Greetings and welcome to the Patriot Express Newsletter Edition #282. Thanks for stopping by for this week's edition of the PENL. Yee doggies, it is Africa hot, again. Another week of no rain. Its looking rough out there. We have been noticing since around July more and more wildlife seems to be coming out of the hills looking for a fresh food source. Anyone not familiar with a little bug called an aphid would believe it's snowing outdoors in the 90-degree afternoons. They are white and the size of a snowflake. I believe an aphid can actually come in five colors. They can also destroy your landscaping.
I had the opportunity to spend a few hours with Festus this week and as always, I depart with a tired brain and uplifted equally. I don't think we ever run out of things to speak about. After catching up for a bit we dove into some faith discussion mostly but also some communications, group building, drones and more, Time always flies when we get together, but we always invest our time wisely.
Anyone else noticing how it seems the media is upping their game to spew untruths and misinformation constantly? It is so blatant they simply appear to tell lies without care or remorse. So I ask, is the reporter purposely lying with knowledge of the lie or so uninformed they believe the lie is truth? Can we agree these are sad times to witness in many cases if one experienced growing up prior to 1980 or so. Granted we all are different and see things from different perspectives.
One of the things that really makes me happy with a smile is when fellow Patriot's sisters and brothers reach out to me during the week with a quick note and a picture showing me what they may be working on or something that God has provided to us. The other evening, I was working on another project when a text arrived from East TN Patriots with a picture showing a basket filled with beautiful peaches purchased in South Carolina. My first thought was some peach jam or jelly, or sliced on ice cream, or maybe a good fruit snack with juice running off the chin. Regardless, it was a brief yummy moment. Thanks for sharing your collection of God's fruits to us. I now without a doubt you will make good use of them.
Another Patriot sister in the hills of western NC sent me this picture of the peaches loaded on her tree waiting to be picked. Thanks for sharing this beautiful picture of God's fruits to us.
Let us move along.
HFS New Affiliation with Aftershock Freeze Dried Foods - Do you still need to get prepared? Need long term food stock? Here you go. I have personally taste tested several of the freeze-dried products. GMO free and a choice between regular or Gluten free, I'm totally impressed with the quality and price of their products. Many of the other providers of dehydrated and freeze-dried foods left my fingers tingling and feeling a tad swollen. This was because of the sodium content. Not the case with Aftershock freeze-dried foods. Another great feature of Aftershock Preparedness meals is for a low price you get larger serving sizes in each bagged meal. For example, the Taco Rice Skillet was a serving size for five. The freeze-dried white chicken is a serving size for three, The Cajun Pasta Laya is a single serving. The prices are adjusted according to the serving size. They are 25- and 30-year shelf-life products depending on the product of choice. As an affiliate, if you use the following link, HFS will receive a small percentage of the purchase price which is great. The customer is getting a high-quality product and HFS receives a small payment to help financially support the HFS mission. It's a win all the way around. You can buy single packed meals, fruit, dairy, meat and vegetables, or you can buy the larger buckets with single packaged items in the bucket for easy storage. Use this link to get started.
Let us move along....
Alert to Western NC and Northern GA pet owners. Rabun County Vet Hospital offering pet medical training on CPR and First Aid Sept 7, 2024, at 4 PM. Here is the link to get contact information. (Thanks to our Patriot sister in Western NC for this information.)
Upcoming Preparedness Events:
FREE for 72 hours. Get signed up ASAP.
This is for people who want the fastest and easiest ways to produce healthy and delicious meat, eggs, and vegetables. Because you know that growing your own food is like printing your own money.
