Greetings and welcome to the Patriot Express Newsletter Edition #270. Thanks for stopping by for this week's edition of the PENL. It was a busy week with most of my time on the road in northern Alabama doing my day job, I'm still amazed with the number of people approaching me out of the blue to tell me how bad things appear around the world. It's on their mind and they are thinking but doing nothing so far. Are you surprised by this news?
Well, it is being reported that the numbers of illegals trying to cross the border is dropping by a big percentage. This is good, right? Hold on. What they are not telling you is we have the same number of entries into the country as before. What!!! Yes, they are just flying them into the United States now. Private contracted and US military airlift continue moving large sums of illegals across the country.
I learned a big lesson this week. Had the balloon went up and the crap hit the fan, I would have been stranded for a period of time. I left my work building and walked to my truck to depart for the day and I found that two small vehicles had be blocked in. I parked with no one around me far from the building to ensure I could escape, and I then find two little cars parked so close to the sides of my truck I couldn't get the doors open on either side. I had to wait over an hour for a driver to come out and move their car. There were over 4500 parking spaces, and they park on each side of me on the far distant lot. What are the odds. I was prevented from entering my truck and my go bag was inside the truck. Hmmm. Got to make sure this doesn't happen again.
Are you watching the national weather charts? As I have been sharing here, June and July is likely to have a severe heat wave move across the nation and it's currently hitting the California and Nevada area now with triple digit temps. Pay attention and be alert and aware of how you will adjust before it hits.
I want to challenge you to a task this week. When you go to the store, the mall, to a park, or just out in your town, I want you to notice how many out of every 50 people you see are unfit and will be unable to walk much further than their driveway to defend their home and community. Obesity, out of shape, and probably unable to think clearly when stressed. I do believe the government is aware of this and they do not fear the American populace for this reason. Am I wrong? I don't say these things to insult others or criticize another person. I'm simply stating the facts we are living in.
Let us move along.
HFS New Affiliation with Aftershock Freeze Dried Foods - Do you still need to get prepared? Need long term food stock? Here you go. I have personally taste tested several of the freeze-dried products. GMO free and a choice between regular or Gluten free, I'm totally impressed with the quality and price of their products. Many of the other providers of dehydrated and freeze-dried foods left my fingers tingling and feeling a tad swollen. This was because of the sodium content. Not the case with Aftershock freeze-dried foods. Another great feature of Aftershock Preparedness meals is for a low price you get larger serving sizes in each bagged meal. For example, the Taco Rice Skillet was a serving size for five. The freeze-dried white chicken is a serving size for three, The Cajun Pasta Laya is a single serving. The prices are adjusted according to the serving size. They are 25- and 30-year shelf-life products depending on the product of choice. As an affiliate, if you use the following link, HFS will receive a small percentage of the purchase price which is great. The customer is getting a high-quality product and HFS receives a small payment to help financially support the HFS mission. It's a win all the way around. You can buy single packed meals, fruit, dairy, meat and vegetables, or you can by the larger buckets with single packaged items in the bucket for easy storage. Use this link to get started.
Let us move along....
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Hope for Survival - How Food, Water, Shelter, and Security Could Save Your Life (Book 1)
Hope for Survival - The Mindset (Book 2)
HFS Thumb Drive for Emergency Documents - We just restocked the HFS Thumb drive and have them available now. Follow this link and you will see the add at the top of the page. Blog | Survival (
We must make this brief public announcement to protect the innocent.
Ding, Ding, Ding....Attention HFS readers..... Opinions shared in this newsletter are just that, opinions, and nothing more. Read at your own risk. The owner and author of this site is not responsible for hurt feelings or thin-skinned readers. I do my best to show restraint and respect to the best extent possible. I take as many precautions as possible and try to remain as nonpolitical as possible, however, there are times when I just can't help but point certain things out. Occasionally I use words only Patriots recognize and understand. It's not personal against any non-Patriot. It's just the truth. Sometimes we must pull up our spenders and suck it up. Just saying. Stay the course, read what you want, and avoid the rest. Avoid fear porn as much as possible and the day will be okay. When all else fails… Keep the faith and always have Hope.
Thoughts for the week - The show must go on...
It has been a week where the entry and exit point looks the same. You know, even when you expect all these changes occurring in our new way of life, sometimes it's still hard to grasp the depth of psychological and physical invasion to one's life. The crazier than crazy world just keeps on keeping on. Have you ever been alone and in deep thought and the magical wonder of brightness goes through your thoughts? No, not the light bulb near you. The brightness of our human capacity to think, process, decipher, deduct, reason, solve problems and so forth. Think about it, what in our world today is real? If Artificial Intelligence was invented in the 1950s, cloud seeding in the 1940s or sooner, or 1950's SR 71 Blackbird technology to take pinpoint pictures of a nametag on the ground while flying at 80,000 feet up and speeds of over 2,000 mph. These amazing wonders continue on and on. Don't forget, mind manipulation, control, and the movies about humanoids, zygotes, and terminators. We have watched the years pass and the machine grow smarter through time. Now we have programmed machines, or robots, who look like humans.
