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Patriot Express Newsletter Edition #148

Writer's picture: Butch ErskineButch Erskine

Fellow Patriots,

Greetings and welcome to the Patriot Express Newsletter Edition #148. Thanks for stopping by to check out our newsletter for the week. In the blink of an eye, we are now squarely in February, and it won't be long till spring. We must remember to stay focused and prepared each day forward and do our best to stay focused on the things we are not aware of or knowledgeable about. Huh? Just that. I do believe we are likely to experience something out of the dark to get our attention off the existing issues at hand. Often times this could be a war. I would not rule out a possible cyber-attack or attack on our utilities. I also would not rule out some level of a regionalized EMP attempt. We prepare for everyday and not a single event so hopefully everyone is paying attention and as ready as they can be. These are not predictions, just possibilities. We have the start of the Winter Olympics in China and a looming war in Ukraine. What better time is there to strike the United States when we are in the dead of winter, and we are still facing our own internal issues.

I had a great trip to Crossville, TN last Sunday to take part in a HFS Team meeting and breakfast with the Crossville, TN and Monticello, KY teams leads. These are great opportunities to fellowship, discuss training, growth, communications, problems, and joint training opportunities. I hope in the near future to hold joint breakfast/lunch working groups to bring other regional teams together.

In the afternoon the Crossville team conducted communication training using GMRS radios. I want to extend a big thanks for this opportunity and to the Patriot brother who conducted the training for the team. It is always great to see fellow Patriots when visiting. Thanks to everyone for a good day.

We had to cancel the Dandridge, TN Preparedness meeting due to some flu issues and it will be rescheduled soon to bring this group together. We look forward to meeting the new folks interested in preparedness very soon.

Another HFS group held training over the weekend. Just because the weather is cold and wet should not stop any preparedness training. This is a great period of the year to conduct indoor training. The group taught how to make sauerkraut. The feedback I received stated the class was excellent. I want to thank those who hosted, taught and attended the training. Great job.

I would encourage all HFS teams to take advantage of each day and any time available to bring your people together to conduct training, bonding, and unity, going forward. We don't know what time is available going forward.

Just a little fun quiz. Can you break the code? If so, email me your answer. Do NOT put in the message block.


Thanks to the two HFS Patriots who broke the code on last week's quiz.

Okay, let's move along. First a few business items and promoting HFS.

Thursday Zoom Rallies – HFS Zoom Rally #81 was conducted on Feb 3, 2022, with an HFS Patriot sharing and teaching his personal process on color coding preparedness resources. This is excellent method to consider for your resources, especially if you are just starting out. We then covered a couple preparedness topics, the "what would you do" scenarios, and then ended with the chatter that matters session. Thanks to everyone who attended and participated.

Hope for Survival YouTube and Odysee Channels- If you have not already, please consider subscribing to the HFS YouTube, MeWe, Parler and HFS Odysee channels. We would appreciate your consideration. Because I still work a full-time day job, time is limited, and I have not been able to set up a routine schedule for recording and posting videos yet. Thanks for hanging with me. Share the link with family and friends.

Communications: You can now follow HFS social media on the following outlets:

Facebook – Hope for Survival

YouTube Channel – Hope for Survival

MeWe: - //

Parler - Preparedness101

Connect and give me a shout. Share with family and friends.

Guest and Newcomers

If you are a guest or newcomer to the HFS journey, please check out this link for additional

Hope for Survival books: You can obtain information on the two HFS books at this link: Survival, Preparedness, Disaster Management for individuals or family (

Hope for Survival - How Food, Water, Shelter, and Security Could Save Your Life (Book 1)

Hope for Survival - The Mindset (Book 2)

Online training opportunity - Thanks to our Patriot sister in Western N.C. provided the following website and information from Botan Logos to share with fellow Patriots regarding Herbal learning and studies. The following website has a wealth of information to include self-paced virtual studies to help educate Patriots. The particular course she is currently taking is $25.00 and you can download and complete at your own pace. Herbal Basics for Everyone – BotanoLogos School of Herbal Studies ( Thanks much for sharing this great opportunity with us. BotanoLogos is located in North Georgia.

Heritage Life Skills 2022 - Waynesville, NC, May 20-22 - Class schedule and signups will be coming soon. Make your plans now and don't miss this great event in beautiful Western, NC. I will post links to information and signups once available from Carolina Readiness Supply.

We must make this brief public announcement to protect the innocent.