Macon County Fair Sept 18-21, 2024
The Fair Theme this year is “Bringing the Harvest Home” The fair will be held September 18-21, 2024. All your prized items will need to be entered on Tue., September 17th, from 9:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m. Bring your items to the information booth at the fair entrance, receive your numbered ticket and then take your item to the appropriate booth to be entered. To learn more about the rules & classes for each exhibit category go to the websites: or
I would encourage you to go check out and sign up for the monthly newsletter. It contains some great and helpful information. Aug-Sept-HGN-2024.pdf (
(Thanks to our Patriot sister from Western, NC, for this submission)
Prepper Camp, Saluda, NC Sept 27 - 29
Tickets remain on sale now. Two of our HFS sisters will be instructing during this years PC. Dr Amanda Cartwright and Sara Hathaway will be bringing their skills to the classroom. Check them out if you attend. I know several HFS Patriots will be attending all or one day of the event. As of now, I plan to attend on Saturday.
Black Mountain, NC American Herbalist Guild Symposium 2024
Oct 4-7, 2024 - Black Mountain, NC
(Thanks to our Patriot sister from Western, NC, for this submission)
SHTF ( Survival Homestead Teaching Festival)
October 5, 2024. 3266 US-321, Hampton, TN 37658
(This event is being hosted by our Patriot sister Dr. Amanda Cartright who appeared on HFS Zoom and YouTube previously)
West Virginia Thrive and Survive
Oct 3-5, 2025 - WV Off Grid Living (
Communications: You can now follow HFS social media on the following outlets:
Facebook – Hope for Survival -Join us for daily posts on preparedness.
YouTube Channel – Hope for Survival
MeWe: - //
Odysee - Hope for Survival (
HFS Thursday Zoom Rally - No zoom session this week.
Check out HFS YouTube. - Two new videos for this week.
If you have not, please consider subscribing to the HFS YouTube channel by hitting like and then subscribe. Connect and give me a shout. Again, hit subscribe and share with family and friends.
Guest and Newcomers
If you are a guest or newcomer to the HFS journey, please check out this link for additional.
information offered through HFS.
Hope for Survival books and HFS Thumb Drive for Emergency Documents -: You can obtain information on the two HFS books at this link: Survival, Preparedness, Disaster Management for individuals or family (
Hope for Survival - How Food, Water, Shelter, and Security Could Save Your Life (Book 1)
Hope for Survival - The Mindset (Book 2)
HFS Thumb Drive for Emergency Documents - We just restocked the HFS Thumb drive and have them available now. Follow this link and you will see the add at the top of the page. Blog | Survival (
We must make this brief public announcement to protect the innocent.
Ding, Ding, Ding....Attention HFS readers..... Opinions shared in this newsletter are just that, opinions, and nothing more. Read at your own risk. The owner and author of this site is not responsible for hurt feelings or thin-skinned readers. I do my best to show restraint and respect to the best extent possible. I take as many precautions as possible and try to remain as nonpolitical as possible, however, there are times when I just can't help but point certain things out. Occasionally I use words only Patriots recognize and understand. It's not personal against any non-Patriot. It's just the truth. Sometimes we must pull up our spenders and suck it up. Just saying. Stay the course, read what you want, and avoid the rest. Avoid fear porn as much as possible and the day will be okay. When all else fails… Keep the faith and always have Hope.
HFS Project -
I think we all can agree our HFS group is loaded with so many different skills and qualities. Retired and currently employed individuals with loads of talent and specific skills currently being bottled up and put on a shelf. We have discussed this over the history of HFS Zoom and at different times folks stepped up and taught different skills. I'm going to go forth to reach out to utilize those who wish to participate and contribute to consolidating what I discuss below. This effort will include collecting data, small working groups and Zoom working groups, me going forth to do site visits to specific locations to video information that will greatly support this effort. I want to provide back to you a consolidated working document and video to help anyone interested. I will provide a document but also use the weekly newsletter and YouTube to share a lot of the information because the largest groups are via the newsletter and YouTube. Everyone has free access to all the information if they so choose to use it.
My goal here is to provide information to you in as many details as possible but to keep this as short as possible to not take up your time. On the same hand, I'm investing my time here to put forth the effort to push this project, collect information, consolidate, and then go forth to collect working solutions to provide back to you. You have the information and issues that is needed and valued. If you have no issues and everything is great, then this email is probably not applicable to you. You have to decide which category you are in.
