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Patriot Express Newsletter Edition #162

Greetings and welcome to the Patriot Express Newsletter Edition #162. Thanks for stopping by to spend a few minutes with us. It was a crazy week for me, and I'm rushed to get all the HFS task completed on time. Typically, the newsletter is finished by Wednesday and Thursday is edit day, and every other week HFS host the virtual Zoom call which was last night. Events this week didn't allow me to start the newsletter until Thursday and luckily a good friend agreed to appear on zoom as a guest which saved me from more work on zoom topics. Isn't amazing how the stars can align even when the sky is cloud covered?

We continue to receive more bad news from around the nation. Crime is out of control, shortages in many areas such as of diesel fuel baby formula, wheat, corn, fertilizer to grow food, auto parts delayed, and more. The DOW tanked all week, and many retirees are sweating their losses. Shall I continue? What are you doing about it to protect your family? You can call my words fear porn. I'm calling it being honest. If it honesty scares you, I suggest you start this paragraph over and read it again. Just kidding.

You need to be alert to the dates May 22 - 29th, 2022. Stay alert to the upcoming vote on the UN Treaty where the U.S. will likely vote in favor of handing over your health care to the UN for a global program. Remember, equality and global. Do you feel comfortable with the World Health Organization making decisions on your health care availability? Last evening in our HFS Zoom Rally, Festus tabled the question of how a treaty can be changed, amended, or sovereignty turned over from a nation to a global organization without a Senate discussion, debate, or vote. Festus researched the question overnight and provided this input to this topic. "By amending an existing health treaty, called the International Health Regulations of 2005 (IHR), they are able to bypass U.S. Senate approval, which means no public debate and no media coverage of this sovereignty-killing power grab. It will all be done under the cloak of darkness in Geneva, Switzerland, when the WHO World Health Assembly meets May 22-28." US citizens better get on the phone and contact their state elected officials and voice displeasure with this choice for our nation.

Heritage Life Skills is one week away and if you haven't signed up, your time is running out quickly. I believe the final signup cutoff is May 14th. It is a great opportunity for training and a chance to meet new friends who will stay with you or life. You can find more below. Find some classes you would like and come spend a few days with us.

Okay, let us move along.

Thursday Zoom Rallies – Zoom call #88 was conducted with a special guest speaker discussing the importance of the mindset and why it is important. He also discussed the world today. Thanks to those who could attend.

Communications: You can now follow HFS social media on the following outlets:

Facebook – Hope for Survival

YouTube Channel – Hope for Survival

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Check out the newest HFS YouTube video at this link. If you have not, please hit subscribe and support our efforts to get the preparedness message out. Thanks.

Connect and give me a shout. Share with family and friends.

Guest and Newcomers

If you are a guest or newcomer to the HFS journey, please check out this link for additional

Hope for Survival books and HFS Thumb Drive for Emergency Documents -: You can obtain information on the two HFS books at this link: Survival, Preparedness, Disaster Management for individuals or family (

Hope for Survival - How Food, Water, Shelter, and Security Could Save Your Life (Book 1)

Hope for Survival - The Mindset (Book 2)

HFS Thumb Drive for Emergency Documents - We just restocked the HFS Thumb drive and have them available now. Follow this link and you will see the add at the top of the page. Blog | Survival (

Heritage Life Skills 2022 - Waynesville, NC, May 20-22 - TIME IS RUNNING OUT!!! Class schedule and signups are posted for your review and selection. Once again, the price for a full weekend attendance or single day visit can't be beat. This is a very affordable opportunity for loads of preparedness training and information. Not to mention, you will meet some amazing people who become friends for life in many cases. Here is the link to view this year's classes, class schedules, and instructor bios. Upcoming Events | Carolina Readiness | Preparedness & Camping Store If you have questions, please call the Carolina Readiness Supply at 828-456-5310.

If you would like to sign up for classes taught by Hope for Survival at this event, here's the posted HFS dates, times, and classes being taught.