Ding, Ding, Ding....Attention HFS readers..... Opinions shared in this newsletter are just that, opinions, and nothing more. Read at your own risk. The owner and author of this site is not responsible for hurt feelings or thin-skinned readers. I do my best to show restraint and respect to the best extent possible. I take as many precautions as possible and try to remain as nonpolitical as possible, however, there are times when I just can't help but point certain things out. Occasionally I use words only Patriots recognize and understand. It's not personal against any non-Patriot. It's just the truth. Sometimes we must pull up our spenders and suck it up. Just saying. Stay the course, read what you want, and avoid the rest. Avoid fear porn as much as possible and the day will be okay. When all else fails… Keep the faith and always have Hope.

Let’s move along and get to some thoughts...

Thoughts for the week

Conspiracy Island - As the whistle blows, let's all put on our pretend virtual goggles and go ride the pretend train to conspiracy island and the land of make believe. Remember, we must go with the premises what I am about to share is a conspiracy of misinformation because this category is left at a statement and never proved long. If it is labeled as a lie, it must be proven as such and to date it has not been. Okay, two hands on the wheel, helmets and goggles on. Buckle up and here we go. .

Many years ago, jazz flugel horn and trumpet professional Chuck Mangione recorded a very successful instrumental hit titled "Land of Make Believe" back in 1973. It was a live album recorded along with the Mangione Quartet and the Hamilton Philharmonic Orchestra with Esther Satterfield on vocals. The popular tune continues to be played by high school and university marching bands during halftime performances and competitions. The tune is an upbeat and festive with a Latin flavor. The original song does have lyrics and even though I was captured by the instrumental version in 1973, it is the lyrics to the tune that has captured my imagination this week. Yea, it's just a tune. Check out the song and follow with the lyrics:

When you're feeling down and out Wondering what this world's about I know a place that has the answer.

It's a place where no one dies. It's a land where no one cries. And good vibrations always Greet you.

How I love when my thoughts run To the land of make believe. Where everything is fun Forever.

Children always gather around Mother Goose and all her rhyme They fill the air with sounds Of laughter.

People dancing Their hearts are filled With all the reasons why. You and I should learn the way Of the land of make believe And make this world of ours Much brighter.

I once asked the Wizard of Oz For the secret of his land He said, "Just take a look around here. Seven dwarves and Little Boy Blue, Uncle Remus and Snow White, too. (Now, just between us, That's what's known as integration.)

Jack and Jill are hard at work Helping children dream awhile, And Snoopys making smiles For grown-ups.

All the elves are making toys They are rich with all the joys Of seeing happy kids At Christmas.

We are waiting To help you find The dream made just for you.

In a few words let's just say That in answer to your quiz Imagination is The secret."

Hear the music of the band It was written in our land For what's a song but someone's Dream?

In your world there was a King He once said, "I have a dream, " Now there's a man who new The secret.

Dreams are really The thoughts that you Have hidden in your heart.

When you start a brand-new day Let your heart show you the way And make a dream or two Come true.

How I love when my thoughts run To the land of make believe Where everything is fun Forever.

If Agenda 2030 had to write a theme song, it is already accomplished above. Coincidence? Conspiracy? Does it matter? Agenda 2030 is described as universal, transformative, and rights-based. It is an ambitious plan of action for countries, the UN system, and all other actors. The agenda is the most comprehensive blueprint to date for eliminating extreme poverty, reducing inequality, and protecting the planet. This means equality for everyone. That's right. If you still refuse to accept what is coming you simply live in a land of your own make believe.

Today, some 49 years later as I wonder about the world we live in, I would have to ask is it real? It can't be a conspiracy because the government has told us what to believe and how to think. We live through life trying to make the most of each day, helping others when we can, and being a good citizen and family person by treating others as we wish to be treated. Yet, sometimes through life we have a sense or feeling we have been here before. Is this reality or a mental moment we live through? The good people who are law abiding, tax paying, honorable citizens are the targets of unfair decisions and laws. Maybe this is because the system knows we will continue to be just that.

