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Writer's pictureButch Erskine

Patriot Express Newsletter Edition #129

Fellow Patriots,

Greetings and welcome to the Patriot Express Newsletter Edition #129. Thank you for stopping by to share your time with HFS. Happy October to you wherever you may be. Nice cool mornings are here. I would like to think a plate of biscuits and gravy, bacon and sausage, eggs, grits, some homemade jelly or jam or canned fried apples and fresh brewed coffee would perfect the morning. Cooked over the campfire would be better. Yes indeed. I know some of you are probably biting your lip and thinking how gross my breakfast choice sounds and probably would prefer some tree bark daisies and that is okay. After all, my buddy Wilson prefers nuts daily. We all have our preference and journey down that path. I should note, just because I dream of biscuits and gravy, it doesn't mean I indulge on them often. It is rather easy to have a healthy fruit and nut bar and pretend it is the breakfast of your grandmother used to make for you.

It was another busy week at HFS with much going on behind the scenes. Ms. Lucy and I took some time to travel home to West Virginia to celebrate my mother-in-laws birthday and see family who traveled from South Africa to join the festivities. It is always a good time to hang out and catch up on the life of others. I will share more in my "Thoughts for the week." Our visit home was the longest extent I have visited my home state in more than 15 years I do believe. Time and schedules does not normally allow for a five day visit.

Let us move along...

Hope for Survival now a Satellite Phone Affiliate - The month of September passed quickly and is National Preparedness Month is behind us. September was a great time to launch the HFS affiliation with the Satellite Phone store. I can share numerous reasons why a Satellite Phone fits great in your preparedness plans. I have described the reasons during the month of September in newsletters posted weekly. If and when a disaster strikes, I personally want every tool available to me for surviving and keeping my family and friends safe. It is that simple.

While traveling through rural West Virginia earlier in the week we traveled miles on gravel roads passing farm after farm and we had no cell phone signal. The good news is I had my satellite phone which provided everyone in the car a degree of comfort. At no time during an emergency situation would we be without contact to help.

While traveling through the countryside Ms. Lucy shared a story she had previously read about a lady who ended up on the Appalachian Trail alone because her hiking partner had to leave the journey for a family emergency. Within a few days the lady was lost, had no cell phone signal, and they later found her body in her tent dead for months. Had she had a satellite phone she could have used it for help and survived. somehow she had journeyed off the trail and never found her way back. You can read the story here. Lost Hiker Was Two Miles From Appalachian Trail When She Died (

Owning a Satellite Phone offers a great communication advantage to a Family Communication Plan. Several of our HFS Patriots jumped on this deal over the past 90 days. Here is a link to more information on this topic. Hope for Survival - Satellite Phone Affiliate If you have decided you want a satellite phone already, go to the HFS website main page or blog page to find a box on the upper left and right sides. They are preloaded with the HFS Code. Check it out here as well :Blog | Survival ( If you have any questions please feel free to email me at These phones are available until they sell out. If you purchased a phone already or plan to do so, watch this short video as Justin walks you through some simple steps to assist you. It's as easy as 1, 2, 3.

Thursday Zoom Rallies – HFS Zoom Rally #69 was conducted with topics covering more "what ifs" in the preparedness world. This is a time where preparedness attendees get to demonstrate knowledge and their planning mindset to discuss actions they may consider taking based on the exercise scenario. We also covered information on suturing and removing sutures. We then conducted our chatter that matters session. It was great spending time together for our weekly zoom rally. Thanks to those who attended.

Hope for Survival YouTube - HFS posted a new video titled, time to harden your personal armor, for this week, and two last week on the HFS YouTube channel at the below link. For the new Patriots you will find many helpful videos on canning, food preparedness, security and defense in depth, firearm safety discussions, canning meat, and other important topics. (5) Hope For Survival - YouTube

If you have not already, please consider subscribing to the HFS YouTube channel. We would appreciate your consideration. Because I still work a full time day job, time is limited and I have not been able to set up a routine schedule for recording and posting videos yet. Thanks for hanging with me. Share the link with family and friends. Thanks to everyone who subscribed in the past week few weeks.