Thursday, May 19, 2022 - HFS Potluck Dinner (time to be determined)

Friday, May 20, 2022 - 830 AM to 1130 AM - Preparedness 101

Friday, May 20, 2022 - 1 PM - 230 PM - Preparedness 102

Friday, May 20, 2022 - 3 PM - 430 PM - Vetting New Members (New Class)

Saturday, May 21, 2022 - 830 AM - 1130 AM - Preparedness 101

Saturday, May 21, 2022 - 1 PM - 230 PM - Preparedness 102

Saturday, May 21, 2022 - 3 PM - 430 PM - Psychological Preparedness (New Class)

Sunday, May 22, 2022 - 830 AM - 10 AM - Vetting New Members (New Class)

Sunday, May 22, 2022 - 10:30 AM - 1200 PM - Protecting Your Five Mile Radius

Sunday, May 22, 2022 - 1 PM - 230 PM - Psychological Preparedness (New Class)

We must make this brief public announcement to protect the innocent.

Ding, Ding, Ding....Attention HFS readers..... Opinions shared in this newsletter are just that, opinions, and nothing more. Read at your own risk. The owner and author of this site is not responsible for hurt feelings or thin-skinned readers. I do my best to show restraint and respect to the best extent possible. I take as many precautions as possible and try to remain as nonpolitical as possible, however, there are times when I just can't help but point certain things out. Occasionally I use words only Patriots recognize and understand. It's not personal against any non-Patriot. It's just the truth. Sometimes we must pull up our spenders and suck it up. Just saying. Stay the course, read what you want, and avoid the rest. Avoid fear porn as much as possible and the day will be okay. When all else fails… Keep the faith and always have Hope.

Let’s move along and get to some thoughts...

Thoughts for the week - Relax. Pull up a chair and let me share some thoughts with you about my amazing week.

This week's theme is about adapting and overcoming your situation while making the most of given opportunities to spend quality time with people you can learn from and respect. Your mindset is the greatest tool in your inventory. How you use it could make the difference.

It was a very busy week with lots going on as the journey through May continues. Like last week, I spent part of my week in northern Alabama and the rest at home in East, Tennessee. Regular readers know how much I enjoy spending time with fellow Patriots this was a special week indeed. I had the honor of spending a few hours with three of our HFS Patriots. It is never a dull moment with lots to hear and learn when we get time together. Life is blessed.

I got to share breakfast with our Patriot sister from Indiana as she passed through my area journeying to another location. She is a hoot. We spent several hours discussing our faith, preparedness, and the world today. She shared some of the training she has been a part of getting more skilled in tactics and equipment associated with the skill. She also shared some of her outstanding knowledge of herbs and medicinal plants as well as doing a podcast for the HFS YouTube channel. It is never a dull moment when meeting up and hearing the things she has to share. Do you ever talk with someone about faith and when the topic of faith comes up their eyes light up? I really appreciate her taking the time to stop and share a meal. Getting here she journeyed through bad weather which delayed her by several hours. Thanks for your time and information shared. I look forward to our next get together.

I spent several days in Huntsville, AL this week working on site. After two years of telework, it is definitely different being back in the facility. I did get to see a former Air Force brother who now works as one of the lead security professionals for the FBI, designing security plans for existing and new structures. He brought a new emergency management employee to my work area for me to train on how I built the program I currently work which is building plans for emergency conditions to keep employees safe. It was great to spend time with my friend as well as offer support to another professional on how to build the program. The ultimate goal is always to keep employees safe, so they go home to their family at the end of each day. Isn't it interesting how the government, corporations, states, and counties, spend millions of dollars to keep people safe, yet, in most cases people mope around complaining when they are expected to practice the emergency plan. People trying to save people and they complain about it if the are required to exert some energy or thought. Attitude and mindset.

Being in Huntsville allowed me to spend some time with two of our HFS Patriots for dinner. I'm always all ears when with this husband-and-wife duo because each minute is a learning opportunity. You can count on it. I learned how to use the dashboard of a car to dehydrate vegetables. Sound crazy? It works. Place a towel on the dashboard, then place tinfoil on a pan or cookie sheet, put your vegetables on the tinfoil, and then place on the dashboard. She shared it would take about two hours dependent on the temperature and cloud cover. How about that? Enginuity to adapt and overcome.

Our Patriot brother is enduring serious health issues so getting time together was a blessing. Anytime we can get together right now is an honor and I appreciate their effort to come out and share a meal with me. We had great discussions on faith and life. I learned a lot about his childhood, working on all the old electronics from televisions, radios, refrigerators, as well as the strength of his faith. Even though this family is facing a lot, it was good to see a smile and hear a chuckle. My life is truly blessed to have such loyal and faithful people to be surrounded by. I look forward to our next dinner together in two weeks. God has blessed my life in so many ways over the years and crossing a path with these two would be on the list of blessings.