I do believe time is short and it would be in our best interest to make this happen so you will have some possible resolution to problems you face.
First and foremost, this is not a project to ask the group to do your work for you. You need to have tried and put forth effort to research the topic and make your own attempt to resolve the problem.
What is driving this effort? I've been having discussions with a few of our seniors who are having to adjust their daily efforts in task needed because of their age and new realization that aging is requiring changes. Face it, it is today for some and tomorrow for the rest of us, but we all face it sooner than later. We ALL need to accept and realize we must do things smarter, not harder. Several of our seniors are alone and trying to do task with one person. Some are facing medical issues with the No 2 family member and now all the tasks are to be completed by one person. This is reality. So, how can we learn from these tasks and individuals. That is our goal.
Objective - Identify needed preparedness tasks individuals are struggling to accomplish or do daily because of age, physical limitations, or other solutions failed.
Example - My secondary plan is to go to the pond located 500 yards from my house to get water from a pond. I'm now 77 years old and have less strength. My plan was to fill gallon jugs with pond water, load in a garden cart with four wheels and pull back to the house. I BELIEVE I can load 8 gallons of water per load and pull back to my house as needed. I'm not older and weaker and pulling the wagon with 50 lbs of water will be a struggle.
Question - I used the word believe. Does this mean I never tested the plan to see if I could even do it? If my answer is yes, it is not a question to submit to the group. I want objectives you have tried to determine it is a problem. Make sense?
If you have a task or objective that you simply can't resolve or find a direction to get started, then submit it and we will try to help.
Here is another good example that one of our Patriot sisters submitted. In this situation the submitter posed the objective and posed a solution and why.
Objective - I think the weekly check-in on our comms would be an excellent idea.
Possible Solution posed - I know our Neighbor Hood Watch team does a monthly check before their meetings, but I think the local HFS group needs to do it weekly. We're all aging so doing it more frequently might be appropriate.
An example of what not to submit.
Objective: I want to buy and have solar for my kitchen.
You must identify what components you wish to use and the wattage of each component. This is a question I heard so often.
Submit your objectives to me via email. Not on Signal, text, or any other method. Email is where I will collect and consolidate. Please put your pride aside and put forth your issues. We want to help, and we can't help if you don't share your issues.
Submit in this format:
Objective or issue:
Previous plan or failed efforts:
Any limitations faced by the individual(s):
Desired outcome:
Thoughts for the week - If you haven't figured it out yet, we've been lied to for years and all for profit. While nations are regulating gardens and the ability to grow healthy foods, our medical field, the FDA, and Big Pharma are bankrolling citizens as profit makers vs remedies to get healthy.
Many years ago, while completing my undergrad in Psychology, my senior professor shared to the class, "when you go shopping, do not buy consumables off any center aisles in the grocery store because the food is not healthy and in some cases toxic over time. That was in the mid 1990s. Oh, how right he was. This is part of why we have been suggesting over the past five years for you to grow as much food as possible. Not just for rainy days and what is ahead, but also the toxicity to the food. Living off of box store food will make you a metabolic dysfunctional being.
Take the time to check out this excellent interview. It is long but it will change your mind the next time you go shopping for food, (Thanks, Festus, for this submission.)
Preparedness - More bad news along the food lines. You may not be feeling the pain because your wallet can afford higher priced goods. The issue will be when there's no food to purchase. You can roll the dice and risk it, but the proof is registering across the globe. Even for those who are preparing to offset these high prices and shortages, remember your neighbors and community are likely not preparing. Are you ready to handle this type of situation.
David Dubyne lays it out well in this short video.
Great video from Dr. Amanda Cartwright. Good lesson on store bought vs homemade oils.
Solar - Would it be fair to say it would be easier to debate which is a better pet, cats or dog's vs debating solar? II get it because I used to be anti-solar. Just like in many preparedness areas, it was simply a matter of becoming better educated on a specific topic.