HFS Mobile Training:

If you would like HFS to come to your community to conduct training classes or speak on the importance of preparedness feel free to contact me.

Communications: You can now follow HFS social media on the following outlets:

Facebook – Hope for Survival

YouTube Channel – Hope for Survival

MeWe: - //

Connect and give me a shout. Share with family and friends.

HFS Digital Football Stick - In the event you have not been a part of the Thursday Zoom Rallies, read my books, or watched my most recent HFS YouTube video on the Digital football and how to build one, you can check it out here. While on the HFS YouTube page consider subscribing to the HFS YouTube channel. Several folks asked me to do the video to explain how to do the digital football. Since then, several folks commented it was to hard or they didn't have the computer skills to do it. So, if we can get enough interest from HFS Patriots, I will get HFS monogrammed USB Memory Sticks and load the digital football on the stick for you and then mail them out to you. Then all you would need to do is scan all your important documents and load them in the prebuilt folders on the stick I would send to you. I can't tell you the exact price until I know how many memory sticks I need to order. The sticks are $25. Here is what they they look like.

If you think you would like to have one of the sticks please email me at in the next few days to let me know your interest. You can order more than one if you desire. They would make a great Christmas gift to go along with one or both of the HFS books on preparedness. UPDATE: The sticks are selling quickly. Of the first 50 ordered 47 are purchased so I will go back to the vender to order another 50. Consider getting yours soon. They are a great addition to your family preparedness plan.

Guest and Newcomers

If you are a guest or newcomer to the HFS journey, please check out this link for additional

Hope for Survival books: The holidays are approaching quickly and now is a great time to order and receive copies of my two preparedness books. In the past HFS members purchase books for family members who may be in their early stages of preparedness. It is also a good time to purchase books because all proceeds off the books goes to a local charity to fund food for those in need. The number in need today is high and they will go higher going in to winter as many work seasonal jobs or others who are losing jobs because of no vaccination. HFS donates the largest amount to this cause during the holiday period to help ensure all families will have a good meal over Thanksgiving and/or Christmas. HFS is very appreciative to past purchases of my books to help support this growing need.

You can obtain information on the two HFS books at this link: Survival, Preparedness, Disaster Management for individuals or family (

Hope for Survival - How Food, Water, Shelter, and Security Could Save Your Life (Book 1)

Hope for Survival - The Mindset (Book 2)

We must make this brief public announcement to protect the innocent.

Ding, Ding, Ding....Attention HFS readers..... Opinions shared in this newsletter are just that, opinions, and nothing more. Read at your own risk. The owner and author of this site is not responsible for hurt feelings or thin-skinned readers. I do my best to show restraint and respect to the best extent possible. I take as many precautions as possible and try to remain as nonpolitical as possible, however, there are times when I just can't help but point certain things out. Occasionally I use words only Patriots recognize and understand. It's not personal against any non-Patriot. It's just the truth. Sometimes we must pull up our spenders and suck it up. Just saying. Stay the course, read what you want, and avoid the rest. Avoid fear porn as much as possible and the day will be okay. When all else fails… Keep the faith and always have Hope.

Let’s move along and get to some thoughts...

Thoughts for the week

Ms. Lucy and I journeyed home to West Virginia to spend time with family and celebrate Ms. Lucy's mothers birthday during the past week. It was a great time and nice to be home for about five days as autumn sets in on the Mountain State. I believe it was my longest stay in my home state since 2003. The weather was great and our time was well spent seeing family and touring the central and northern counties around West Virginia.

Our time at home was to visit with family and celebrate my mother-in-laws birthday. She is known as Bubba to everyone who knows her and she was celebrating her 84th birthday. Bubba's wish was to travel back to her roots and visit a few locations where she went to elementary school and see her home place in a community of about 52 people. The travel on this day covered roughly 16 counties and nine hours. Part of the day was traveling on gravel roads with views of the farms and mountains in rural areas. The leaves had started to turn a beautiful orange and red color. It was beautiful.