I have family and friends, though fewer today than twenty years ago, who still live in the land of make believe and will do so until their death. They just can't seem to break away from the freeride or fairy tale of life. But I wonder to myself, what is the difference between them living a life riding the free train and others living the life where everything is a conspiracy? I have friends who believe every single word from the left is another conspiracy. You can't even have a conversation about the beautiful dandelions in the front yard because my friend is convinced, they are government listening devices and spying on him/her. They weren't in the yard all winter and only showed up in the spring. It must be a government conspiracy. Right? I mean these are the same spies who hide in your cell phone and push the pop up adds when they hear you talking about a topic. It is a person doing it, right? All I know is the person is really small and quick. (smile)

Imagine living in a world where you live in a 400 square foot home, have free food and water, no rent or utilities, or car payments. Perfect, right? You are paid $500 per month by the new government, which does not seem like very much however it is the same pay all your neighbors are getting also. You previously worked and earned $10,000 per month as a corporate manager. Why is it fair your new neighbor, who didn't have a job previously, is now earning the same $500 per month. They call this equality. Get used to it because it will be the real land and not one of make believe. The new world of no one being left behind. Teachers, presidents, firemen, janitors, astronauts, and all else, are equal. Same income, same status. One may be authoritative, subversive, a nerd or a jock, former cheerleader or bench warmer, but in the land of the make believe you will be anything you desire.

Have you ever dreamed of being a Princess or a Tooth Fairy? Maybe you dreamed of driving a bulldozer or being the engineer who hangs from a cable dangling from the helicopter piecing high rise towers together. Would you prefer being a frog, a deer, or maybe a butterfly? You can pick one for each day if you desire. Through virtual reality goggles and the land of make believe, you can be whoever and whatever you desire. Maybe you would prefer being the starting quarterback of a past Super Bowl winner. The point is, you are leaving the land of worry, stress, being bullied, and having to choose between food, shelter, and medicinal needs. Living in a world of equality you will no longer have these worries. In a virtual world of joy, happiness, love, and acceptance, there is no longer a grasp to what was once defined as true reality? We currently sense and for the few paying attention, a recognition of the rapid growth in the artificial intelligence and virtual reality world. How many of you visited a grandchild lately who was walking around with a headset playing games with other people located in other states or country?

It does seem a bit farfetched to think it would be possible to force 330 million Americans into the land of make believe. Crazy huh? Let's just pretend for a minute and look at some crazy conspiracy information.

Over the past 45 to 60 days, morticians are claiming a major increase in the number of bodies being presented for burial in the last year (2021). This claim was debunked by Politifact and Reuters. (yawn) Then we read articles stating death rates amongst 18–45-year-old citizens up 40% in last two quarters of 2021. Do you realize if this is in fact true, that is roughly 138.2 million humans being documented dead. Add another ballpark figure at roughly 900,000 deceased from Covid-19 or related to Covid-19 (per government definition). Let's keep our conspiracy moving along here and calculate some estimated numbers. The total US population is 330 million. Let's subtract the estimated number of Covid-19 related deaths from the 330 million and we have 329 million. Now, let's go with the 40% increase in deaths amongst 18–45-year-old humans which is an estimated 138.2 million and subtract from our populace of 329 million and we have about 190 million citizens alive in the US of A. Simply put, 330 mil - 1 mil - 138 mil = 190 mil. Nothing to see here, let's move along.

Years ago, around 2014, we discovered a document on the internet titled the Deagle Report. It has vanished from several sites but then appears again. Farfetched? Maybe. Conspiracy? Maybe. True? Maybe. If a conspiracy, I find it interesting the report has been updated annually to adjust numbers, nation by nation. The conspiracy is back in 2014 the report stated by the year 2025 the population of the United States would be 70 million people, down from 330 million. Since 2014, the 2025 population total has adjusted up to 100 million from 70 million. At 100 million, that would mean roughly 230 million Americans must vanish, leave, or die. Think about this, based on numbers from the previous paragraph the current population is 190 million citizens in 2022. That leaves another 90 million citizens who must leave, vanish, or die between now and 2025. Think about it, based on the above conspiracy we lost about 140 million people in the past two years. Hmmm. If the conspiracy is our media is in bed with the government and not reporting the truth, then how do we know what the total number of deaths truly could be? I know, there is no way the media would lie to the people. It's all a conspiracy. Check out the Deagle Report I'm speaking about:

Let us continue the conspiracy of reaching the land of make believe. How on earth can we get to the gates of Agenda 2030 and the land of fanatical reality. While we are transitioning to the next point to be made, let me ask you a question. Since we are so divided as a nation and folks refuse to be Americans before their political affiliation, is it possible a point or issue is labeled a conspiracy only because it doesn't align with a political party's agenda? An example could be how many on the right refuse to recognize or accept the title global warming in the manner it is defined by the left. Some on the left will say right leaning conservatives are conspiracy theorist on this topic. This list is never ending, left conspiracies and right conspiracies. Personally, I find it beyond hilarious when people look at me like I've lost my mind when I say "Agenda 2030" and maybe a sentence to what it is about. These CNN watching block heads who can't be convinced the dandelions in their front yard are seasonal and not spies, also can't figure out to go check out Agenda 2030 on their own. You see, the difference here is this. One side is drinking all the Kool-Aid being funneled down their throats while the other side does their own research and then uses videos, documents, and contracts, compiled to show others where the fantasy train is going. When you read the list of 17 major objectives (Sustainable Development Goals) Agenda 2030 seeks to achieve that pretty much justifies all of the conspiracies we see.

How can we streamline our current way of life to end up within the goals of Agenda 2030? We must design systems to achieve total control of society. If the current digital passport program is successful and citizens are registered under the system, the government or powers to be will have the ability to deploy a digital currency that can be controlled by those in power. Currently it will be used to determine who obeys the order to get vaccinated. We are already witnessing several major cities checking the phones of individuals to determine if they are vaccinated through their digital Q code which then shows the number of vaccinations and booster shots to date. Simply put, this is compliance with the order. With the current deployment of digital programs in the medical, banking, transportation, individual financial status, once tied together a single digital program can track, control, and monitor each citizen. Those who are not vaccinated and do not have the digital program on their phones will no longer be accepted as part of society. Currently they are denied entry to business locations, public transportation systems, and many others to follow soon. Even with recent court orders to stop mandates for vaccinations, the government and business world are proceeding forward with mandates. Obey or you will be labeled and punished.

Still believe Agenda 2030 and Sustainable Development goals is a conspiracy? What if I showed you a list of the current American cities who are signed up and aligning with the goals of the agenda? Would you still shake your head? Check out this list.

What is ICLEI? Local Governments for Sustainability is a global network of more than 2500 local and regional governments committed to sustainable urban development. Active in 125+ countries, we influence sustainability policy and drive local action for low emission, nature-based, equitable, resilient and circular development. Our members and team of experts work together through peer exchange, partnerships and capacity building to create systemic change for urban sustainability.

You are currently witnessing the war of words taking place in the digital world with voices against the vaccination mandates being blocked and de-platformed from different programs such as YouTube, Instagram, and others. Career professionals are being destroyed. Many are pro vaccination and spent much of their career developing and promoting vaccines. They are simply speaking against the current vaccines and post-covid 19 treatments being used. Even vaccinated people are choosing to defend the rights of the unvaccinated. Yet, they are being blocked and erased from major internet platforms. A loss of freedoms is being witnessed daily. You will comply or else. On certain platforms you can't use certain words or speak against the elites in power or else you are blocked and stripped of your 1st Amendment rights. Watch and listen. Go research how many elites are caught with no mask or social distancing, yet they are blocking and locking down others who have no voice to object. If this is incorrect then why are 100,000 truckers in Canada currently protesting the same thing I am writing about? And many of the truckers are vaccinated. Let's go to a bigger picture.

Have you followed the past few years of programs built by government agencies to help support the warfighter, fighter pilots, and others who may suffer serious brain injures? How about the software built to help law enforcement identify possible criminals before they commit a crime? And let's not forget facial recognition software every time you exit your vehicle at Wal Mart. Before you enter the store, many box stores already know you by name, your shopping habits, and if you are wanted by law enforcement. Now connect this with the government's ability to read every digital footprint you have left going back to the start of the Patriot Act around 2001. This would be phone calls, text messages, emails, social media posts, private messages, and anything else. Oh, let's not forget mail you send through the U.S. Postal Service is also scanned and recorded for historical data. What part of YOU NO LONGER HAVE PRIVACY do you not understand? A friend recently shared a story with me about a mutual friend who purchased a new high dollar vehicle. A dream for the owner. The first new vehicle owned by the buyer. Shortly after buying the vehicle the owner was backing up and a voice spoke up and told the driver to keep his eyes forward and on the road. A camera was monitoring the driver without his knowledge to this point. Everything around you are now "smart" devices, and they bring you loads of convenience while spying on you. I know, it's all a conspiracy. Imagine heading out across town to visit your child and halfway to your destination your car dies in the road. A voice speaks up and tells you that you exceeded your allotted mileage for the month. Maybe you live in an area that has installed the smart grid system with smart thermostats in homes. It is July and hotter than sin when your home air conditioning unit shuts down. After a few phone calls you learn your local utility company suspended your service to protect the overload on the are grid or maybe you simply keep your home to cool. You must ask is digital technology your friend and convenience or a controlling mechanism to keep you under the thumb of big brother?