A few years ago, we talked about a time in the future when "they" would be able to track your location withing a foot or two. Smile! When you walk out your door each time make sure your hair is combed and you smile really big. We talked about how it wouldn't be long before everything you buy will be tracked and consolidated in your personal digital folder. So next time you have the urge for a donut, stop and buy two. What is the best part of all this crazy stuff? They can now predict how many donuts you will be and what flavor(s) you are likely to select. Heck, they will know ahead of time that you are going to get mad and throw a donut at the clerk when you check out and find out the prices doubled. Enjoy them. I don't know why but I keep having mental flashbacks to the Hunger Game movies.
What's the big deal? Who cares if we are being tracked and monitored as human beings. Sometimes I wonder if the trackers are actually machines dressed as young citizens wearing pajama pants and sleeper shirts with slide on beach shoes. They don't comb their hair and show up in the workspace on their time schedule, not the jobs required schedule. Heck, I am told by company managers getting one of the new human droids to a job interview is luck. Just don't schedule it for before noon because they will not show up. Seriously.
My point here is not to belittle the younger generation, though I do have a problem watching four humanoids at lunch around a table communicating through text messages and not the voice God provided to them. Another note on this point, they are also expressionless like a humanoid robot. No emotions at all. Child abuse? Psychological torture at band camp or while doing a high level 4-H or kid camp project using a candle to blow up a helium balloon? I don't know. I do know things are different and the world is not the same place. I can hear a certain voice saying, "I need to change with the times and get with the program." Maybe or maybe not. I get change and have no problem with it. What I am saying here is something changed, and it has nothing to do with me getting with the program.
I always think back to my late teens when Hollywood pumped out a couple movies so futuristic it was mind capturing. Star Wars. Battlestar Galactica. And even before, these we watched Star Trek on our home televisions. Millions and millions of dollars made through the big screen, costumes and light sabers. I never really got into it much but did enjoy the original soundtracks being converted to jazz renditions. Another discussion for another time. As if it was yesterday, I can clearly hear and see President Reagan holding his press conference to discuss SDI or Strategic Defense Initiative otherwise known as Star Wars. Crazy talk, right? Not exactly.
It has existed for years. How many is the question. Do you ever wonder why Hollywood records movies and then watches to see if the public bites on the topic or not? How receptive or not will the masses be to the topic? I do believe the world proved it was open minded to the possibility of greater things than life on earth as we knew it back in the late 1970s.
Think about all the inventions, discoveries, and creations prior to 1980 or maybe sooner. Look at humanity then, and now. I often joke that humans or worse than animals in how we live and treat other humans. Walk into a forest and see how clean it is vs a park or paved street walk. Animals do natures business in the woods like normal, yet we humans pass laws allowing street people, druggies, and the homeless to squat like an animal and use the street as their forest. This is not normal yet it's our elected officials who pass the authorization to allow it. If we are so smart as humans, why are we so swayed by fads, television, Hollywood, sports and music? We no longer see children in the neighborhood playing sports, or pushing lawn mowers, riding bikes that requires some degree of physical effort, or skateboards. Kids stopped drinking from water hoses years ago because they now have a high dollar sports bottle with a favorite athlete endorsement on it. Johnny's parents bought it as a gift because Johnny completed an entire season of badminton and got a trophy for his effort. Oh, he never got to play and often chased the birdie or shuttlecock as it's known to the highly educated who also played badminton as a child.
Look at the world from the outside looking in. Are we humans so unmanageable from an earthly perspective that we need government controls over us managing our brain, our life, our families, or functions and who knows what else it will come to be. We are living through climate change where we must get rid of cows because of the gasses they release however we can allow humans to dump their waste on public streets and use taxpayer dollars to pay another human to clean up after them. What are we doing?
We went from Star Wars and reaching for the stars to a mind-controlled population of humanoids walking around with their heads down living in the basement blaming the world for stale Twinkies and Ding Dongs. Folks, this isn't about blame or putting one group down over another. What I'm saying here is something changed, and I believe it was manipulated and controlled to achieve the current state of the world. Now, because I am a Christian and do my best to stay on focused on His word, and not the world. While technology has advanced drastically, it seems humans went the opposite direction. Remember the point about children playing in the neighborhoods? Look at the children then, and now. Think children in shape desiring to play ball with the other kids down the street. Today, forget it. Weve gone from eating fruit from the trees, peanut butter samiches and maybe a cup of Kool-Aid if lucky. Now it's drive through Big Mac's, Whoppers, and chicken nuggets. Wonder why our kids are heavier? If it's not on a pad or through goggles, getting a kid to participate in even organized sports is difficult. Just watch the television and you will know where we will be in 10, 20, or 30 years.
Are we responsible for this mess or is this mess a result of the direction the system moved us? Sure, we are a product of our choices and evil certainly exists. But what happened to our common sense. I am so thankful for my spiritual path and knowing where this is headed because without it, I would be totally lost and confused in the world we live today.
I digress.
Next .....