It was such delight to hear Bubba's stories as we stopped at her school, home place, local post office, and her childhood church. We crossed paths with a local gent of 75 years of age who had lived in the community his entire life and knew most of the folks Bubba asked about.

We journeyed on to the next community where Bubba used to go as a child for family activities. It was a beautiful Swiss style community with one street passing through. Bubba's father had worked in these areas and she shared her memories of her hard working father during the late 1930s and 40s. We stopped for a creek side lunch where we enjoyed European style sandwiches, sauerkraut, warm apple sauce, and a plate of cheeses and fruit. If you have ever enjoyed a trip to Switzerland you would see the comparison to this community.

Our next stop included Ms. Lucy's early childhood home from the early 1960s and she compared stories from memory of playing dolls and a playground right up the street which remained in place. Even the local corner store the family used remained standing however it is a different business today.

I must tell you a few of the areas we traveled through left me hearing banjos in my thoughts. Anyone who lives near or experiences mountain people will understand what I am talking about. They are good people and hard working but they often share a culture only mountain people understand. I had to stop for fuel at one point in a very rural location where nothing else was around. As I exited the car I told family members if they start hearing banjos they had better flee the area quickly.

It was a great day and I learned a great deal about Bubba's childhood and life through the days journey around the mountain state. To witness her joy as she told us story after story made the day very worthwhile.

Ms. Lucy's sister and brother-in-law traveled from South Africa to join us for the duration of the visit so it was nice to spend time together and hear how their mission in South Africa is going. It was uplifting news on their missionary efforts throughout Africa. They are now the mission leaders for Word of Life Ministries which keeps them very busy and traveling throughout their mission locations bringing Africans to Christ and building new churches, while providing leadership to local pastors. They also host a 12 month Bible study on their home property where students live, study, and work over the duration of their studies. HFS currently supports two of the their efforts with the HFS Operation Greater Good in Zimbabwe and Mozambique with the sponsorship of the Well nd Bible School projects. You can find more on these projects at this link on the HFS website. Survival, Preparedness, Disaster Management for individuals or family ( Scroll down the page until you find Operation Greater Good for more information. If you would like to support either of these projects you will find a link in the same area of the page. Your consideration and support to these programs would be greatly appreciated.

The family enjoyed an evening on my brother-in-laws farm sharing a meal, birthday goodies, grandkids, and a tour of the 100 plus acre farm via side by side four wheeler. My brother-in-law had picked up a trained farm dog in the year or so and it was amazing to watch this dog work the farm. From circling the chicken coupe area to herding up the cows and bringing them to their evening feeding, the dog was amazing in her responses to my BIL's commands. When the cows gathered for their feeding one particular cow wasn't in the group. My BIL told the dog to go get the remaining cow and she took off quickly to go back and bring the remaining cow to the group.

Our youngest daughter journeyed from Central VA to join us for part of the weekend along with two of our three VA grandchildren. We greatly appreciate our daughters efforts to travel to spend time with us. I am always amazed at how fast they are growing up. Of course our grandson (3 years old) likes to be recognized as Super Skunk with Super Human Speed as he jets from room to room making his own jettisoned sound. He also plays his own version of croquet. Our granddaughter took to my BILs farm dog the entire evening on the farm.

You may be asking why I am sharing this story with you. We have lived through two very rough years here in America. I have witnessed and shared many stories in the weekly PENL of Patriots experiencing troubling events their own personal life. I have watched many of you be captured through the pre-election, election, Jan 6 fiasco, new administration policies and Covid-19 vaccination push, and the deaths as a result of Covid-19. While we are living through these troubling times, the many good stories and time with loved ones is being pushed aside and missed. Take the time out and spend quality time when possible. Cancel a days schedule and get away when possible. Pack a lunch and go on a picnic with a loved one. You won't regret it.

Many people would decline a day like we had and refuse to spend a day driving around to give another loved one the opportunity to relive parts of their past life. Take time to give back in some way to help another loved one or friend have this experience. I promise you it won't be bad and you will crack a smile through all the stressed facial expressions of the past few years. Bubba rarely smiles but on this day she smiled often. We did as well.