Over a period of years and past world travel experiencing third world disasters and the survival of populations, I believe it will come down to two things. We will have the sun and wood in most cases. There are some specific events that could even negate one or both. But, in most situations or cases of need, the sun and/or wood will be the last resource standing. Not to mention, why would you want to run a fuel powered generator during a power outage, so your neighbors, transiting groups, thugs, and/or criminals hear where to rally.
You as the preparer must decide what path you want to go in the direction of solar. Most consumers fail to realize the need to identify what the wish to power, and how much solar power will be required to run the resource. Wants vs needs. Medical equipment. Power for your well pump? Power to provide some level of cooling or heat to keep you warm? Do you live in an environment preventing you from starting a fire to cook or keep warm? Maybe you have a young child requiring sterilized baby bottles and you no longer can power a stove. Now what?
You must take the time to figure out exactly what it is you want to have solar power. Several of the solar companies are offering great sales on a lot of their products. Solar generators are not cheap. Solar is not cheap. You can spend thousands of dollars and go the route of the whole house set up or else go with a single or multiple smaller solar generators. Some solar setups will have solar panels, batteries, inverters, cables and more. Or, the smaller solar generator is fairly simple, and you have the component, cables, and a solar panel. The batteries are compacted in the generator. The portable solar generator also provides some flexibility to move around to the area of need and you won't have extension cables all over the place.
When you first look at the price on the portable solar generators you will blink twice. So, when a good sale occurs it's good to check out what you want and the sale price. Brother Otis and I both monitored prices for a while and then jumped on it. Several companies offer great products. A few of us are OUPES fans and like their products and prices. I also own a couple Jackery and Bluetti products. Remember, do not purchase a solar generator based on price if you haven't figured out exactly what you need to power your resource. Needs for electricity can be different and that means different demands, cost, and selections.
Pastor Joe Fox from Viking Preparedness discusses the OUPES Gen 1 Solar Generator
Let us move along.
Prayers - Please keep our great nation, our elected leaders, military and first responders in your thoughts and prayers. We pray for good health and wisdom. Please pray for our leadership to find answers and guidance to the problems facing our great nation. May your faith remain strong and answers to the unknown provided. God is good and may our prayers blanket and protect you and your circumstances. I pray for each, and every one of our Patriots.
Our HFS family has many prayers needs for health and moral. We love you all and continue praying for each of you.
We pray for our Patriot brother in East TN awaiting confirmation on a recent diagnosis. We pray for uplifting news and long-term health. UPDATE: The blood test results from the Mayo was received and confirmed the original diagnosis of Dementia at age 43. Please continue prayers to this individual and his family.
We pray for our Patriot sister in northern GA who has dementia. We pray for her health and care in this long battle. We pray for her husband as well.
We pray for our Patriot brother in Northern Alabama and for positive results in his long-awaited surgery upcoming in August. UPDATE: God is good. Our brother had the appointment and now has a series of test he must pass before surgery can occur. Please continue prayer in this area.
We pray for our Patriot sister in Western, NC who continues to battle with her heart and breathing conditions.
We pray for our Patriot brother in Central, KY for a quick and complete recovery from a second leg surgery. UPDATE: We visited with our brother, and he was walking without assistance. He still has some pain as the result of the latest surgery impacting his knee.
We pray for our Patriot sister as she continues to suffer from brain issues. The Lord knows the specifics to this condition.
We pray for our Patriot sister on the Cumberland Plateau in her ongoing battle for a positive prognosis and treatment.
We pray for these individuals and their families.
May we pray for all the blessings and things in life to be thankful about and continued hope for revival around the world. We must continually pray for the unsaved, our family and friends who live each day without the protection for eternal life and salvation.
As Patriots we must stay strong and never give up. Our home, community, and nation need us now more than ever. Stay focused on your local community and things that will impact you around the nation. Don't allow the events around you to create fear in your life. Build your own self-reliance and focus on faith and hope. Remember we are a blessed nation, and we must continue to be great people today and make a better tomorrow. Keep charging.
Bravo Echo Out,