I traveled back to East TN midweek and have a mound of things to address and get accomplished. Just before I departed for my trip to Bama a big storm passed through our area and took down two large trees and an apple tree. Now I must get the trees cut up and cleaned up during this stay at home.

The garden is in a questionable state right now and I'm not sure if the problem is the toxicity of the mushroom compost or it is a hydration problem. I plan to add some additional dirt between the plant and the compost to see if it helps. The nitrogen level coming from the compost could be to high and hopefully some added dirt will help. My turnips, radishes, and spaghetti squash surfaced above ground nice and green and then started turning yellow. I will keep you posted. The sweet potatoes, tomato plants, beets, green beans, broccoli, and cauliflower all appear to be fine in different boxes. The plants in the two hay bales, cucumbers and zucchini, in one hay bale looks good so far, but the cantaloupe is looking rough in the other bale.

The blueberry bushes are showing a productive season at this point, but I must get my netting over them ASAP because the birds are licking their beaks waiting for the final product. We have lots of birds hanging around and the berry bushes always seems to be close to their perch.

I don't know if you grow a garden or have the ability to have planter boxes to grow some food in, but I would encourage you to think outside the box and find a way to get started. I wiseman use to say "can't never could do nothing" and that is true to this day.. Attitude is key in all you do and you do not know if you can't until you try. The system around you is failing the people and your ability to have food could depend on what you grow to feed yourself. It you don't agree you may wish to turn the channel to something else more beneficial to your well being. Dehydration kills plants and depression kills humans. If you need motivation turn on some Richard Simmons work out videos. Don't be your own worst enemy.

Your attitude is essential to get things done. One of the many blessings I receive from Hope for Survival are all the positive attitudes. People doing good things to build their own preparedness plans or helping others out around their community. Positive attitudes can be infectious. I know you don't want to hear it, but it is true. When we go for our annual physical and the doc walks in the room, we want good uplifting news, right? "Congratulations Wilson, you've lost 20 lbs., your hair is growing back, and you no longer need blood pressure meds. Great job."

Sometimes it may seem very bad, and it could be, but how we see it and then adjust to it can determine our own outcome to the situation. Right? Example: this past trip to Huntsville, I had reservations to a local hotel at $90 per night. It was in a prime area within 1 mile of the new Toyota baseball stadium and new shopping areas. So one would think all is good and this is a good area to choose. I pack a cooler with food to cover me for the duration because I typically have HFS work to do in the evening unless I specifically set up a dinner during the visit. I noticed the parking lot was full and the establishment was booked up. That is always a good sign.

I get to my room and start unloading and unpacking when I discover the refrigerator didn't work. I went to call the front desk to report the problem and discovered the phone didn't work either. Oh, the light on the nightstand didn't work either but it was unplugged. So, I grabbed a few gallon freezer baggies (in my preparedness backpack) to go find the ice machine to put in my cooler. Ice machine number 1, uhm, not working. Ice machine number 2, ouch, not working either. I then head for the front desk and brief the young clerk and he says with a big smile, "I will write up a ticket and someone will address it in the morning, along with my fridge and the phone."

Okay, not a good start for the week. I call Ms. Lucy to share the news of this place and she suggested I check out and find another place, but I told her I would stick it out. Ahhh, it only got worse. That's right, adapt and overcome. Maybe dealing with a bit of adversity would be good. A challenge maybe? It wasn't the best situation, but it wasn't the end of the world. Remember, $90 per night plus tax. Maybe it was good the phone and refrigerator didn't work or the room could have been $95? $100? The A/C worked, though it sounded like train arriving and departing the stations every fifteen minutes or so through the night. I kept hearing a voice in my head saying "suck it up buttercup" which was a line a former military coworker used to tell us when in field conditions and we had to shower or field bathe with cold water. Life is good, right?

I noticed some paint peeling off the bathroom ceiling and some water damage around the bathtub the first morning but the shower worked great, so the other wasn't important. I did notice a soft spot on the floor of the bathtub while showering and I hoped I didn't fall through the tub. This wouldn't be good at all. I had good hot water and shower pressure so the tub was secondary to the task at hand. Press on troop, it could be worse.

