on your surroundings and state laws could work against you.

Next ....

Food storage (conclusion)

In PENL's 133 and 134 I discussed food and levels of food preparedness, and food storage. Below you will find a few different food storage methods sent to HFS over the past couple years. How you decide to store your food is driven by the location and environment you live. What space do you have available and what is the climate of the location you select? Take a look below and decide if one of these methods could be used to assist you in your food management and storage. Good luck.

Cache Examples for food

And that is it for my thoughts this week. Let's move along now to some preparedness and other news for the week.

Preparedness News

1. Old World Garden Farms - How To Bring Herbs Inside For Winter - Potting Up Herbs For Winter Use! (oldworldgardenfarms.com) - Here is another good suggestion for keeping your herbs alive through the cold season.

2. Hillsborough Homesteading - 5 Calendula Tea Benefits (hillsborough-homesteading.com) - Here is another quality recommendation to add to your paper copy library to include in your preparedness resources.

3. From Tara Dodrill - Modern Survival Online - How to Make (Dehydrated) Honey Powder at Home (modernsurvivalonline.com) - I often wonder if I need to spend more time in my own preparedness planning to locate local honey within walking distance to my home. Honey is a great resource to have and use often, if not daily.

4. From Aaron Cummins - Survivalist Blog - 37 Squirrel Recipes for Survivalists | The Survivalist Blog - As I copy and paste this to the PENL, I see Wilson frantically running across the back hill with his hands up. This is another good paper library entry for hard times.

5. From Dan Mowinski - Preppers Will - Plant propagation Techniques For Multiplying Your Plants Easily (prepperswill.com) - When discussing survivability with large families and communities folks often mention growing large gardens to supplement food needs. When I ask where will you do it and do you have a plan I am told no, on paper, but yes in theory. Hmmm.

6. Ice Age Farmer - https://youtu.be/zaO1asFmVx8 - If you are a land owner or plan to buy some land, especially in the midwestern states you want to watch this video. Anyone who believes your land can't be taken away from you think again.

Other News -

1. From Simon Black - Sovereign Man - Get ready for your ‘woke’ 401(k) | Sovereign Man - Just because you bought your home and paid for it, worked and saved in to a retirement account, and all the other things you chose to do wisely and with financially secure goals and plans, the world today pretty much says its not yours. How does that make you feel? Yea, same here.

2. From Steve Watson - Summit News - Video: Al Gore’s Latest ‘Solution’ To Climate Change Is Mass Surveillance – Summit News - Why and how anyone can listen to the internet inventor himself is beyond me. I put him in line with Bill Gates, Anthony Fauci, and others. The elite classifying all others are moochers and earth dwellers taking up the much needed oxygen the elite must own. (Thanks Festus for this submission)

3. From Ammo.com - American Partisan -Ammo.com: Righteousness + Force in America: The Trap of Righteous Activism Coupled with State Power - American Partisan - Excellent read. So many things we read week to week simply confirms what many already thinks, but do they truly believe it? Many are still in denial to all the things going on around us today. (Thanks Festus for this submission)

4. From Kraken News - Southern Indiana World-Wide Freedom Rally - Nov 20 '21 (rumble.com) - Nov 20, 2021, Nashville, Indiana - Freedom Rally. It is believed there will be many other rallies of this type across the globe. Here is a link to the global website on this topic. Home - World Wide Demonstration (Thanks to our Patriot sister for this submission)

5. From Christopher Skeet - American Thinker - Not to Rain on Our Parade, But... - American Thinker - At this time and moment the Dems got kicked in the chins. They will regroup and charge again. The Republicans will put their chest out and boast of the victory while claiming the tide is turning back to Virginia being a red state. Think back to the opportunities we had as a nation when President Trump was elected. Remember the promises? What do you think we have learned since that time to not let this opportunity pass us by this time in Virginia? Time will tell and I am not convinced we learned anything and will instead strut like a proud peacock.

6. From Fred Lucas - Daily Signal - 4 Things to Know About Politically Connected BlackRock's China Ties (dailysignal.com) - In the last PENL #134 I shared how Black Rock was at the top of the money chain of all four Covid-19 vaccination providers to the world. ( Companies Mandating COVID Vax Are Owned By Same Company That Owns Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca, J&J - American Faith) This week you will read all about Black Rock and how they are using US dollars to funnel funds in to China. Check this out. (Thanks Festus for this follow up to last week's article)

7. Freedom Rallies - Don't Tread On Indiana – Advocacy arm of the Brown County Indiana Second Freedom Fighters (donttreadonindiana.org) - This promotion is for the freedom rally to be held Nov 20, 2021, in Indiana, however you can google the topic and find more locations around the globe. Thanks to our Patriot sister for this submission and information. If you want to get your unhappiness across to what is going on, these are the platforms to take part in.

Drum roll...........

That's all my Patriot brothers and sisters.

Prayers - Please keep our great nation, our elected leaders, military and first responders in your thoughts and prayers. We pray for good health and wisdom. Please pray for our leadership to find answers and guidance to the problems facing our great nation. May your faith remain strong and answers to the unknown provided. God is good and may our prayers blanket and protect you and your circumstances. I pray for each, and every one of our Patriots.

May we pray for all the blessings and things in life to be thankful about and continued hope for revival around the world. We must continually pray for the unsaved, our family and friends who live each day without the protection for eternal life and salvation.

Even with all the worldly challenges, struggles, and heartbreaks we must always give thanks for the blessings in our own life and our family each day. Life can be hard and sometimes unfair to us, but we still have many things to be thankful for each day. We must not forget them.

Many HFS Patriots are in tough situations and having to choose between the Covid-19 vaccine or losing their jobs. Please pray for wisdom and discernment as these folks move forward with a decision.

We have Patriots with personal prayer needs and/or family members with prayer needs as well.

Please continue prayers for our Patriot family in Middle TN as they work through the struggles of life each day after the death of family member. I watch many of you struggle with daily news.
Imagine having just lost a loved one and then dealing with everything else. This family lost a husband, father, and friend and the struggles are in the home and everyday life. This loss has impacted and continues to challenge this family in many ways.

Please continue praying for our Patriot brother in Northern Alabama as he recovers from emergency surgery. His mending process has been slow.

We continue praying for author Glen Tate who wrote the 299 Days series and is the co-host of Prep 2.0 Podcast. I have not heard an update in the recent days but earlier in the week he was in the hospital in very bad shape battling Covid-19.

Please pray for the families of Russ and Shelly Dizdar who both passed from this earth in recent days.

Please pray for the family of John Stadtmiller, owner and broadcaster of the Republic Broadcasting Network (RBN) passed suddenly this week. John hosted the National Intel Report on the same broadcasting network.

Please pray for our Christian sisters and brothers around the world being denied access to their church because they aren't vaccinated. These stories are surfacing more and more weekly.

As we have prayer needs for answers to health and family matters we also have prayers of thanks for recent health answers and recoveries.

We all must pray strong and often for the citizens of our great nation. Many of our sisters and brothers are struggling daily with things they witness, encounter, and are surprised with out of the norm. Many times we are in unchartered areas, however, we still must keep our faith and focus on the big picture. Our prayers and faithful strength together will be required often to battle the evils being thrown upon all of us minute by minute.

As Patriots we must stay strong and never give up. Our home, community and nation needs us now more than ever. Stay focused on your local community and things that will impact you around the nation. Don't allow the events around you to create fear in your life. Build your own self-reliance and focus on hope. Remember we are a blessed nation and we must continue to be great people today and make a better tomorrow. Keep charging.


Bravo Echo Out,