Next ...

We are now in the month of October and it's time to update our monthly threat matrix for what we perceive as global, national, and local 5 mile radius threats. You should be doing this as well.

This chart gives you an overview perspective of the global, national, and local matrix.

The next chart you build is your descriptive chart that you update monthly or more frequently if trends change and you perceive threats changing globally, nationally, and locally. These threats are part of what fuels and supports your local Five Mile Radius Risk Assessment.

I was recently talking to the Monticello, KY team leader on this topic and it was great to hear him speaking specifics about localized threats and how they could impact his five mile radius. Details such as bridges, streams, creeks, rivers, communications, employers, local government and politics, local groups (pro and con to Patriots), unemployment, and so forth, are all part of this process. Only you can determine these factors for your localized area. I talk about this in my most recent book The Mindset in the Five Mile Radius chapter. I have also covered this topic for over a year in PENL articles, Zoom Rallies, and HFS Training.

I am sharing this information to you because I can attest to witnessing these factors around the world in my past life and how they will contribute, good and bad, during increased tensions and disasters. If you do not know your local community and neighbors now you will pay the price when things turn bad. It is as simple as that.

Next ....

The Hard Truths. Over the past few years and more so the past year I have tried to provide guidance to different aspects of preparedness and other contributing areas to preparedness such as security, communications, medical, and other areas. I have always stated I would tell you the truth and do my best to offer you information to help make you self reliant to the best I know how. Part of this means introducing you to areas you are not familiar with and exposing dark truths of things taking place around the world. This includes things that could be close to you. I do believe the spiritual and psychological side is important to the individual mindset and preparedness package.

Recently during a zoom session I shared information exposing the massive pedophilia and child trafficking problem in our nation and around the world. The video I shared exposed this problem along with how Satanism and Nazism is included. Before the video I warned the zoom attendees of the video content and offered them the chance to depart the rally if they decided they didn't want to be exposed. I know a few folks wonder why I share such information and how it is part of preparedness. It is simple. If you do not know the threats, all threats, how can you prepare for what threats you are facing? This is why I often speak of the individual psychological, spiritual, and physical well being of oneself in preparedness. How are you going to potentially face these threats and deal with them if you run from them or at least don't know they exist?

Trust me, Festus and I spend hundreds, if not thousands, of hours over the past ten plus years wading through this information to learn it and then decide what, how, and when to share it with you. Often I hesitate for a period of weeks and months before selecting when and how to present it to you. There has been numerous times over the past years when Festus and I have to pick each other up because of the weight of topics on us. We aren't complaining and hopefully we are setting positive examples for others on our approach and how we handle information and deliver it to you.

Because of our effort to be cautious and selective in our approach and then provide warnings, I cannot apologize for what we share. All available information we are living through today indicates many possible threats ahead. Now is the time to harden your armor and prepare yourself for the path of what could be ahead.

And that is it for my thoughts this week. Let's move along now to some preparedness and other news for the week.

Preparedness News

1. From Greg Seebregts - The Homesteading Hippy - Is Dry Canning Safe? Read This First! * The Homesteading Hippy - I listen to many discuss canning and methods of canning different types of resources. Here is a good article on dry canning.

2. From Prep School Daily - Prep School Daily: Wrapping Instruments and Other Items for Sterilization - This is another step many rarely consider in their preparations. How will you sterilize your medical tools when called upon?

3. From Tracy Naware - Ask a Prepper - What Happens If You Soak Your Meat In Vinegar Overnight? - Ask a Prepper - This is a good article on another way to help preserve meat during your preparations to store it.

4. From Jill Winger - The PraIrie Homestead - Top Tips For Storing Vegetables Without a Root Cellar • The Prairie Homestead - Not everyone has a root cellar so this is good information to print and keep in your paper library. Different settings brings different capabilities to the preparer. What is your best capability to store your vegetables in place of a root cellar?