Preparedness - Things are so crazy right now. Baseball sized hall falling two feet deep, gulf waters near boiling point, fish dying, snow in the high mountains, and rain, rain, and more rain. Food? Do we really expect farmers to grow food in this weather? Who needs farmers, we have plenty of food already in the cans. Just go down to Piggly Wiggly and look on the shelves. (cough, cough)
Next ---------
Mental Preparedness and acceptance of failures before starting. This is probably going to hurt some feelings but I'm simply writing what is fed to me from the field of preparers. It's not personal and strictly professional. And most importantly, it's your business and only my opinion and you know the saying about opinions. Opinions are like doctors, and everyone is like a doctor with an opinion.
People who are serious about preparedness are sort of like a business owner and manager. They invest in their effort to get the desired product and outcome. It's defined objectives across the board. They are serious and there is no pretending when you talk to them. Good people investing in their self-reliability and preparedness insurance policy to survive.
People who are unprepared but saying they want to get prepared are watching from the outside looking in. When the two groups come together the unprepared drool over what the prepared have accomplished. They want it and talk about it. Their eyes light up and they can envision being in the same place. There is respect but little reality to how long it took to get prepared, and the time and skills invested to reach the point the prepared person is at.
Because it is important to get as many people as possible prepared, preparers try to help the unprepared get started. It's a win, win situation. The more who are prepared the less who will be knocking on doors for food. So, the prepared person takes time to set up a day for training the unprepared and everyone is thrilled. Then 24-48 hours prior to the training date, the unprepared cancels out on the effort put forth by the prepared person(s). The unprepared has wasted the time of the prepared and created a bigger problem.
Trust and credibility are essential in preparedness. Bonding is also critical, prior to SHTF events. When a preparer takes the time to arrange training the unprepared and then is handed a "no thank you" note, it puts negative marks on the unprepared person. Why should I trust you when I set up training for you twice and you cancelled on me. The prepared will put a label on the person and not trust their word going forward.
This is happening often. People need to give it a serious thought and decide which direction they will go. It's that simple.
Next ....
If the world is weighting you down and you need a break, take a trip across Canada towards the Artic ocean with the Great Epic Adventure family. I've been following this family for about two years now and find it peaceful and so relaxing. Enjoy.
Let us move along.
Preparedness News -
1.From American Contingency - The Basics of Canning – American Contingency - One of the most enjoyable and best investment steps you can take in the world we live today.
2. From Karen House - Backwoods Home Magazine - Make elderberry syrup for flu season - Backwoods Home Magazine - Good stuff, easy to make, and great for you and your family. It's also good on waggles and pancakes.
3. From Massod Ayoob - Backwoods Home Magazine - Massad Ayoob - Lethal Force Instructor & Gun Writer - Backwoods Home Magazine - Very good site to follow and information on self protection.
4. From Bob Bergman - Slay News - Top Study Directly Links Covid Shots to Global Excess Deaths - Slay News - With each passing day more and more proof is released to what we have said and known for months.
5. From Matt - Ask a Prepper - How to Communicate When the Grid Is Down - Ask a Prepper - Communication is the weak link for many preparers.
Other News -
1.From Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - Republicans Vow To Scorch The Earth After Trump Conviction | ZeroHedge - If you still trust either political party at this point you are probably on the wrong website,. The troof will set you free. (Thanks Festus, for this submission)
2. From Megan Redshaw J.D. - Epoch Times - Exercise May Be More Effective Than Antidepressants in Treating Depression | The Epoch Times - Our brain health is critical each day forward for many reasons. Good read. (Thanks Festus, for this submission.)
3. From Greg Hunter - USA Watchdog - China & Globalists at War with America – Karen Kingston | Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog - If Festus and I had not been reading and learning about this the past 14 years this would be a totally crazy topic and story. It just gets crazier and crazier. Video embedded within the story. (Thanks Festus, for this submission.)
4. From Bob Adelman - New American - Job Openings Fall to Lowest Since 2021 - The New American - SHOCK!!! Next.... Things are spiraling out of control.
5. From Victor Davis Hanson - American Greatness - The Destructive Generation—Proving America’s Weakest Link › American Greatness ( - Very good read. But what would we expect from VDH.
Prayers - Please keep our great nation, our elected leaders, military and first responders in your thoughts and prayers. We pray for good health and wisdom. Please pray for our leadership to find answers and guidance to the problems facing our great nation. May your faith remain strong and answers to the unknown provided. God is good and may our prayers blanket and protect you and your circumstances. I pray for each, and every one of our Patriots.
Our HFS family has many prayers needs for health and moral. We love you all and continue praying for each of you.
May we pray for all the blessings and things in life to be thankful about and continued hope for revival around the world. We must continually pray for the unsaved, our family and friends who live each day without the protection for eternal life and salvation.
As Patriots we must stay strong and never give up. Our home, community, and nation need us now more than ever. Stay focused on your local community and things that will impact you around the nation. Don't allow the events around you to create fear in your life. Build your own self-reliance and focus on faith and hope. Remember we are a blessed nation, and we must continue to be great people today and make a better tomorrow. Keep charging.
Bravo Echo Out,