For some odd reason, this week I traveled with my handy dandy percolator coffee maker because it was going to be my own body armor for the week. I sensed this before departing home. A good hot cup of coffee can make things all better. I showered and prepped my coffee to carry to work and then went to clean out the percolator and grounds. Ahhh, never assume this will be an easy task. I could have dumped it all out in the parking lot and I'm sure no one would have noticed. I dumped the coffee grounds in the garbage and then wipe out the coffee grounds basket and go to rinse it and the percolator. Uh oh, the sink is not draining properly. The sink took 20 to 30 minutes to drain completely. Would I need to use the bathtub as my sink? Adapt and overcome, right? One is none, two is one, and three is better. Sink, tub, and toilet. Three water sources that would drain to some degree. I was starting to think I was at a 72-hour preparedness camp to test my abilities.

It's now Monday. I arrive back to my room ready for lunch and I can't get the credit card type door card to unlock the door. Nope, it will not work. Every time I try, I get the red light of failure. I stop and smile because I realized this meant another trip to the main office for a new door key card. I walk in and I see the same smiling kid from 24 hours prior. Just like a well-groomed and trained corporate voice, I tell him my issue and he gives me another door card. I finally get to my room, and I see no one stopped by to fix any of the problems I identified to the front desk the previous night. I went and grabbed more ice from a local store to keep my food cool in the cooler. I didn't get robbed and no one attempted to enter the room on the first night. I was good and life was good. Now I would not have remained at this place if Ms. Lucy had been with me. For some crazy reason, I kept having a flash back in my mind of the original Psycho movie and the front desk clerk. Yikes.

On day two, for fun, I sent some pictures of the problems to Ms. Lucy, and she immediately said "get out of that place and go to another location. Hmmm, why? Sure, a nicer room would have been better, but life isn't always about everything suiting us, right? I mean it was $90 and in a nice area. It couldn't be that bad, could it?

On day 3, my final day, I got curious about the bathtub soft spot on the floor. After showering and packing up to check out, I went to the tub and noticed the shower mat on the floor of the tub was glued down but the water had broken it loose. A degree of mold was built up under the mat where it had not been cleaned. I pulled it back further and found a 15-inch crack in the bathtub floor. Wow. Glad I didn't fall through to the floor. This would explain why the trim on the exterior bottom had water damaged. Even with the mat, the tub was leaking and damaging the floor and molding. Yes, both kinds of molding. The designer kind and the bacteria kind.

The internet was so bad in this place it wouldn't even open the website editor so I could start working on this week's newsletter. When I asked the smiling clerk at the front desk if the internet was just running slow, he smiled and said "we just upgraded the internet recently." He didn't need to say anything further. I think if I had reported finding a body in my room he would have smiled and said, "a ticket was opened, and management will deal with the problem tomorrow."

I loaded my truck and departed for good. I survived and life was good. The past three days was now a memory. It wasn't so bad and it was only half of my week. I knew when I arrived home back to Tennessee my list of weekly task continued and I also faced two downed trees from the previous weeks storm. The trees, about 60 to 70 feet in height would need to be dealt with this trip home. Thank goodness for our community chain saw team which is part of our neighborhood security team, would come through to help with the task at hand. It is important to be thankful for the people and things around you at all times.

Since departing the hotel, I asked myself, when things tank and we, as citizens lose many of the niceties of life, how will we handle things? This goes to our mindset and the acceptance of a changed world we live in. Our attitude will be part of how we see things and handle each change and setback. Are you ready? This will be a time where money, credit cards, and connections, will not change what we are dealing with. This could easily be the difference in surviving or not. This also shows why having a team or community to help out is important.

I would encourage you to practice now. Throw the switch to your breaker box and see how well you handle a 72-hour grid down situation. Use your resources and learn how you can handle it before the real thing happens. Can you boil water? Can you build a fire? Do you have a way to keep food cool or cold without electricity? Do you have a backup plan for water and sanitation?

Sometimes our mind can play tricks on us and our aging can limit desires expected from where our mind leads us. It is reality and we must face it. Another big area to accept is if you have not lived a certain way in life, don't expect your adaption to be easy to a new way of life in the post-SHTF environment. It is a huge adjustment both mentally and physically. Why was it so easy for me to laugh at the conditions of the place of lodging? Sure, I expected it to be better, but it wasn't. Adapt and overcome. Sure, why not. It's not as easy as typing the words. I simply reminded myself of prior conditions I lived through during my military life in Special Operations and third world locations. What will you do when you wake up with no power and no prior plans to overcome freezing temperatures? No generator, back up sources for heat, or any other method to survive?