5. From Cery - From Back to Our Roots - The Absolute Best Honey Whole Wheat Bread Recipe ( - Food? You know it got my attention. As simple as food may sound as a resource for a meal, adding a different recipe for break at dinner could also be a treat after a hard day of work. Check this out.

6. From Todd - Prepper Website - Eyes on Your Neighborhood Collapse - The Slow Decline ( - These points should be familiar for anyone who reads the HFS website weekly and/or read my books. These are good reminders of things to be watching for around your community.

7. This resource was sent to me by our Patriot brother in Western, NC and it should be considered in your preparedness resources. I personally use several different sized boxes like this one to store valuable equipment such as night vision, weapons, scopes, red dot, range finder, satellite phone, and other items I need to protect from drops, bangs, the weather, and easy storage. They can be locked also. We used to use a version of this box when I was on active duty called Pelican boxes. : MEIJIA Portable All Weather Waterproof Hard Case,Camera Case with Foam,Fit Use of Drones,Camera,Equipments,Pistols,Elegant Black,13.35 x11.63x5.98inches : Electronics

Other News -

1. From Cliff Spectre - American Thinker - The US will not default in October - American Thinker - As we approach the end of September I hear and read concerns of a Government default and the inability to reach a continuing resolution before the months end. We will NOT default. We have been down this road previously and at the worst a late minute agreement will be reached.

2. From John and Nisha Whitehead - The Rutherford Institute - The Rutherford Institute :: COVID-19 Detention Camps: Are Government Round-Ups of Resistors in Our Future? | By John & Nisha Whitehead | - Another excellent article by JW and some solid questions to consider.

3. From NC Scout - American Partisan - Backdoor Threats to PowerGrid, by Jessie Blaine | American Partisan - We hear and read this topic from time to time yet nothing seems to happen to secure the nations grid. I still ask the question why does nothing happen to secure our grid. Politics or not, it is a matter of national security.

4. From the Keiser Report - RT Question More - Get a grip, take a hike and pound sand (E1755) — RT Keiser Report - I found this pretty interesting. I don't agree with everything stated this podcast but points made are worthy of hearing.

5. From James Poulos - American Mind - Race in a Cyborg Age - The American Mind - Did you ever believe you would live in the Star Wars era? Remember in the 1970s how far fetched R2D2 seemed? Remember the beating former President Ronald Reagan took over Strategic Defense Initiative or Star Wars program for US defense in Space? It is here and we need to get used to it.

Drum roll...........

That's all my Patriot brothers and sisters.

Prayers - Please keep our great nation, our elected leaders, military and first responders in your thoughts and prayers. We pray for good health and wisdom. Please pray for our leadership to find answers and guidance to the problems facing our great nation. May your faith remain strong and answers to the unknown provided. God is good and may our prayers blanket and protect you and your circumstances. I pray for each, and every one of our Patriots.

May we pray for all the blessings and things in life to be thankful about and continued hope for revival around the world. We must continually pray for the unsaved, our family and friends who live each day without the protection for eternal life and salvation.

Please pray for our Patriot sister and brother in Huntsville, AL who are going through the dreaded Covid now. We pray for quick recovery and strength coming out of it.

We have Patriots with personal prayer needs and/or family members with prayer needs as well.

As we have prayer needs for answers to health and family matters we also have prayers of thanks for recent health answers and recoveries.

We all must pray strong and often for the citizens of our great nation. Many of our sisters and brothers are struggling daily with things they witness, encounter, and are surprised with out of the norm. Many times we are in unchartered areas, however, we still must keep our faith and focus on the big picture. Our prayers and faithful strength together will be required often to battle the evils being thrown upon all of us minute by minute.

As Patriots we must stay strong and never give up. Our home, community and nation needs us now more than ever. Stay focused on your local community and things that will impact you around the nation. Don't allow the events around you to create fear in your life. Build your own self-reliance and focus on hope. Remember we are a blessed nation and we must continue to be great people today and make a better tomorrow. Keep charging.


Bravo Echo Out,

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