Let's ask ourselves how on earth could a nation and the world achieve a global system to control the human race? Maybe a system like the one being used in China may work. What kind of conspiracy could this be? Have you heard of the Chinese Social Credit Scoring program? This isn't possible, is it? I mean just because the government can currently track you, what you say and do, buy, travel, write and say on the phone and social media, why would they do such a thing? I know, another conspiracy in the land of make believe where we all unite equally in our sustainable developed cities. .

The Chinese Social Credit scoring program is a national credit rating and blacklist being developed by the government of the People's Republic of China. The program initiated regional trials in 2009, before launching a national pilot with eight credit scoring firms in 2014. You can research this topic and find many different arguments of what the system actually is. Some pro and some con. It is listening to the testimonies of citizens describing the system that catches one's attention. Some say the Chinese government loosened some access to resources such as attending movie theaters, dancing, and other norms of the western culture, however, they deployed and tightened the control of freedom of speech. If you go against the existing policy the government, through digital access and monitoring, can cut off your access to funds, bank loans, jobs, public transportation, licenses, digital platforms and more. Imagine, your child has you on an email list and sends out news and other information to a group mailing list. Your son sends out a government bill being debated that he does not agree with. Under the social credit scoring system, if you don't immediately turn your son in for speaking negative about the government, you will be punished, as will your son, and all others on the email list. Basically, it is a citizen policing system being used by the government to control the populace. Now, this is a conspiracy of course and for me to suggest things of this nature because they are not already being used in the United States and would be another conspiracy. What is currently going on with Joe Rogan and his recent comments about the regime? How about Dan Bongino? What happened to the many historical statues and monuments in the past five years? What is happening at all the county school board meetings around America? Why are so many sports teams drinking the Kool-Aid and changing their sports teams name?

It would be so easy to miss all these points and simply smile to get free admittance to the Land of Make Believe. If you don't believe me just look around every day. In a make-believe world, imagine a set of elites who look at us as moochers and takers who create a global program and use a pandemic to achieve a global passport to then draw everyone under a digital personal credit scoring system. Sounds crazy except in the land of make believe, huh?

Okay, let's get back to reality and the place I would rather be in reality. Thanks for riding the pretend train with me again this week. If not already, it should be fairly clear to everyone the direction things are headed unless it is stopped. This is a global plan, and it will take a major effort to stop it, if at all.

Can things change? Of course. Just ask Moderna. A company that was 0 for 9 in bringing products to market, comes out with a vaccination purchased and distributed to millions around the world and who now has roughly 20 new products in the pipeline like the jab but for the flu and other ailments.

Let me ask you this. Will you stand to the end for truth, or will you drink the Kool-Aid to have the benefits of the earthly system?

Next week I will cover a third topic in the conspiracy world by addressing something I have been addressing for over two years. That being psychological psychosis. I will discuss a recent article by Dr. Joseph Mercola and his article titled How to create a pandemic of pure mental psychosis. It is real and not another crackpot title telling people they need another vaccine to cure it.

Next ....

The Power Grid - I'm sure many of you at some point read at least one or more Post-Apoc book where some rogue group launched the EMP to take out the US grid and the story covered all the pain and suffering to go with it. Scary stuff huh? Over the past three years I have introduced and often shared topics involving the US grid, its weakness, and future. I would encourage you to check out this interview with Vigilance Elite where Shawn Ryan interviews a 30-year utility lineman who covers several areas of interest involving our power, where it is headed, and problems along the way. This is very informative to where the future could be headed.

Next ...

I heard a great quote this week that is so powerful and true. It was quoted by one of the truckers standing for the world's freedom in Canada. The comment was "the honking will continue until freedom improves."

And those are my thoughts for the week.

Preparedness News

1. J.G Martinez D - The Organic Prepper - How to Create a Barter Network After the SHTF - The Organic Prepper - The potential for a bartering system is huge and outside the statement "I will barter when things are bad enough" is maybe the most pointed yet empty statement one can make. Why? Because most people lack the understanding of the history of bartering, local cultures where bartering may take place, and, if and when one should approach the topic of bartering with a potential business and/or customer. Check out this article and get some good pointers.