I was in this situation years ago in Poland during the winter months but unexpected freezing temperatures which went against the forecast. Our only option was to strip down to our shorts and place human bodies against one another to use the body heat to keep from freezing. It works. Your pride and ego may get tarnished a bit because of some choices you may need to make for you and your family to survive. What you do now could prevent these measures and what you have to do later when you didn't prepare. Your finances, ego, status, or standing amongst friends will not come in handy when everyone else is in the same situation. So, like many previous times, I ask you, what are you going to do to take steps to prepare you and your family?

For $90 I can tell you how? Be ready, you never know when you have to apply the one is none, two is one, and three is better, practice. Even when life isn't perfect for us, how we adjust, and handle things can be the difference of being miserable or surviving. Your pride may be the only payment available to save your life.

Next ...

The last two weeks I provided you information to consider when building your five-mile radius and things you should include in your Risk Assessment to get information on determining your threats and where you are vulnerable. I previously covered the human and geographic terrain. This week am covering the local town or city near you that could provide both positive and negative issues impacting your five-mile radius. Here's some questions to consider and find answers to the questions.

Now let us work on the information you will need on your community economics. This information helps feed data to all the areas. Failures in other areas can impact the results in this area. Here are the areas of interest you want to gather information:

1. Identify the major job providers in your community. Why? This will help you to understand the big picture and tell you how many citizens could be impacted during economic downturns as well as the voting power in local and state elections. I have read how union bosses impose voting restrictions on employees by directing them who to vote for. Also remember my points previously on owners, renters, and homelessness.

2. What types of industry do you have in your county? Certain types of industry invites outsiders to your community to fill jobs. Depending on the industry pay scale, it could invite lower wage workers which could impact other socio-economic areas.

3. What service industries in your community are dependent on local industrial production?

4. What is the unemployment numbers in your community? Cross check this with job ads to see if the available jobs match the unemployment figures. I also research graduation rates in local high schools. Often individuals who do not graduate or remain at home instead of attending college will be part of the work force for local industry.

5. Do you know the trends or indicators regarding economic stability in your community? You may live in a high-tech area, yet offer a lower skilled work force. This means new employees will be moved in from another area or country. Over time this can change the community culturally. If high-tech crashes or slows and these workers are now forced to take lower paying jobs or go unemployed, you will see additional negative problems facing your community.

6. What factors could threaten future economic stability? National level elections can change the economic stability. Factory closures caused by outsourcing jobs can bring your community to its knees.

7. Identify the distribution of socioeconomic levels. Is your community lower, medium, or upper class or two of the three, or all the above?

8. Where are the manufacturing plants compared to your five-mile radius? Will your direct area be impacted by traffic, crime, or less than desirable individuals because of the industry near you?

9. Do you know which economic infrastructures are related to the political infrastructure? Often, a newly elected politician works to bring in new business and the new business becomes the politicians pet plant.

Yes, this is a time-consuming process and it takes work. If you truly wish to have a clear understanding of what is around you, good and bad, going through the process is important. This is your decision and how things turn out could be determined by your effort now.

And that's my thoughts for the week....

Preparedness News –

1. Old World Garden Farms - 7 Easy Strawberry Jam Recipes - Traditional, All Natural, & Sugar-Free ( - Did I hear a big "yum, yum" across the net waves? Strawberry jam could be considered one of the best. My MIL (Bubba) just made about 8 jelly jars full of strawberry jam during her visit. Here's seven good and easy recipes to put some jam in your stocked resources.

2. From Ryan M - The Tiny Life - Make Your Pantry Feel Twice As Big: How To Decant Pantry Items - The Tiny Life - Looking for a way to gain space for more storage? Check this out. Ryan lives in a tiny house and focusing on what to store, how to store it, and how much to store, is part of the game plan. Think outside the box and this could also apply in apartments, town homes, and other small living conveniences.

3. From Morgan - Rogue Preparedness - How to Be Prepared for No Water - What if the Water Stops Flowing? ( - Have you been keeping tabs on the water shortage in the Western US of A? Water is not a given fellow Patriots. What is your back up plan?