2. Old World Garden Farms - How To Build A Garden Fence To Keep Animals Out - 5 Tips That Work! ( - This is a hard lesson to learn when it happens. It's kind of like the person who says "I'm not worried about protection because I have never been mugged." Well, if you are planning to grow food for your menu and for canning you better address this topic now and not wait until you get four legged visitors.

3. From Tim Makay - Modern Survival Online - Winter Prep Checklist: Prepare Yourself, Your Home and Your Car ( - One can never have enough checklists. Another great source to cross-check with your existing paper copies for duplicate files.

4. From Prep School Daily - Prep School Daily: How To Substitute Honey for Sugar in Baking - This is a healthy suggestion and during a grid down situation a most likely capability.

5. From Prep School Daily - Prep School Daily: Hemostatic Agents to Stop Bleeding - One may wish to print this, read and learn it, then put a copy in the first aid kit or medical bag. Just saying.

Other News -

1. From Jesse Newman and Jaewon King - Wall Street Journal - U.S. Food Supply Is Under Pressure, From Plants to Store Shelves - WSJ - As I continue watching the implosion of our nation; economy, culture, education, morals, and anything else you wish to throw in the bucket, it reminds me of the man stranded on the rooftop as the flood waters rise. A rowboat floats by and offers to rescue the man and the stranded man replies, "you go ahead, God is going to send a rescue team to get me." Many folks will wash away awaiting a video on YouTube showing their home floating downstream. I'm simply saying to many smart people are thinking and waiting on someone else to tell them it is going to be okay. Good luck with that strategy. Bless you.

2. From Jeff Thompson - The Organic Prepper - DC Asks Shoppers to Start Rationing Food: Is This Just the Beginning? ( - Interesting how stories of shortages are popping up all over the world and now officials are even warning citizens to stockpile and/or rationing food.

3. From Jim Rickards - Massive Reversal (Financial Markets):

4. From Julie Kelly - American Greatness - Did the Justice Department Lie About Pence and Harris’ Location on January 6? › American Greatness ( - The longer time passes the more questions arise to the true events of Jan 6, 2021. The pathetic part of this and what should be a real eye opener to Americans

I often hear HFS Patriots mention the Black Robe Regiment pastors during conversations on faith. Pastor Baldwin is a voice we have followed the past twelve years ago.

Drum roll...........

That's all my Patriot brothers and sisters.

Prayers - Please keep our great nation, our elected leaders, military and first responders in your thoughts and prayers. We pray for good health and wisdom. Please pray for our leadership to find answers and guidance to the problems facing our great nation. May your faith remain strong and answers to the unknown provided. God is good and may our prayers blanket and protect you and your circumstances. I pray for each, and every one of our Patriots.

May we pray for all the blessings and things in life to be thankful about and continued hope for revival around the world. We must continually pray for the unsaved, our family and friends who live each day without the protection for eternal life and salvation.

The struggle with Covid-19 continues as several HFS families are going through the protocol to recovery. From Central Alabama to Huntsville, Atlanta to Western North Carolina, Patriots are still ill and attempting to recover from illness. Please keep them in your thoughts and prayers. If you have been down this path you know it is not over when the protocol ends. We pray for your strength and quick recovery. Take care of yourself and focus on you through this process.

We are thankful for the good news on our Patriot brother in Florida who is on the recovery end of Covid-19 and pneumonia. It was great seeing him and his dear wife on Thursday evening zoom. We continue praying for your complete recovery and a safe trip home.

Please keep our Patriot brother in Huntsville, AL in your prayers as he faces medical decisions and some tough decisions ahead. Keep the faith, brother.

Even with all the worldly challenges, struggles, and heartbreaks we must always give thanks for the blessings in our own life and our family each day. Life can be hard and sometimes unfair to us, but we still have many things to be thankful for each day. We must not forget them.

We all must pray strong and often for the citizens of our great nation. Many of our sisters and brothers are struggling daily with things they witness, encounter, and are surprised with out of the norm. Many times, we are in unchartered areas, however, we still must keep our faith and focus on the big picture. Our prayers and faithful strength together will be required often to battle the evils being thrown upon all of us minute by minute.

As Patriots we must stay strong and never give up. Our home, community, and nation need us now more than ever. Stay focused on your local community and things that will impact you around the nation. Don't allow the events around you to create fear in your life. Build your own self-reliance and focus on hope. Remember we are a blessed nation, and we must continue to be great people today and make a better tomorrow. Keep charging.


Bravo Echo Out,

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