4. From Denielle G - Mind 4 Survival - A Single Mom’s Perspective on Prepping (2022) - Mind4Survival - Great read for ladies or anyone living alone for that matter. Good points made to consider.

5. From Jacquelline - Deep Roots at Home - Formula Shortage & A Nutritious Homemade Baby Formula Recipe ( - Nearly 60 years ago we put man on the moon. We built the Golden Gate Bridge, the Twin Towers, transplanted pig parts to humans, yet, we have a national baby formula shortage in America. Planned? Maybe. The providers of several formula companies say the fix to the problem is several months away. In the meantime, parents should feed children what? Another great example of why preparing matters.

Other News -

1. From Kit Knightly - Off-Guardian - The EU Army is on the horizon – OffGuardian ( - Interesting article. Think about it, a European Army. Why not? Most nations own their own military so why not the continent of Europe? Maybe with an European Army the need for NATO could diminish? (Thanks Festus for this submission)

2. From Stephen Lepore - The Daily Mail - Growing number of Americans are being left with potentially deadly allergy to MEAT due to tick bites | Daily Mail Online - Wow, imagine being allergic to the sausage in gravy. No more hot dogs or hamburgers. Run for the hills, Forest. Good article. I hope this problem stays out of my neighborhood. Would it be possible for big brother to alter the impact of tic bites? Hmmm. Stop and think about what this article is saying. Humans developing allergic reactions to meat from a tic bite. Does this not sound like a scary movie where humans play with science and end up creating delivery systems that turns and wipes out the human race. (Thanks Festus for this submission)

3. From Brandon Campbell - Ultimate Survival - The Final Straw: What Is America’s Tipping Point and What are You Prepared to Do When it comes? (IT’S HERE NOW – PIX ILLUSTRATES OUR DIVIDED NATION ACCURATELY-THE ONLY ONES STANDING BETWEEN FULL ON BATTLE-LEO’S,THATS WHY THE DEFUNDING PUSH ) – Ultimate-Survival ( - I see this question often and as time passes, I find my previous position worsening. Truthfully, I see more and more females (moms) stepping out to take on the system, mainly involving their children and the school systems. Where are the men? Yea, I know, when the men hit a certain point they will explode and say enough is enough. Really? I am not convinced. I'm not sure the males of America simply quit and want to stay home and be left alone. (Thanks Festus for this submission)

4. From Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - Prepare For More Chinese Capital Controls As Exodus Worsens | ZeroHedge - No one is asking the million dollar question, "why did the US government, both parties, allow the US to become so dependent upon resources produced in China? Ahh, cheaper illegal labor to make a bigger profit in the US? Shame on us. Now we are reaping the consequences of a very bad policy.

5. From Tristain Justice - The Federalist - As Gas Prices Set New Records, Biden Nukes More Oil And Gas Projects - Conservative Review - Think about this title alone. The leader of the free world stops production of a resource when fuel prices at record highs. Self inflicted pain upon Americans seems to be a common practice from the top of our government yet no one is asking why.

Drum roll...........

That's all my Patriot brothers and sisters.

Prayers - Please keep our great nation, our elected leaders, military and first responders in your thoughts and prayers. We pray for good health and wisdom. Please pray for our leadership to find answers and guidance to the problems facing our great nation. May your faith remain strong and answers to the unknown provided. God is good and may our prayers blanket and protect you and your circumstances. I pray for each, and every one of our Patriots.

May we pray for all the blessings and things in life to be thankful about and continued hope for revival around the world. We must continually pray for the unsaved, our family and friends who live each day without the protection for eternal life and salvation.

Please keep our Patriot brother and sister in Northern Alabama in your prayers. We also need to pray for our Patriot sister and her family in Western, N.C. as they mourn the loss of their teenage child. This is a painful period for the family and our prayers are much needed. We also need to pray for our Patriot sister in Northern Alabama who took a tumble this week and is now dealing with a fractured collar bone. Get well sister.

As Patriots we must stay strong and never give up. Our home, community, and nation need us now more than ever. Stay focused on your local community and things that will impact you around the nation. Don't allow the events around you to create fear in your life. Build your own self-reliance and focus on hope. Remember we are a blessed nation, and we must continue to be great people today and make a better tomorrow. Keep charging.


Bravo Echo Out,

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